Letter from Fred H. Worsley to Dad and Brother

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Salt Lake Jan 23rd, 1925

Dear Dad and Joe: —

I have been trying to write and tell you something since Xmas but gee I am a busy boy lately. You don't know Dad how wonderful it is to hear from you on Xmas in the way you do things. I never have seen Eva quite so enjoy a Christmas and I know it was simply because you sent her the check direct. She is one of the grandest mothers that ever lived and as time goes on I can see that there must have been some Divine Providence that joined us together. We are absolutely united on everything that concerns the raising of our family and Dad you sure would enjoy your grandchildren. Sylvia is now a big girl and her examination card showed very high marks. Anna is working after schools at the Public Library: Katherine has now completed her high school and works at the Western Union, making a good salary. Price goes to school and carries a paper route and is making a fine boy — only he is kind of at the lazy age, but a dear fellow and last night he was the hero of the basket ball game. They played some other champs here and the score was tied up to the last minute when Price made the deciding basket as the last moment. He feels pretty cocky this morning and we glory in his pride. Buss is in Los Angeles and did not come home for Xmas as he could no afford it and neither could we. You can't imagine how much it takes to keep our children going and while we do the best we can we fall short each month of enough to fully satisfy everybody. Eva makes some wonderful clothes and dressses for our youngsters but at that we have to economize at every angle. So you see Dad what a wonderful thing your Xmas present always makes for us and I feel so good about your being able to send it. I hope you can spare it without crimping yourself and I wish I could do something equally as nice for you and Joe. Did you get the little box of Stogies? Buss says you liked them and I so wanted to send you something that would give you a little pleasure. Your a dear old Daddy and I want you to be so happy every day. I wish you could come out. I would try to come back for a visit but it is almost impossible as the expense even with passes would set me back one month at least and I simply cannot take it away from my debts here. Eva is wonderful when it comes to making money go a long ways and we are anything but extravagant but we just simply get by and thats all.

We had a fine Xmas. All the children were well and we had our usual tree: All decorated and with 24 electric lights. Price and I usually do the work. It is wonderful time and I always remember our times at home as mother and you were always so good to your boys at Xmas. I remember the time you bought us the hip boots and I landed at the door just as you had to throw them under the piano at 449 West Van Buren Street. I felt so bad to think that you were Santa Claus and it shattered one of my little dreams. I guess I must have been about 7 or 8.

New Years Night Eva and I stayed right at home and listened to the bells and whistles (after we had been asleep for a couple of hours) and we know little of the big times and parties that some of the folks put on. I remember how New Years was a big time back in Chicago and I guess they still pull some of the rough stuff. However we get along pretty good here on just plain living and we feel better for it.

Well Dad — let me know how you folks are coming along. I do hope old Joe is out of the hospital and living a happy life. We can all make ourselves happy but we must make up our mind to follow the right paths or we don't make it. We are having a very gloomy weather period and snow and cold. It was ten below here for a week or so but this was the coldest in twenty years. Our winters here are very mild and the only thing that is bad is the burning of so much soft coal which causes a lot of dirty smoke which just gets into everything. Curtains here only last a week and then if left up longer they turn just black with smoke. All our rooms have radiators in them for the steam heat and above each place is a long black streak that looks bad but it cannot be helped; every other house and office is the same way. This town has spent lots of money trying to find a remedy but nothing doing; the old smoke spoils everything and is so thick that we don't see much of the sun.

Well Dad thank you a thousand times for your lovely gift and I feel so good about your sending it to Eva — all the children got their share and we all had a lovely time. We sure thought of you and Joe and hoped you were having a good time.

Love and best wishes and write when you can.

Bud and Eva.

PS: In the last issue of the monthly school magazine, Katherine had two full pages of her poems and she won a prize. They sure liked them and have asked that she be permitted to make a special effort on literature. She is a good girl.