John Pratt & Ruth McOmber, 14 Feb 1970
John & Ruth Pratt, 14 Feb 2010

For My Sweetheart Ruth

Just let me lose myself deep in your eyes.
Once opening your soul to my deep love, our
Happiness will have a span above the
Never-ending depth of night time's skies.

Life's beauty has become more vivid. Scenes
Once overlooked now thrill me as I see the
Vast inspiring view. And you're the means,
Enlightening my eager eyes for me to
Share with you life's subtle artistry.

Resplendently your radiant beauty beams,
Uniting underlying strength with all
The loving tenderness to so enthrall my
Heart to kindle hope for all my dreams.

by John P. Pratt
14 February 1970

The above sonnet-like poem has two acrostics in it. If you don't see both acrostics, click here. For an explanation of what an acrostic poem is, see my main Poetry page.