Sarah Olivia (Eva) Price

Born: 23 Nov 1876, St. George, Utah
Married: Fred H. Worsley
19 Oct 1903, Salt Lake City, Utah
Died: 8 Mar 1955, Salt Lake City, Utah
Father: Joseph Price
Mother: Ann Alger
Show Pedigree Chart
9 Children:
Frederick Joseph (Buss) Worsley (1904-1957)
Kathryn Worsley Pratt (1906-2005)
Richard Price Worsley (1909-1988)
Anna (JoAnne) Worsley Sanford (1910-1937)
Jerome Worsley (1912-1912)
Sylvia Rose Worsley Dixon (1913-1979)
Russell Worsley (twin, 1916-1916)
May Worsley (twin, 1916-1916)
Josephine Lu Worsley (1916-1916)

Sarah Olivia Price, who always went by "Eva", was born on 23 Nov. 1876 in St. George Utah. She lived there until about age twenty. She was the oldest of eight children, being nearly 14 years older than her youngest sister, Lucille. The family lived on an acreage, and Eva had big responsibilities at an early age. She gather the eggs every morning and milked the cows. He mother was heavily involved with social activities and as Eva grew up, she spent much time caring for her younger brothers and sisters. Both she and her mother agreed that Eva "practically raised" her sister Lucille. Her young life was not all work. She was well know for putting on play and various productions of the other youth in the area. She gave readings and was known as somewhat of a stand-up comic. Her children remember many of the relatives reminscing about those plays many years later. She was also known to be an excellent horseman, riding in shows.

When Eva was about age 20 the family moved to Salt Lake City, where her parents bought a boarding house near North Temple and State Street. A few years later Fred Worsley came to board there. They fell in love and were married on 19 Oct 1903 when she was nearly 27 and he was 20. She already looked very mature, and was acutely aware of how much older she was than Fred. Once she was embarrassed when someone referred to him as her son. They have a very happy marriage. Her children remember how Fred would come into the kitchen, kiss her on the back of the neck, call the children in and say, "Now isn't this the most beautiful woman you have ever seen?" They would all cheer in the affirmative.

JoAnne, Eva, Price, Sylvia and Kathryn
Eva bore nine children, but only Fred J. (Bus), Kathryn, Price, Anna (Joanne) and Sylvia lived passed infancy, due to an Rh factor problem which was not understood in that day. She was a wonderful mother to them and they have fond memories of her.

From her mother, Eva learned to entertain guests and to have really fun parties. She was a member of a bridge club that met at least weekly, and they often went to the movies with them. Holidays were an especially big feature of the Worsley household. Her daughter Kathryn recalls that February was perhaps the high point of the year. The house would all be decorated for Lincoln's Birthday on 12 Feb, which was a national holiday at that time. All manner of special cakes and cookies were prepared to remind them of events in his life. The next day, all those decorations were replaced with hearts and entirely new decorations for Valentine's Day, also complete with all manner of special treats to celebrate. Then the process was repeated for Washington's Birthday. The entire family truly enjoyed all these festivities which were just part of their life. And on April Fool's Day, one could always count on the salt and sugar being swapped, plus a variety of other surprises in the meals.

Eva and Fred lived in downtown Salt Lake City all her married life. They often had boarders in their home. She died on 8 Mar 1955 in Salt Lake City, Utah about a year before her husband.