Venus Resurrection Easter Program

Sun 15 Apr 2001, 1 Resurrection (Venus), 1 Reed (Sacred Round)

An Easter Venus Resurrection program to celebrate the rising of Venus on the day 1 Resurrection (Venus) and 1 Reed (Sacred Round) was held at Thanksgiving Point, Lehi, Utah. At the time of this event, it was known only that 1 Reed was the birth date of Jesus Christ, but later it was discovered that that is also the day which represents resurrection on the Sacred Round. Those two dates only both fall on Easter Sunday once in the 7,000 years since Adam, so it truly seemed to be an event worth celebrating. The weather was totally clear and Venus was observed to rise exactly at 5:52 a.m. (as printed on the program) through the notch atop Mt. Timpanogos. It was breathtaking to see it burst brightly into view right on the end of our countdown.

Another purpose of the event was to both announce the importance in our day of the Native American Sacred Round and also the discovery of the Venus Calendar which is so important to Native Americans. It felt like it was a kick-off event for the Native American Millennium.

Each attendee (see list below) receive an autographed souvenir program (see below), numbered with their birth date on the Sacred Round. It was an event to remember. Special thanks go to Alan and Karen Ashton who not only graciously allowed us to use their facilities, but also had the waterfalls turned on to complete the natural beauty of the location. Special thanks also go to D. W. Marsh and Merle C. Marsh III for composing a special hymn just for this occasion: "The Bright and Morning Star" (see below).

Ronald P. Millett and John P. Pratt at 2001 Easter Venus Resurrection Sunrise Service at Thanksgiving Point, Lehi, Utah

L-R: D. W. Marsh, David Pratt, ?, Merle Cunnington (came from Calif.), Ron Millett, Rusty Johnson

James Pratt could not attend, so the Opening Prayer was given by his son Michael (1 Reed) Pratt

Attended Easter Venus Rising, Sun 15 Apr 2001, Lehi, Utah
Ahlstrom, Stephanie Hamblin, David Parker, Janean
Allen, Joseph Hansen, Harold Parker, Mary
Allen, Rhoda Hansen, John Parker, Steven
Ashton, Alan Hansen, Margaret Peterson, Angela
Ashton, Karen Harding, Lance Peterson, Robert A.
Barrett, Jesse Henager, Rick Pratt, David
Bartlett, Eric Hennessey, Sean Pratt, John P.
Blodgett, Terry Hepworth, Julie Kay Pratt, Joseph B.
Briggs, Adela Holsinger, Mindy Pratt, Kathryn W.
Briggs, Dennis B. Hopkins, Bill Pratt, Michael
Briggs, John Hunter, Calvin Pratt, Ruth
Buckner, Kent Jenson, Eric Pratt, Sheralyn
Burrows, Jonathan Jenson, Janean Pratt, Steven
Burrows, Malia Jim (Security Guard) Redd, Bruce
Burrows, Marc Johnson, Rusty Redd, Karen
Burrows, Naomi Johnson, Steven Reid, Frank
Burrows, Nathaniel Johnston, Mrs. Richard Reid, Julie
Carpenter, K. Kunzler, Wesley Robinson, Bill
Christensen, Julie Larsen, Wayne A. Ryan, Ralph
Clemons, Peter Layton, R. Tim Shepherd, Leslie
Coons, Sharon Lee, Ron Sierra
Crosby, Roy Manchak, John B. Shumway, Jesse
Cunnington, Merle Marsh, D. W. Shurtz, Kelly
Curtin, Roy Merrill, Cameron Southworth, Kerry
Eckstrom, Buck Merrill, Thomas Stauffer, Cymony
Erickson, Herbert McOmber, David I. Stewart, David
Fenn, Carmen Middleton, Chuck Sumsion, Linda
Fenn, James, Sr. Millett, Ron Tietjen, Bruce
Fenn, Jared Morgan, Jim Tietjen, Crystal
Fenn, Laura Muirhead, Kathy Watkins, Kisi
Fenn, Pattee Munsey, Michelle Whipple, Weldon
Gileadi, Avraham Nagy, Janet Wilbur, Mr.
Gollaher Mark Nelson, Susan Wilbur, Sharon
Goodman, Carl Nielsen, Doug Wilcox, Elizabeth
Gregory, Jason Norman, Cheryl Wilcox, Harold
Griffith, Dave Norman, Garth Williams, Doris
Groesbeck, Alan Olsen, Celeste Young, Deanna
Gunderson, Phyllis Parker, Craig