Awake and Arise!

by John P. Pratt
25 Aug 2020, 1 Rebirth (UMa), 1 Serpent (SR)

©2020 by John P. Pratt. All rights Reserved.

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1. Awake to Times
2. Awake to Disasters
3. Awake to Enslavement
4. Awake to Sin
5. Awake to Prophets
6. Awake to Antichrist
7. Awake to Christ
8. Conclusion
It is time to awaken to our awful situation, repent of sins, arise to fight evil, and welcome Jesus Christ.

The reign of the Antichrist is budding and soon will be in full bloom. Are you prepared for it? Are you voting for it? Are you filled with fear or with faith? Are you rushing to do exactly what you're being told by the government, which you trust? Or are you developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? Are you even aware of what is now transpiring or do you believe the mainstream media?

Are you rejoicing that soon the Lord will return to destroy the wicked and set up his Kingdom on earth? Have you arisen, to help fight the battle against Satan? Are you trying to help others awaken from the sleep of hell (2 Nephi 1:13-14)?

The purpose of this article is to help readers who are spiritually asleep to awaken to their awful situation, as the Lord has commanded us to do (Ether 8:24)!

The Lord even said that because He had been rejected, in the last days before His Second Coming, that He would cause a "strong delusion" that people would believe a lie (2 Thes. 2:11), which has indeed been the case. But now it is time to awake from our stupor and arise into action. There are at least seven areas in which we would do well to awaken and keep up to date with new developments. Let's take a brief look at each.

1. Awake to Times

My expertise has been in the area of the timing of religious events and producing a chronology of the sacred events of history. In earlier articles it has been discussed in some detail that we are currently in a seven-year period of heightened spiritual activity and enlightenment coming from God. That period actually occurs at slightly different times on various sacred calendars, but on the Enoch Calendar, it began in the autumn of 2014 and will end in the fall of 2021.

During these last few years, many Christian prophets are being called and have been preaching that we must repent of our sins for the coming reign of the Antichrist is at our doors, as well as the great destructions when the Lord will destroy the wicked. For those who survive the tribulations, then comes the return of the Savior who will reign during the Millennium.

Some say that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ might still be a century away. That is not true. On some sacred calendars, we are already in the last thousand years of history (the Millennium), on others it is to start very soon, but all agree that the Second Coming is not more than two or three decades away. That coming is scheduled, and the Lord's purposes are never frustrated. It is only the works of men which are frustrated (D&C 3:1,3).

2. Awake to Disasters

Southeast Asia Tsunami (2004).
The Lord has said that after the witness of his servants, He will preach his own sermons with earthquakes, tempests, and the sea overflowing the coasts (D&C 89:89-91). But if people don't even believe in God, or perhaps just don't believe He controls the weather, then will they recognize these events as Him preaching His own sermons, or just assume it was a freak accident of nature?

This includes being aware that the Lord uses natural disasters as signs. When an earthquake was felt last March in Salt Lake City, which did little damage there but somehow managed to break off the arm and trumpet of the angel Moroni, very few recognized that as a bad omen. We tend to be oblivious to signs from God because we have been inundated with the atheist viewpoint that everything is random, including all disasters.

Earthquake accident?
When the tsunami of Southeast Asia hit in Dec 2004, after a week or so, aid was sent to a primitive coastal village that was expected to have been totally destroyed. It was found that no one had died because (1) an old wise man of the village saw the ocean withdraw, a precursor of the coming tidal wave, and (2) the village respected his wisdom enough that when he called everyone to higher ground they all followed him. He explained to them that the sea and the land were going to have a battle and they should all go up high to watch it! This is included to show that those who live near to nature are in tune with signs and observe it enough to understand how to survive. In other societies, when an old man warns of impending disasters, he is either ignored or killed.

3. Awake to Enslavement

Free speech allowed here.
Have you noticed that Americans have lost many of their freedoms? For example, free speech is now severely restricted. Recently during a visit to the Grand Canyon, my attention was drawn to an area where free speech was allowed (see photo). This was not near the seat of any government, but in a national park!

If you don't believe you are enslaved, just look at the recent government regulations forbidding Churches to meet because of a virus which is not really worse than the usual flu. Consider the loss of freedom for men to go to work to support their families for fear of getting the dreaded, much-hyped flu. If you are not convinced, consider a regulation that was recently made in Phoenix that one can receive a stiff fine for not wearing a mask while driving alone in his car! How is that going to help prevent the spread of any disease?

Free speech is mostly controlled by "political correctness". We are conditioned not to be truthful, so as not to offend anyone. Channels on YouTube and FaceBook which are not politically correct are shut down. Ministers who try to teach against sin from the Bible are imprisoned for committing hate crimes.

4. Awake to Sin

The word "sin" has practically been removed from the English language, at least in movies and television, except when used by someone characterized as an extreme "Jesus freak", who is clearly shown to not be in her right mind. We have been conditioned to accept as normal, actions which were abhorrent in my youth.

I was twenty years old when I found out what an abortion was. It horrified me to think that any mother might choose to murder her own unborn baby! Now this abomination has not only been legalized, it is considered a socially acceptable choice. Over fifty million babies have been destroyed in a generation when many chosen spirits are being sent to join the Lord's army. This is one of the principal reasons that so much of the United States will be destroyed.

When is the last time you heard the word "fornication"? The word "adultery" is sometimes replaced by "indiscretion"! Words implying sin are dropping out of the language as those practices become so common as to be acceptable. The family is being destroyed from every side.

Sodomy is no longer considered to be a "sin" either, even though the city of Sodom was destroyed by a hail of burning sulfur balls from heaven. In fact, when is the last time you heard the word "sodomy"? The younger generation might have to look that up. The word has evolved from that to "homosexual" to "gay". What is the word you use to describe that sin? Have you been persuaded to use the new words that make it sound like merely an acceptable "alternate lifestyle"? And now the sacred rite of marriage is being desecrated and mocked by dignifying forbidden sexual behavior with a holy ceremony. The meaning of the Biblical word "abomination" is said to refer to evil rituals masquerading as sacred ceremonies, so that word definitely seems to apply to such unions. Will marriage to pets be next to be accepted into the realm of the sacred marriage covenant?

And what about lying? Did you know that in the LDS church, lying is grounds for excommunication (D&C 42:21)? When is the last time you heard of someone being excommunicated for lying? It is so commonplace in business and politics that it is expected. When a business claims their product is best, no one actually expects that to be true, but just a sales ploy. And when a politician totally lies about what he will do in office, and then does the opposite, the media says that he wasn't lying but only "jockeying for position".

Thus, we are not nearly as aware as we might be of just how prevalent sin is! And if one goes back to use the correct language to identify sin, one will almost be certainly accused of hating the sinners.

5. Awake to Prophets

Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj.
Many today are filled with the spirit of prophecy. Of course there are also many false prophets too, but in some ways it can be easy to tell the difference. If the so-called "prophet" does not call you to repentance, especially of the sins mentioned in the last section, then he is most likely not from God. False prophets preach soothing words, assuring listeners that God loves them no matter what they do, so just enjoy life and build up worldly riches, which is what God wants you to do. True prophets speak upsetting words that anger the crowds with an awareness of their guilt, so they are stoned to death.

While YouTube videos are filled with self-proclaimed prophets, many of whom are indeed giving divine messages, there are currently three official heads of official dispensations of the gospel.

Mauricio Berger.
One prophet is sent to all Christians who will accept only the Bible as the word of God and nothing more. His name is Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj. He is from India and he speaks English very well. He has many hours of preaching available on YouTube. He is calling everyone to repentance, preaching to have a personal relationship with God, and is totally preparing people for what is to come. He even teaches martyrdom classes, so people will have the courage to stand up to coming severe Christian persecution. Most will not be prepared to die for their belief in Christ.

I highly recommend Sundar to LDS readers, for they should find very little that conflicts with their beliefs. His sermons are now mostly found on YouTube. If you are interested, you might start with his conference in Lancaster, California, in July 2019. There he gave several hours of talks which one can easily find, but one that might be good to start with is where he discusses the angel of the covenant who will prepare the way for the Second Coming prophesied in Malachi (Mal. 3:1). It is currently found in the first 47 minutes of this link:

Another prophet is sent especially to members of the LDS who wish the Church were like it was in the days of Joseph Smith. There is such a church led by a seer in Brazil, named Mauricio Berger, who does indeed produce published prophecies from God warning of what is to come. He was instructed by the Angel Moroni to translate part of the sealed section of the Plates of Mormon into what is now called The Sealed Book, which is available as a PDF file on my website. The LDS Church has been "reborn" in a sense of returning to its pure original state. Information about that Church in the U.S. is available at

Denver Snuffer.
And another of God's servants is sent to those who accept the Book of Mormon, but are not looking for an organized religion. Many of his followers have recognized the problems in the LDS Church and are looking for something better. They desire to covenant directly with God in preparation to build a temple for certain higher sealing ordinances yet to be revealed. It is led by Denver Snuffer, whom I believe to be the prophesied David the Servant in Ezekiel 34. His books are readily available at

In contrast to these three men of God, because most of my readers are Mormons, they should awaken to the fact that none of their church presidents after Joseph Smith, whom they revere as "prophets", have ever given a published prophecy which quotes the words they received from the Lord! The Church has become a corporation which is focused on material things, such as building a city for 500,000 in Florida. Their general conferences are filled with "feel good" words, but rarely calls to repentance, because the members are told that "All is well in Zion" (2 Nephi 28:21). Absolutely no words of preparation are being given for the imminent disasters ahead, on the contrary, they are being counseled to be good "global citizens" concerning government pandemic instructions. "Global citizens" are buzz words of the globalists! The corporate Church is now so far off track that it is beyond repair, hence, the Lord has restored the "reborn" true version of the original.

Thus, the Lord is providing us the prophets we need. We can choose what level we are comfortable with. He is doing all that is necessary to get the word out to whoever is seeking, telling them what they are ready to accept at whatever level they are at!

6. Awake to Antichrist

The preparations for the reign of the coming Antichrist, a world ruler who enforces a communist-style highly controlled government which promises peace for all who obey his commands. This regime will greatly persecute Christians, to the point of executions by torture to instill fear and discourage others from rebellion. The Book of Revelation describes many of the signs of his rise. Have you noticed them being fulfilled?

Prophet of the Antichrist.
One sign is the the "mark of the beast" which will be used for all financial transactions. Those favoring one single global government have already set in motion plans to first do away with cash, moving totally to credit and debit cards. Then they are replaced with a microchip, which everyone might well be forced to receive in order to prove they don't have some dreaded disease. That sure sounds like the mark of the beast! And most people will line up to receive the chip because it will be advertised as having so many benefits: no one will steal your card any more and it will monitor your health! It will, of course, also monitor your position, but that will be sold as a good thing because if you have a heart attack, help can be sent immediately. Or not.

The Catholic pope is the prophet of the beast, and the new world religion has already been defined. Many world leaders are signing documents to support it. It sounds good, talking about peace and loving one's neighbor, but it denies Christ and will persecute Christians.

There is an important presidential election coming up this November. While it is often presented as a contest between nice, sweet talking man versus a harsh, sinful incumbent, it is actually the clearest election ever between anti-Christians and Christians. The Democratic platform, besides "We hate Trump", is pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ agenda, and pro-socialism, which is designed to overthrow the constitutional government. President Trump is so hated because he, with his "America First" commitment, is standing in the way of their global agenda.

Take a look at whatever Church you belong to. Is it supporting the globalist agenda that we should all be good "global citizens" rather than "American citizens" or "citizens of our countries"? Did it immediately agree to stop holding Church in order to meet outrageous government demands? Several Christian churches are refusing to stop meeting, having detected that these demands are not attacks on a disease, but attacks on Christianity. The churches are meant to be places of healing. I know LDS missionaries who are required to stay in their apartment rather than answer calls to go heal the sick. So much for calling for the elders (D&C 42:44) to be healed!

7. Awake to Christ

The most important of all is to awaken to Jesus Christ, to develop a personal relationship with Him, and to prepare for His Second Coming.

Do you know Jesus Christ?
Jesus is preparing an army to fight Satan. An entire generation is being raised which includes many valiant spirits. We have been told that we should "waste and wear out our lives" in exposing the evil and secret combinations of Satan (D&C 123:13). Even though the U.S. government has been almost entirely taken over by satanic secret combinations where judges let the evil go free and punish the innocent, that situation can be reversed. The Book of Mormon explains that the only reason the Gadianton robbers could take over the government was because the people not only allowed it, many of them joined it. It also explains that when people awoke to their awful situation, they were able to entirely root out the robbers, who then had to relocate into the wilderness (Hel. 11:10).

That was just before the First Coming of Jesus, and that entire time was a miniature model of the Second Coming. Therefore, it should be possible to repeat that cleansing. It is possible that the Roe vs Wade ruling of the Supreme Court which legalized abortion can yet be overturned, and that satanists in high government positions can yet be indicted and punished.

We all can pray for the evil to be exposed into the light, because it can only operate in darkness. We can pray for our President, Attorney General, Supreme Court justices, and congressmen to repent of any sins and turn to God, as we all do likewise.

Yea, let the cry go forth among all people: Awake and arise and go forth to meet the Bridegroom; behold and lo, the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Prepare yourselves for the great day of the Lord. -- D&C 133:10

8. Conclusion

We have been asleep for way too long. Most of us in my generation sat back while atheists were diligent in removing prayer from schools and promoting abortion, pornography, promiscuous and perverted sexual practices, atheism, satanic music and art, divorce, swearing, racial hatred, working mothers, sloppy dress, and other decadence of our Christian heritage. The younger generation does not even know that people used to dress nicely to go shopping downtown. Now we pay extra to be seen in faded blue jeans with holes in them!

Once we have awakened, we can do all we can to expose the corruption at all levels of our culture. One excellent way is to avoid giving money to, or electing, those who are destroying the nation. That includes supporting many businesses which donate heavily to evil. We must not forget the power of prayer, which can bring down angels to fight the battles spiritually. We must all decide if we are indeed on the Lord's side, even to the extent of possibly enduring persecution or even martyrdom. Each of us will be given a chance to decide, but the default decision is to fall into Satan's grasp.

It is time to prepare for the wonderful Millennium that is coming soon, when Jesus Christ will reign over the entire earth. There is much work to be done in preparation. You can find out your assignment by developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It requires one to awake and arise in order to stand with God!