Book of Kathryn

Inspired Messages

Written by the hand of

Kathryn Kay

(Kathryn Worsley Pratt)

Over Forty Years

Wed 21 Oct 2020

©Copyright 2020 by John P. Pratt. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents



1. Tend to Thine Own Fruit (Mar 64)

2. John Shall Be Thy Comfort (May 64)

3. Another Door Will Open (Sep 64)

4. John Shall Be Thy Strength (Sep 64)

5. Let Thy Will Be Resolute (Sep 64)

6. Stand Tall in Adversity (Jul 65)

7. Thy Suffering a Beacon (Aug 65)

8. The Gift of Discernment (Oct 65)

9. Be Wary of Untimely Pruning (Jan 66)

10. Let the Light Enter (May 66)

11. Aggravations Shall Be Blessings (Aug 66)

12. Thy Way Shall Be Made Clear (Dec 66)

13. Thou Hast Come Through the Fire (Apr 67)

14. Let Thy Light Shine Forth (Aug 67)

15. Thy Faith is Thy Staff (Nov 68)

16. Strength is the Fruit of Humility (Aug 69)

17. Walk With a Firm Step (Dec 70)

18. Thy Joy is in Service (Jan 71)

19. One Step at a Time (Jan 72)

20. Thy Faith is Thy Strength (Jan 74)

21. Thy Voice Will be Heard (May 74)

22. Service Will Bring Joy (Nov 77)

23. Let Prudence Guide Thee (Oct 79)

24. Be Not Distracted By Worldly Desires (Jun 80)

25. Make Light of Any Trouble (Jan 81)

26. Thy Faith is as the Sunrise (Sep 83)

27. I am Mindful of the Good Servant (Oct 83)

28. Haste and Impatience Bear Failure (Nov 83)

29. Baptism is Birthing into My Light (Apr 84)

30. His Work Here is Finished (May 84)

31. Be Not Swayed From Thy Way (Nov 84)

32. The Fruit of Knowledge is Wisdom (Jan 85)

33. Bear Witness of the Light (Mar 85)

34. John's Stumbling Blocks (Mar 85)

35. Good Husbandry Requires Pruning (May 85)

36. Steadfast to Thy First Purpose (Jul 85)

37. All Life is as a Single Day (Aug 85)

38. Arise and Shine (Oct 85)

39. To All Things There is a Season (Oct 85)

40. The Ladder Was Meant for Thy Foot (Oct 85)

41. Thy Pathway is the Sky (Nov 85)

42. Clarity Will Emerge From a Swamp (Nov 85)

43. Thou Hast My Promise, My Covenant (Dec 85)

44. Light Cometh Out of Darkness (Dec 85)

45. Is Water Lazy? (Jan 86)

46. Let Them Live in Harmony (Jan 86)

47. Be Both Falcon and Dove (Feb 86)

48. Be Thou As a Straight Arrow (Mar 86)

49. The Fallacy of Shallow Thinking (Mar 86)

50. Attain Strength to Know Serenity (May 86)

51. In Calm is Imperturbable Equanimity (Jun 86)

52. Happiness is Attained Through Pain (Jun 86)

53. Trapped Under the Tyranny of Trivia (Aug 86)

54. Excess is Folly (Dec 86)

55. There is Danger in Extremes (Dec 86)

56. Bring Forth Fruit in its Season (Jan 87)

57. Faith Will Open Thine Eyes (Feb 87)

58. Even Wild Fruit Has Its Uses (Mar 87)

59. The Parable is Discerned Privately (Mar 87)

60. The Secret of All Life (Mar 87)

61. Be Still and Feel Thyself Grow (Apr 87)

62. Thy Heart Hath Never Known Guile (May 87)

63. From Flicker to Flame (Jun 87)

64. A More Exceeding Weight of Glory (Aug 87)

65. Create Calm Within Thyself (Sep 87)

66. Weaknesses Undermine Safety (Oct 87)

67. Steer Thy Craft Skillfully (Oct 87)

68. The Ground is Firm as Rock (Feb 88)

69. Self Deception is Evil Thinking (Mar 88)

69a. John's Special Blessing (Mar 88)

70. Avoid the Depths Where Peril Awaits (Apr 88)

71. Beware of Specious Sophistry (May 88)

72. Resist No More My Voice (Jul 88)

73. Facticious Knowledge is Deceptive (Jul 88)

74. None But Seeming Obstacles (Jan 89)

75. Love is the Most Powerful Force (Nov 90)

76. The Pattern of Order in All Things (Feb 91)

77. By the Spirit Eyes Are Opened (Jul 91)

78. By His Works is Man Justified (Nov 91)

79. Evil Cannot Live in the Light (Nov 92)

80. Who Can Be Against Him? (Feb 93)

81. Oak Trees Do Not Mature Overnight (Nov 93)

82. Be Still and Trust Thy Inner Guidance (Feb 94)

83. Fear Not in Times of Adversity (Jul 94)

84. James Will Know Success (Jan 95)

85. James is Founded on Rock (Apr 95)

86. Never Force Anything (May 95)

87. Nothing Is By Chance (Dec 95)

88. Trials Strengthen Resolve (Jan 96)

89. Be Wary But Fear Not (Mar 96)

90. Make No Vital Decisions at This Time (Apr 96)

91. Free Thyself of the Bonds (Apr 96)

92. He Knoweth the Direction (Jul 96)

93. No Sacrifice Is Too Great (Sep 96)

94. Man Cannot Serve Two Masters (Nov 96)

95. Joy is Earned in Present Pain (Jan 97)

96. Joy Only the Pure in Heart Can Know (Apr 97)

97. Help Will Come When Least Expected (Sep 97)

98. Each Son Hath Been Tested (Feb 98)

99. Speed Can Be Made Standing Still (Jun 98)

100. All Darkness Shall End in Light (Oct 98)

101. Calm Follows Chaos (Feb 99)

102. Eagerness Can Blind Eyes (Jun 99)

103. Attend the Needs of the Hour (Oct 99)

104. The Balance of Time and Action (Oct 99)

105. The Light is There Deep in You (Nov 99)

106. World Full of Disappointments (Aug 01)

107. Faith Justifieth its Own (Jul 02)

108. You Will Know Joy (Sep 03)


The following inspired messages were received by Kathryn Worsley Pratt, born Sun 21 Oct 1906. She was also known by the pen name Kathryn Kay, who was the wife of LeGrand Billeter Pratt. She was a gifted poet who was President of the Utah State Poetry Society for many years. She suffered much physical pain and many trials throughout her life, which she expressed in poetry to help her endure her troubles.

These messages were usually received in answer to fervent prayer or as comfort in times of discouragement. When she received the first message, her bedroom lit up in the corner with a pale blue-white warm ameliorating light. She described it as soft and making her feel warm and peaceful. She heard a voice in her mind, speaking slowly enough that she could transcribe the message onto whatever scrap of paper she could find. After the first message or so, she no longer saw the light. Many of the first messages were all written on the same box of facial tissue. She had two sons, James and John, who are mentioned in several of the messages.

The messages were transcribed by her younger son John, usually on the very day they were received, and carefully preserved. He then typed them and added the introductory comments, which refer to her as Mother. He also gave them titles, divided them into verses and added some punctuation. Periods were inserted whenever obviously implied by the next word beginning with a capital letter, and other punctuation marks were added for clarity. However, all parentheses and paragraphs are as in the original copies.

This version of the Book of Kathryn is designed only to be played by an audio reading program. All of the inline references have been deleted. There were so many, that this file is only two thirds as long as the full book. So the reading is much easier, but you are missing all of the links to other verses and to the scriptures. Also, all of the scripture references which were provided at the end have been deleted.

Proverbs Taken from the Messages

"Strength is the fruit of humility."

"The highest mountain is climbed and the longest journey is traveled one step at a time."

"All of the sea is contained in a spoon."

"Haste and impatience bear failure but prudence and patience justify faith's vigil and bless with bounteous harvest."

"One small sure step on firm ground serves better than a large stride into quicksand."

"The fruit of knowledge is wisdom."

"Good husbandry requires constant pruning."

"Do not break more ground than can be cultivated."

"Overextension is the mother of frustration."

"Sufficient unto the day is the knowledge thereof."

"Without balance in all things, all is lost."

"The false step is made in haste."

"The flower is buried deep in the seed."

"Listen to naught but thine own heart and the urgings therein."

"A firm step is more to be desired that a fleet foot."

"Confusion is the start of chaos."

"In darkness the docile heart learns faith."

"Avoid the quick answer, and the seemingly obvious, but ponder the long term solution."

"It is man's mistake to be trapped under the tyranny of trivia."

"Self esteem, self respect and self confidence are of the Lord and self doubt, self hatred and self contempt are of Satan."

"Be not sparing in thy praise of work well done."

"Excess is folly."

"Safety is the fruit of moderation and balance."

"Severity must be tempered with mercy."

"Keep the door ever open for learning but embrace the new learning as a stranger, with caution, with good judgment, with great prudence."

"Deceit wears many faces, some of which are innocence and purity, even righteousness."

"All joy is bought with pain."

"That which bends in moments of stress will endure to stand straight again after the whirlwind has passed."

"Keep supple to bend thy boughs to let the wind of adversity blow through and only the weak fruit shall be lost, the brittle twigs fall, thus making room for new and stronger growth."

1. Tend to Thine Own Fruit

The following message was received on Thu 19 Mar 1964, when Mother was frustrated after years of trying to get Father to be active in the LDS Church. She was discouraged and losing faith in herself. This message was a turning point in her life and from that point on, probably because she followed this counsel, Father's attitude improved. It was her first audible message, and she was thrilled. She never expected to get another. Father later became very active in the Church and they were sealed in the temple on Fri 14 Aug 1970.

1:1 Toil not in another's vineyard but tend to thine own ... fruit .
(There was a pause after the word "own" and Mother mentally asked, "To mine own what?" The word "fruit" was then given in response.)

2. John Shall Be Thy Comfort

This message was received on Tue 26 May 1964. The Melchizedek Priesthood was conferred upon John on Sun 13 Jun 1965, by his father LeGrand Pratt.

2:1 Be patient, for that when John shall have the Priesthood bestowed upon him, he shall know the fulness of my father and be thy comfort.
2:2 He shall be an instrument and through his hands give strength.

3. Another Door Will Open

This message was received at dawn on Wed 2 Sep 1964. The reference to another door opening is not in the canonized scriptures of the LDS Churh.

3:1 If thou keepest thy faith in me, the way will be opened.
3:2 Have I not said when one door closes another will open .
3:3 Go thy way with courage and be content.

4. John Shall Be Thy Strength

The following message was received on Tue 15 Sep 1964. It has been a great source of encouragement and humility to both her and her son John.

4:1 Did I not tell thee John shall be thy strength.
4:2 John my beloved shall be thy comforter.

5. Let Thy Will Be Resolute

Message received on Tue 22 Sep 1964. The reference to the pathway being hard is not known.

5:1 Be thou strong.
5:2 Let thy will be resolute.
5:3 Keep thy faith in me and thy footstep shall not falter.
5:4 Did I not say the pathway would be hard?

6. Stand Tall in Adversity

The following message was received on Sat 31 Jul 1965. Mother's patriarchal blessing states that she will stand among the most noble women of the earth.

6:1 Fear not and be content.
6:2 Take solace in my love; thy prayers are heard.
6:3 Thou shalt stand tall in adversity and shalt not bend in woe.
6:4 Keep steadfast in thy faith and the fury shall pass thee by.
6:5 Thou art blessed among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

7. Thy Suffering a Beacon

Message given at dawn on Fri 6 Aug 1965. Mother had been weighted down with much Poetry Society work (which buried her own talent), John was about to leave on his mission for Brazil, and she was very sick and had no strength.

7:1 Divest thyself of weightedness; thy talent is not buried.
7:2 Many shall light tapers at thy candle .
7:3 Thy candle is a torchlight and thy suffering a beacon.
7:4 Thy strength shall be the strength of thousands.

8. The Gift of Discernment

Message given on Thu 28 Oct 1965, after Mother received a letter from John in Brazil. She offered a prayer of gratitude for a son who was such a comfort, as she had known he would be even before his birth. In the prayer she mentioned the time when he was about five and came running back to her and said, "I'll always come back and take care of you. You'll never be alone."

8:1 John. John, did I not say he would be thy comforter?
8:2 His is the gift of discernment.
8:3 This is the greatest gift.
8:4 Do not lose the light.
8:5 Let him guide thee and be thou not disturbed.
8:6 Thy strength shall be the strength of thousands.

9. Be Wary of Untimely Pruning

Message received on the morning on Sat 15 Jan 1966. In Brazil John had just received his "Dear John" letter from his girl friend, telling him she was getting married. Mother had been praying that she would change her mind and she wanted to know how to help. (She had also just written the poem quoted in Message 37.) On the same day she received this answer John knew that girl was not right for him.

9:1 In thine own vineyard roots of thy planting need room for their separate growth, even sunshine and rain to grow sturdy and strong with their promise.
9:2 In thy husbandry be wary of untimely pruning.
9:3 The fruit of thy separate vines shall be your fruit in the harvest time.

10. Let the Light Enter

Message received at dawn on Sun 29 May 1966. Mother had become so discouraged that her future appeared very dark and she felt closed off with no one to turn to.

10:1 Open thy heart and let the light enter.
10:2 Peace shall be thine, even my peace.
10:3 My light shall be thy guide and thy way shall be made clear.

11. Aggravations Shall Be Blessings

Message received on Sat 20 Aug 1966. Mother said it was about John. Note the similarity to part of his patriarchal blessing: "The Lord is mindful of thee ... He shall open the way before thee ... Thou shalt be given blessings in disguise blessings of ... joy."

11:1 He who serves me with a pure heart and an eye single to my glory is a good servant and I am mindful of him.
11:2 His way shall be smoothed out before him and he shall have many blessings , even joy.
11:3 Small tribulations shall be stepping stones leading to eternal light.
11:4 Aggravations shall be blessings in disguise.

12. Thy Way Shall Be Made Clear

Message received at dawn on Fri 23 Dec 1966.

12:1 Fear not, thy way shall be made clear before thee.
12:2 Know that ye must take only one step at a time.

13. Thou Hast Come Through the Fire

Message received Sun 16 Apr 1967, about 4:45 a.m.

13:1 Thou hast come through the fire.
13:2 Thy trials and tribulations shall fall from thee and thou shalt not be discouraged.
13:3 Thou shalt be strong for there is much to be done.
13:4 Trouble shall be to thee as water in the sunlight and thou shalt know tranquility and have peace,
13:5 For my house is a house of order and nothing is lost unto me.

14. Let Thy Light Shine Forth

Message received Sun 20 Aug 1967, in the early morning.

14:1 Let thy light shine forth and go thy way in peace.
14:2 Work in thine own vineyard and there will be fruit for all.
14:3 Thy faith is thy power and thou shalt have no fear.
14:4 Thy glory is mine and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

15. Thy Faith is Thy Staff

Message received at dawn on Tue 19 Nov 1968.

15:1 Keep thy step steady and thy path shall continue to be clear before thee.
15:2 Thou shalt walk and not grow weary if thine eye is ever on thy goal.
15:3 Thy faith is thy staff and it shall not let thee down.

16. Strength is the Fruit of Humility

Message received on Sun 10 Aug 1969, about dawn.

16:1 Strength is the fruit of humility, bowing in obedience to wisdom and judgment even as a little child bows to his loving parents, the parents to the laws of the land, the land to the laws of the leaders, and I to the laws of mine own making.
16:2 Do not be stiff-necked but bend in humility to the wisdom of age and experience to know thine own true strength and overcome thy weaknesses.

17. Walk With a Firm Step

Message received at dawn on Sun 6 Dec 1970, four days after the birth of Mother's second grandchild. Below the message Mother noted that Father had been fasting for four days and she for one. She now has ten grandchildren and interprets "tenfold" to mean her quiver is full.

17:1 Be content. Thy path is clear before thee. Go thy way nor falter.
17:2 Thou art blessed among women and thy happiness shall increase tenfold.
17:3 Be ye therefore diligent and walk with a firm step.
17:4 Blessed are the pure in heart and blessed art thou.
17:5 Let not thy heart be heavy, neither let it be afraid.
17:6 All things will I make clear in mine own time.

18. Thy Joy is in Service

Message received at dawn on Sun 24 Jan 1971, after Mother prayed specifically for guidance concerning her work in the Utah State Poetry Society.

18:1 Have faith. Thy path shall be made clear before thee and thy load will be lighter.
18:2 Thou art chosen among women and many shall light their candles at thy fire.
18:3 Thou hast been given many talents and the greatest of these is love.
18:4 Thine is an inner radiance and thy joy is in service.
18:5 Thy strength is my strength and it shall not fail thee.

19. One Step at a Time

Message received about 2:00 a.m. on Sat 8 Jan 1972. Mother had been deathly sick with pneumonia for three weeks and was not getting better. When she received this message she was too weak to write it. In the morning she remembered it verbatim and wrote it with a firm hand. Then she was again too weak to write. She began to recover from that point on.

Three days later, on 11 Jan, she received a letter from a woman who said her poetry had saved her from committing suicide and "had been a light" to her.

19:1 Fear not and be not afraid.
19:2 Thou hast of my light within you and many will light their candles at thy fire.
19:3 Have patience and be steadfast.
19:4 The highest mountain is climbed and the longest journey is traveled one step at a time.
19:5 All of the sea is contained in a spoon.
19:6 Thou hast of my light which is understanding and many will see thy spark and be comforted.
19:7 Thou art noble among women and thou hast much to do.
19:8 A lifetime is lived one breath at a time.
19:9 A little is as much as the whole.
19:10 Thy strength is my strength and thou shalt not fail.

20. Thy Faith is Thy Strength

Message received before dawn on Sat 5 Jan 1974, in a motel in Las Vegas, during a bad snowstorm. Mother was very sick with a bronchial infection.

20:1 Fear not, have I not told thee thy way shall be made clear before thee?
20:2 Thy faith is thy strength and it shall not fail thee.
20:3 Thy light shall be the light for many in the darkness.
20:4 Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

21. Thy Voice Will Be Heard

Message received at dawn on Tue 7 May 1974. Mother had been very sick and had lost her voice for several months. For the week before this message she could not even make a sound and it was not clear that her voice would ever be normal again. Moreover, she had just fallen and hurt many of her large bones, had a bad attack of arthritis and was very discouraged.

21:1 Grieve not nor despair; thy heart was not made for sorrow.
21:2 Do I not fit the back to bear the burden?
21:3 Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
21:4 Thy voice and the voice of thy children will be heard throughout the nations.
21:5 Thy vineyard has deep roots and fertile soil and the fruit thereof is plentiful and sweet.
21:6 Many shall find strength and sustenance in thy courage.
21:7 Be thou of good cheer.

22. Service Will Bring Joy

Message received on Sun 27 Nov 1977.

22:1 Arise. Thy pain shall leave thee.
22:2 Thou shalt have the answer to thy prayers and others will find light by thy torch held high.
22:3 Be content. Thou hast much before thee in service to others that will bring joy to thyself and glory to me.

23. Let Prudence Guide Thee

Message given on Wed 10 Oct 1979, in the early morning. John had applied for employment in Provo, Utah. He was so sure he would get the position that he almost put money down on a house before he even had the job offer. Mother was concerned and prayed to know what he should do. She felt this message was explicitly for him. No job offer was received.

23:1 Prudence. Let it be a flag before thee and a byword to guide thee.
23:2 Let the ground be firm beneath thy feet before a step is taken.

24. Be Not Distracted by Worldly Desires

Message given about 4:00 a.m. on Fri 27 Jun 1980. Mother had been praying for guidance for John. Mother felt that this entire message was for him.

24:1 Fear not. Tender vines need strong roots to sustain the harvest's heavy fruit, even staves and nurturing.
24:2 Remember, 7 and 4 and remember combined 11 and 7 even 7 in 6, as the eye discerneth [D&C 6:7 or 11:7 say: "Seek not for riches but for wisdom; and, behold, the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto you, and then shall you be made rich. Behold, he that hath eternal life is rich."].
24:3 Be not distracted by worldly desires, but keep to thy purpose and not fall away.
24:4 Keep thine eye single to the glory of God was not meant for me alone.
24:5 Have I not said, thy glory shall be my glory and thy purpose shall be my purpose?
24:6 Each has a single purpose and thy gift is my purpose.
24:7 Keep thine eye single to my purpose which is thy purpose and the glory of thy purpose shall be my glory and my glory shall be thy glory, forever.
24:8 Fear not and be steadfast.

25. Make Light of Any Trouble

The following message was received on Tue 13 Jan 1981, in the early morning. The occasion was that Mother had an interview scheduled with Elder LeGrand Richards of the Quorum of Twelve that morning, and in preparation for it she was allowed to remember verbatim a blessing given to her at age seven by President Joseph F. Smith in his home in the Beehive House. She had been part of a little show with his daughter Marjorie, who was Mother's playmate, along with Josephine Burton and Marian Kimball. He had been impressed by Mother's bright spirit when she made everyone laugh after she accidentally broke her bucket prop and had made the most of a potentially embarrassing situation. When she was called aside by President Smith, she was afraid that he would scold her for breaking the bucket and was greatly relieved when he only wished to place his hands on her head and give her a blessing. Until the day of this message, she had only remembered that he blessed her that she would be happy and be able to make others happy.

Note in the blessing that it is Mother's suffering and adversity that makes her a light. Compare the play on words, "You will make light of any trouble" to 7.3, "Thy candle is a torchlight and thy suffering a beacon," which uses parallel construction wherein "suffering" corresponds to "candle."

25:1 Kathryn, you are a special spirit unto the Lord and I give you a blessing of happiness.
25:2 You will be happy through your life and you will make others happy and be a source of happiness to all.
25:3 You will make light of any trouble that comes your way and will be strong in adversity and be a light for all to see.
25:4 I place this blessing of happiness on your head.

26. Thy Faith is as the Sunrise

Message received on Fri 9 Sep 1983, about 5:33 a.m.

26:1 Fear not, nor let thy heart be heavy in darkness.
26:2 Thy faith is as the sunrise which putteth an end to night.
26:3 Thy faith shineth and there is no doubt or fear, but thy faith shall make thee whole.
26:4 The harvest of thy vineyard is abundant with plenty and its fruit will be shared by many.
26:5 Take comfort in thy grace and nurture patience.
26:6 All questions shall be answered in mine own time.
26:7 Be not afraid, thy time is not yet and thy strength shall endure.
26:8 Divest thyself of all that is unworthy.
26:9 Thy treasure is thy glory and thy glory shall endure to the end.
26:10 Be not afraid for thy way shall be made clear before thee and thy footsteps shall not falter.
26:11 Let not thy heart be troubled nor let it be afraid.

27. I Am Mindful of the Good Servant

Message received on Wed 26 Oct 1983. Mother was praying for guidance for her son James whose last day at work at the Church Offices would be two days thereafter. Many years earlier he had felt inspired to choose James 1:22, (his birthday being Jan. 22), as his missionary farewell scripture. Mother notes that "in white" refers to her little white Bible which comforted her when James announced he was going on a mission.

27:1 Did I not say, be not afraid.
27:2 Remind thyself of the good servant, for I am mindful of him and his blessings will be many.
27:3 Prudence and patience must be used in the journey.
27:4 One step on firm ground and the next will follow until the longest journey is traveled.
27:5 James 1:22 in white must now be followed by 1:25 which meaning shall be made clear to thee in the light.

28. Haste and Impatience Bear Failure

Message given on Sun 27 Nov 1983, about 4:15 a.m. Mother had been praying for guidance for her son James who was thinking of going into a business venture. John was praying that same night for help in the final rewrite of his article for the Ensign before it would be reviewed by the General Authorities. His specific question was whether he should delete a few parts of which he was less certain. The message seemed to fit Mother and both sons.

28:1 Thy faith is thy strength and it shall not fail thee.
28:2 Remember, thy faith was long in nurturing.
28:3 Faith does not come apace nor is it proven in one night.
28:4 Pick not the fruit until the root is set and the vine strengthened .
28:5 Haste and impatience bear failure but prudence and patience justify faith's vigil and bless with bounteous harvest.
28:6 Keep thine eye steadfast to thy chosen path which has been made clear before thee nor waver in temptation to stray.
28:7 Thy way is straight and shall not lead into pitfalls.
28:8 One small sure step on firm ground serves better than a large stride into quicksand.
28:9 Be of good cheer. Thy faith will see thee through thy many trials and they shall pass from thee.
28:10 Thou art blessed among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

29. Baptism is Birthing into My Light

Message received on Wed 4 Apr 1984, from about midnight until 3:00 a.m.

29:1 Be thou patient. Remember all is within mine own time.
29:2 Did I not say I am the way and the light, and light has many forms and the greatest of these is the light of understanding which cometh out of darkness.
29:3 In the darkness and blindness, even unto despair, there comes the light with which thou art able to see and understand that which was unknown and in darkness before and it shall be a light unto the world.
29:4 Lean not to thine own understanding, for thine is like a candle in the brightness of the sun.
29:5 Did I not tell thee, blessed is the fruit of thy womb and did not the fruit come out of the darkness into the light even as baptism is birthing out of water into mine own light.
29:6 Thy candle shall be a torch in the darkness and many shall light their candles of understanding at thy light for it shall shine for many so there shall be light where darkness was before.
29:7 Did I not say I am the light and the way and in mine own time shall light be seen which is the light of understanding.
29:8 Thou art blessed among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb .
29:9 Continue in patience and thy way shall be made clear before thee and shall be made clear by mine own light.
29:10 Mine is thine understanding. Be of good cheer and take heart.

30. His Work Here is Finished

Message received on Wed 30 May 1984, at 12:40 a.m., as Father (LeGrand Billeter Pratt) was dying from kidney failure after two massive heart attacks. He had been hanging on, almost refusing to die. About an hour earlier, Mother and John had said goodbye and left him to pass on. James stayed with him. This message was received after Mother was home and she telephoned it to James at the hospital, who relayed it to Father. He understood it and relaxed noticeably. He passed away a few hours later at about 5:30 a.m. He was preceded in death by his parents and several brothers and sisters.

30:1 It is time.
30:2 There is great work for him to do on the other side of the veil.
30:3 His work here is finished. He must not fight any longer but relax and let go, feeling nothing but peace.
30:4 His father is waiting and great happiness awaits him.
30:5 The Lord is with him and has prepared a place for him which his dedicated service has earned for him, great peace and deep happiness such as he has never known.
30:6 Mother is so proud of him, so eager for him to be with them.

31. Be Not Swayed From Thy Way

Message received on Fri 30 Nov 1984. On 28 Nov, John specifically asked Mother to pray for him for guidance on what to do. This was the first time that he had asked her to pray for a message for him. The occasion was that a friend of his had been very persuasive in influencing John to depart somewhat from his chosen path. The departure involved some rush preparations, including buying a new home, to prepare for some supposed imminent catastrophes.

Mother felt the entire message was for John, although much of it fits her well also, especially verses 9-16. After it was received, John prayed for confirmation that it was for him, and he felt inspired to read it again. Upon doing so, he noticed that the first sentence quoted his Patriarchal Blessing, which promises that "obstacles and barriers shall continually be removed from thy pathway in advance." John felt many obstacles have been removed in order for his article to be published in the Ensign.

31:1 There is no need for haste but continue in thy path that hath been made clear before thee.
31:2 Lean on thine own understanding and be steadfast nor swayed by another from thine appointed way .
31:3 Grieve not that ye do not know answers to many questions .
31:4 All answers shall be given in mine own time.
31:5 Continue in faith with great patience as patience is thy power and prudence is thy byword.
31:6 Remember in thy greatness that strength is the fruit of humility and be thou always small.
31:7 He who is first is also who is last.
31:8 All will happen in mine own time and all will be for the good of those who love God.
31:9 Fear not, thy time is not yet,
31:10 There is much to be done and thy strength will not fail thee.
31:11 Remember thy free agency gives thee the choice to make thine own priorities.
31:12 Thy wisdom is of my wisdom.
31:13 Be not afraid but go in peace, strong as an oak tree but pliant as a willow; the furies shall not touch thee.
31:14 Haste can be made slowly.
31:15 Be patient. Thou hast ears to hear my guidance and eyes to see thy way so do not falter for thy light is my light and with it ye shall find the answers.
31:16 Blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

32. The Fruit of Knowledge is Wisdom

Message received at dawn on Fri 4 Jan 1985. On Wed 2 Jan, John asked for Mother to pray for guidance for him because again he seemed to be at a crossroads. He had become very interested in some Tibetan philosophy, where much is apparently known about the interaction of the spiritual with the physical. His interest became so intense as to interfere with his study of ancient astronomy and the Mayan calendar.

To illustrate his question, he sketched a tree with several branches representing knowledge in different areas such as physics and religion. The question was, is the recent material John had studied more like a branch or like a continuation of the main trunk of uniting physical and spiritual science?

Because Mother has long thought that John would be instrumental in uniting science and religion, she agreed to sincerely pray for guidance so that John would not waste time on the wrong path. The message which came differed from the earlier messages in that a vision of a beautiful scene or illustration preceded it which was essentially as follows.

There was a forest of trees of all types, including fruit trees, evergreens, dead trees and one that had been struck by lightning. There was a straight (not strait) path leading through the forest, with a few side trails. In the foreground was a large fruit tree, with fruit in all stages, including blossoms, buds, immature and ripe fruit, and even fallen fruit that was rotting on the ground. In a sort of cut-away cross-section, she could see its immense root system under the ground, stretching in all directions, which she felt was typical of all the trees. She was impressed with the darkness under the ground and the brightness of the light above. She felt that the path represented life's journey and that this tree was only one on the path which led both to it and then away from it. She felt that one should look at all the trees in the forest and not stop at just one tree. She then received the following.

32:1 Knowledge has roots deep in learning, roots which stretch in all directions and make room to expand.
32:2 They grow in and from darkness, fertilized by effort, patience, curiosity and time, gathering strength in their unending struggle toward light.
32:3 The fruit of knowledge is wisdom which has many stages from seed, to bud, to fruit.
32:4 Who partakes of the fruit before it has absorbed light and the test of time will have knowledge which can be bitter, not yet knowing the ripeness of wisdom.
32:5 Who partakes of the harvest of wisdom will then be blessed with judgment, which, being experienced individually, can be both good and bad,
32:6 But because it is from knowledge rooted in learning, the judgment derived from wisdom can be used as seed to continue the process of eternal growth toward ultimate light.
32:7 There are many kinds of knowledge, bearing various kinds of wisdom.
32:8 Some will wither, shrivel and drop.
32:9 Some tender saplings never reach maturity and fall before weathering.
32:10 Some grow stronger in facing the force of outside elements.
32:11 Many age but are consumed with rot and uprooted even after fruition because they lacked the strength to endure.
32:12 Some are not fructiferous but all serve a purpose and their fruition is attained in achieving the purpose for which their roots were groping in the dark.
32:13 Thy chosen path is clear before thee but beware of pitfalls.
32:14 There will be many trees and beckoning bypaths along thy way but be not distracted nor deceived into the husbandry of a single branch,
32:15 Nor in thy desire, imprudence and impatience, pluck the fruit before its time.

32:16 Knowledge is enlightenment.
32:17 Remind thyself that before there was light there was darkness but when light came it was good.
32:18 So let it be with thine intelligence which is for thy glory which is mine and there shall be no need for fear.
32:19 Continue in faith.
32:20 Questions now in darkness will be answered in the light and in mine own time.

33. Bear Witness of the Light

Message given on Thu 7 Mar 1985, in answer to John's request. The Ensign had asked John to write an article on the origin of the constellations. Until that time, John had decided to wait until better star name translations were available. On Monday, 4 Mar 1985, John was asked to be a special speaker on that subject for an annual Ensign staff symposium. John agreed and he not only found his usual references, but also an unnoticed book in his own library having the translations of the Sumerian names which he needed. John now had no excuse, and he took it as a sign that he was to begin work on the article.

Because such an article represented a new direction for him, away from the Mayan calendar, and because he had just been told to prune off unnecessary branches, he asked Mother on Wed 6 Mar 1985, to pray for guidance one more time. He told her that if he received nothing, he would take the new path, but there were two reasons it could be a mistake. First it could require another two or three years of research and second, the subject could bring so much ridicule that it could ruin his reputation before he published his work on the Mayan calendar. The next day, before he knew of the message, he made a list of questions that needed to be answered before the constellation paper would be complete. One question concerned whether the star of Bethlehem really was a star, and was it bright? The message answers that question.

33:1 Betimes thy path will be narrow and steep and beset with stumbling blocks and treacherous backsliding, but thy step shall be steady if thou dost not falter.
33:2 Thy path is clear before thee and thy goal is toward the light out of darkness .
33:3 Keep thy pace slow and toil not beyond thy strength and thy strength shall not fail thee.
33:4 Observe moderation and prudence in all thy doing.
33:5 Was not the darkness separated by the light and only in darkness can the stars be seen?
33:6 Was not a star of great brightness used for guiding for mine own purpose?
33:7 A star is steadfast to show direction on the dark waters and shifting sands.
33:8 Thy way hath been led by my light and thou must not fear nor falter nor get lost in shadows of thine own making.
33:9 My light is strong and will not fail thee.
33:10 Remember, light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not.
33:11 Did not John come to bear witness of the light that all men through him might believe, through the true Light that lighteth darkness in all men?
33:12 Remember, he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life.
33:13 Were not the blind made to see?
33:14 Thy goal shall be reached but one step at a time and that step on firm ground though it be on a way untraveled before.
33:15 Follow my way and keep thy staff steady in thy hand to feel the firm ground before the next step is taken, even as a blind man, and go not in haste.
33:16 Lean not to thine own understanding but follow the way of wisdom in the path that hath been made clear before thee and obstacles shall be removed in mine own time as answers shall be given thee in mine own time.
33:17 The Comforter shall be sent upon thee which shall teach thee the truth and the way whither thou shall go inasmuch as thou remain faithful.
33:18 Thy faith is thy strength and shall not fail thee. Be of good cheer.

34. John's Stumbling Blocks

Message received on Sun 10 Mar 1985. Mother had been praying for more understanding of the last message, desiring to know what stumbling blocks John would have to overcome and what is the treacherous backsliding?

A vision opened up wherein Mother was allowed to relive an earlier experience from her life. She described it as totally different from remembering an incident, or even from being allowed to see it as an observer, but rather that she actually relived it. She could see, hear, and feel everything just as it actually happened. She described it as follows.

The incident occurred when her son Jimmy was in third grade and Johnny was in first. Jimmy had just finished his arithmetic assignment and asked, "Mother, what is nine and five and three and eight?" Johnny was in the back bedroom, and blurted out in the next breath, "Twenty-five!" Jimmy was furious and asked, "How did you do that so fast?" to which Johnny replied matter-of-factly "It was easy. Nine is one less than ten and eight and three is one over and the five was already there so it was easy!" Jimmy turned to Mother and said, "That's not fair. You have to do it like nine and five are fourteen and three is seventeen and eight makes twenty-five." Johnny said, "That's too slow. My way is just as good and it's quicker!" Jimmy said, "Mother, don't you have to do it the way they teach you in school?" Johnny countered, "My way gets the right answer and it doesn't matter how you get it if the answer is right. My way's as good as his!" An argument began with "No, it's not," and "Yes, it is."

Soon Mother stepped in between the "I'm right, aren't I," from each and said, "Each of you is right because each of you got the right answer in your own way." Johnny would not give up, saying, "Yes, but my way's quicker." Jimmy responded, "No, it isn't. You jump all over and its easy to get mixed up. I go in a straight line from the bottom to the top or I can go in a straight line from the top down to the bottom." Then Johnny said triumphantly, "Everything's easy when you work by tens." Mother stepped in again, "Well, you see I'm right. Each has his own way which is quicker and easier for him but not necessarily for the other. That's why everybody has different ways of looking at and doing whatever he does. Jimmy, you were very smart to do it the way you were taught at school. And you got the right answer. That's what the teacher will grade you on." But Jimmy threw his notebook down and said in disgust, "I'm not very smart if a first grader can do what a third grader does and quicker even!"

Mother then received the following explanatory message. Note that the language of the message is not cryptic or in Biblical language. The prayer was for clarity and the language is very clear and straightforward.

34:1 The situation is much more serious than John knows.
34:2 Stumbling blocks are really his lack of patience, quick temper, and overconfidence in the infallibility of "his way."
34:3 John's impulsiveness and impetuous jumping to conclusions in the excitement of discovery and reading more into the discovery than facts can substantiate can result in incorrect assumptions and cause treacherous backsliding.
34:4 The importance of remembering the established way is as important as having confidence in his own way.
34:5 It is necessary to break new ground and break with tradition at times but only when on firm ground and when certain that firm ground is under your next step.
34:6 Progress might be discouragingly slow at times but huge canyons or chasms can be crossed in a single leap to make up for the time lost but the leap must be made with cautious planning (like preparing for a space trip) and only when the ground on the other side of the canyon can be determined by fact to hold the weight of the oncoming impact.

35. Good Husbandry Requires Pruning

Message received Tue 7 May 1985, about 4 a.m. During the first week of May, 1985, John again became intensely interested in the religious symbolism of Grimm's fairy tales. He felt that although clearly someone should research that subject, it probably shouldn't be he because his training is in astronomy. But he had felt so inspired to work on it that he was confused. On 6 May, he asked his mother to pray to get an answer as to what direction he should go. Logic would say astronomy but this new path was so enticing and no one else seemed to be doing it. Mother received the following the next morning.

35:1 Too many branches weaken the strongest tree and broken branches can destroy the tree.
35:2 Good husbandry requires constant pruning.
35:3 The beginnings must be remembered and enriched so the roots may be nourished and strengthened to balance the buffeting violence of unsuspected whirlwinds which can uproot the growth of many years.
35:4 Beware of the evil lurking in the upshoot of clinging vines which can suffocate and weaken the host with their insidious sapping and draining of its strength .
35:5 Be not confused and avoid the snares of over-zealousness and the temptations which entangle.
35:6 Make haste slowly and do not break more ground than can be cultivated.
35:7 Overextension is the mother of frustration.
35:8 Much is expected from him to whom much is given, even tolerance, humility and moderation .
35:9 Have I not said be patient and let prudence be thy byword to guide thee?
35:10 Go not astray. All will happen in mine own time and in its own season.
35:11 Lean to thine own understanding requires first understanding thyself.
35:12 Headstrong compulsion can cause internecine warfare and self destruction just as an uprooted tree can yield no fruit for harvest.
35:13 Keep thy faith unswerving and yield not to enervating forces which can destroy.
35:14 Mine is thine understanding to be leaned on until thine own understanding grows.
35:15 Be of good cheer and fear not.
35:16 There is much work before thee. Take comfort.
35:17 See Ezekiel 36:27 and know I shall multiply the fruit of the tree.

36. Steadfast to Thy First Purpose

Message received at dawn on Mon 8 Jul 1985. John had been pruning off branches so that he could dedicate his life to the ancient astronomy of the prophets. On Fri 5 Jul 1985, he ran across the two years of work he did on special relativity using Gaussian integers before he had taken a "temporary detour" for the Mayan calendar. Now it looked like the detour was the main path and the modern astrophysics was a branch instead of the main trunk. He was waiting to publish the relativity, but now it seemed that he may never go back to it. So the question arose, should he now make a detour back just to publish what he'd already done so that someone else could pick it up, or should he simply prune off this branch too. Or is astrophysics still the trunk and the calendar a branch?

On Sun 7 Jul 1985, John fasted to know whether or not to bother the Lord one more time to ask which direction to go. The last two answers seemed so clear, that he hesitated to weary the Lord yet another time. But this fork in the path seemed more difficult. After fasting, he felt confident that he definitely should ask again and that he would receive further light and knowledge. Mother prayed and the next morning she received the following.

36:1 Thy path was chosen even before thee and that path hath been made clear before thee and thou shalt not depart therefrom but continue in thy chosen way which is my way and leadeth to the light of mine own understanding .
36:2 Did I not say that before there was light there was darkness but when light came it was good?
36:3 Continue in faith toward the light which comprehendeth all things, which is the light of truth and shineth, which giveth you light and quickeneth your understanding.
36:4 Mine own time is thine own time if thou remaineth steadfast to thy first purpose .
36:5 Intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence and wisdom receiveth wisdom just as light cleaveth unto light, even the light of mine own understanding.
36:6 Remember, light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not but I am the true light that is in you and you are in me
36:7 And the ground is firm as ye go step by step in prudence toward further enlightenment.
36:8 Each light will be a torch to give light to another in its own time which is mine own time.
36:9 Be patient and fear not, all steps are in thy chosen course and thy way is pleasing in my sight.
36:10 Thou shalt not be filled with misgiving or doubt and confusion will leave as the darkness fades before light,
36:11 But remember, progress is made slowly and go not in haste.
36:12 Impatience is thine enemy.
36:13 Have faith and thy stride will lengthen and be sure and thine understanding will quicken in my own time.
36:14 Fear not. There shall be no darkness in you but you will be filled with light which comprehendeth all things.

By "all steps are in thy chosen course" John understood that there is no fork in the road at all. He had made an artificial distinction between truth from modern astrophysics and from ancient astronomy; he saw them as different. But apparently the Lord sees no difference between ancient and modern truth.

37. All Life is As a Single Day

The following message was given on Mon 5 Aug 1985, in the early morning. While reverifying these messages, John noted that a message of Fri 27 Sep, 1963, had not been recorded, yet Mother felt it was very important. She called it the "Secret of Life" and remembered only that it concerned cycles.

Regretting that this message had been lost, John was inspired that if it were worth revealing once, certainly it could be given again. He asked Mother to pray to receive it again, which resulted in the following message. However, in 1988, when Mother was moving to her condominium, what is thought to be the original was found. It is included at the end of this section.

37:1 Sufficient unto the day is the knowledge thereof.
37:2 Thou hast been an obedient servant and hast followed in the path which was made clear before thee.
37:3 Continue in faith and the light of thine understanding will give thee vision.
37:4 Remember thou hast said there is no need to rend the curtain.
37:5 Thou shalt know all answers in mine own time and the light of true understanding shall be yours and there shall be no confusion.

37:6 All life is as a single day.
37:7 We arise from a period of sleep and resting where we have restored our bodies and gained strength.
37:8 We enter the cycle which is, and hath no beginning nor end even as a circle ever extending its peripheries eternally.
37:9 Did I not tell thee the higher the arc the like arc of rest is required.
37:10 Much is expected from one who hath been given much , even gifts of understanding,
37:11 And the secret of understanding infinity is discovered in the quiet period of rest and sleep and strength-gathering.

37:12 Remember the way of eternal progression where there is no death or birth but rest and growth, ascending to heights, but only as high as the period and equal depth of the restful slumber which gives rise to all strength.
37:13 There is a law which governeth all things and all kingdoms (stages) have a law and there are many kingdoms and no space where there is no kingdom
37:14 And the same is true, there is no kingdom (or state) (or stage) in which there is no space—the space being the law of rest and strength (restoration)—even a greater or lesser stage.
37:15 Light, even the light of understanding, cleaveth to light but light needs the darkness to make it bright even as the stars cannot be seen in the day.
37:16 Remember, a baby hath need for much sleep to gather strength and intelligence and this kingdom (or stage) is governed by the same law.
37:17 The law never changes throughout eternity.
37:18 All thy questions will be answered in mine own time, which is in the space of sleeping and gathering strength to let the light of understanding dawn.
37:19 Be thou content.
37:20 John is in 40 stage (see D&C 88:40) and his enlightenment is governed by my law.
37:21 Thou art in thy 79th stage (see D&C 88:78-79) and now while you are 78 you shall be given all things that are expedient for you to understand; and what 79 will teach you.
37:22 You will learn more of the kingdoms whereof you have been given understanding.

Verse 4 of the message quotes one of Mother's poems. Later that same day she found the poem, which even had the date on it. It was written on Thu 6 Jan 1966, when John's girl friend Rebecca Giles told her she was going to marry another.

Faith's Victory

There is a reason back of everything.
I cannot see or know but just believe
there is a power strong enough to bring
to me what it is right I should receive.
Perhaps I should not ask to know the why
and wherefore of these things that need must be.
I'm flesh and blood that's born to live and die
dependent on faith for security.
There is no need for me to rend the curtain,
I am content to know the smallest part,
and knowledge final good is sure and certain
sustains me while this pain tears at my heart.
My strength is rooted deep within my soul,
I have the promise faith can make me whole.

As mentioned in the introduction, what is thought to be the original of this message was later found and is included here. It was more in the form of a vision wherein Mother asked questions about what she saw and then wrote down answers. It is not clear that whether she heard a voice as in the later messages or simply wrote down what she understood. Some of the words were almost totally unreadable—the most uncertain are indicated by question marks (?).

What is life? We don't even know what life is. Yes, we do. Life is simply an opportunity to develop and progress in physical form. It holds the secret of eternity. Its pattern is constant from the lowest, smallest cell to the greatest, most complex world. What pattern? The unending curve. All life knows four stages: budding, blooming, fading, death. [Here she drew a circle with the top semicircle dark and the bottom dashed. The top solid line had four tick marks on it, one at the beginning, one at the end and two equally spaced between. The first was marked "B", the others were not marked.] Then the period of resting and gathering strength for the upsurging of new progression.
Why is life so difficult and full of struggle? It isn't difficult. Man makes it seem so and so it seems to man; and struggle is simply another word for movement or moving. Man forgets that the whole answer is, "Man is that he might have joy" for the greatest glory is intelligence. Life is based on simplicity. All great truths are simple. The pattern is repeated endlessly in every existing and non-existing thing. Non-existing? Yes, furniture, history, fashions, machinery, any- and everything.
Each day, each hour has the same pattern and follows the same rules. Each day we live a whole life and die a small death in sleep for restoring the strength needed to rise again. In trying to find complicated answers man blinds himself to the obvious simple one, and there is only one and it was created for man's perfection if he uses it wisely. There can be no sorrow if there is understanding.
But this oversimplifies it. Man has been searching thruout centuries for the secret of life, for what life really is. It can't be so simple, there must be more. There can be nothing more than truth but this is only the answer to one question: What is life? The secret. Infinity is made of the all over pattern.

God sustains life.

God is the center of the universe and man. All the same to God. He is the source of the strength for the (?) smooth (?) power (?) but we have to connect (?) to (?) the hub (?) by work and prayer.

38. Arise and Shine

John prayed for guidance on the evening of Tue 9 Oct 1985, concerning whether he should research the possibility that the Pleiades was the original zero point of ecliptic longitude. He didn't feel it was important enough to have his mother pray for a special message and he felt it was time he got his own inspiration. But he did pray that in case he was not in tune enough, to send the message to her. He did not tell her anything at all about his prayer. That night he had a dream which he thought was his answer and so he did not even mention it to her until the following Sunday.

However, Mother received the following message on the morning of Wed 10 Oct 1985. Because she had been so deeply asleep when she wrote it and because she had not prayed for anything special that night, she had forgotten that she received it until John asked her if she had received anything recently.

38:1 The way is bright coming out of darkness and bringing light where darkness was before.
38:2 John's birthday, not above or below 7:4. ["For there is no man that doeth any thing in secret, and he himself seeketh to be known openly. If thou do these things, shew thyself to the world." John 7:4]
38:3 The way is clear, open before John.
38:4 Eyes have power to see without light from sun or moon as mine is the true light.

38:5 Thou shalt be guided to arise and shine and find the message therein.
38:6 Continue on, for the ground is firm beneath thy step.

39. To All Things There is a Season

The allusion to a hidden message was mysterious until on the following Sunday morning, Mother heard the radio announcer say that the text of the next song was Isaiah 60, and the choir then sang, "Arise, shine ..." She then found the message in the first few verses of that chapter. John felt that he understood John 7:4 referenced in the last message, but was unsure of Isa. 60. On 13 Oct 1985 he asked Mother to pray for confirmation of the meaning. The next morning, Mon 14 Oct 1985, she received the following message.

39:1 Let there be no confusion. Thy way hath been made clear before thee.
39:2 Arise and shine is as the sun riseth, coming out of darkness in its own time and making the daylight shine.
39:3 There is a darkness beyond darkness and a light beyond light, a light brighter than light, even mine own light which is everlasting, a light which I bestow in mine own time, a light which is the light of understanding of all things of my making but in mine own time and not thine.
39:4 Too bright a light before the eye is accustomed to brilliance can blind eyes and keep them from discerning the truth.
39:5 Daylight slowly appears as darkness slowly fades to prepare for the first rays of the rising sun.
39:6 Brilliance waits until the noon and twilight fades slowly after sunset, allowing man the blessing of darkness for the essential strength-giving sleep and for such did I make the day and the night.
39:7 All is accomplished inexorably but slowly, even the pattern of seasons.
39:8 Have I not said the ground is firm beneath thy step, but remember a wayward foot can stumble and progress can be difficult if equilibrium is lost.
39:9 Look not to the distance and the peripheries but keep thine eyes single to the immediate path before thee.
39:10 Maintain the joy of equanimity, keeping calm, and know the peace beyond understanding which is true joy, for which man is that he may have.
39:11 Without balance in all things all is lost .
39:12 As the sun also riseth the sun goeth down.
39:13 Before thy birth it was desired thou shouldst have the wisdom of the sun that sets.
39:14 Take heed of this wisdom and there shall be time for all things in their season.

39:15 Remember in much wisdom there is much grief; and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.
39:16 Beware of the false step which bringeth a fall, keeping thine eyes upward to see only the stars can cause thy foot to stumble.
39:17 Balance is the product of judgment.
39:18 Keep thy foot steady or the firm ground will availeth not.
39:19 Be not rash with thy mouth and let not thine heart be hasty to utter words with conviction but let thy words be few that none might assaileth them.

39:20 A dream cometh through the multitude of business; and in the multitude of dreams and many words there are also divers useless things without meaning or substance.
39:21 Be not too righteous, neither make thyself overwise lest thou destroy thyself and all thy work .
39:22 Why shouldst thou die before thy time?
39:23 Life is not diminished by death but only by living.
39:24 Good living is attained through self-mastery and control of the force of wrath which bringeth forth strife and vexation.
39:25 Good living is attained in the passing of each hour and each day and in the pattern thereof.
39:26 A man goeth out to his labor and returneth to the place where he arose, as the sun also riseth and goeth down.

39:27 Thou art a man whose labor is in wisdom and in knowledge and in equity but what doth a man in such labor if there is vexation in his heart and his heart taketh no rest in the night?
39:28 I give to a man who is pleasing in my sight wisdom and knowledge and joy but there is a balance of sorrow and vexation which he must overcome.
39:29 Remember it is right that man enjoyeth the fruits of his labor but man also knoweth there is nothing better for a man that he should eat and drink and keepeth his house in order.
39:30 Wisdom excelleth folly as light excelleth darkness.
39:31 The wise man useth his eyes even his inner eyes and the fool walketh in darkness but the wise man knoweth that one event happeneth to them all and that to all things there is a season.
39:32 That which hath gone before shall be made clear to that which is now and to that which shall come after.
39:33 Remember that better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit so be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.
39:34 Wise judgment gives control.
39:35 A wise man's heart discerneth both time and judgment.
39:36 The words of wise men are heard in quiet and are gracious.
39:37 Better is an handful with quietness than both the hands full with travail and vexation of the spirit.
39:38 The sleep of a man who laboreth is sweet and will give renewed strength.

39:39 There is nothing better that a man rejoiceth in his own works for that is his due.
39:40 Thy work is laid out before thee and thy work is pleasing in mine eyes.
39:41 Thy glory shall be my glory if thou keepest my commandments.

The reference in verse 13 is to a poem Mother published in Practically Apparent, which she read over and over to John before he was born. Here are the last lines of that poem:

Prenatal Soliloquy

What goes into the making of a soul?
I know were I the one to do the choosing,
I'd take the very finest things there are.
I'd take the kind of faith spring keeps on using,
I'd take the steadfastness that makes a star.
For wisdom I would take the sun that's setting,
I'd take the strength one finds in blackest night;
its courage from the new dawn I'd be getting,
and patience from time's never-ending flight.
Oh, please, when it is time for soul dispensing,
and You choose, it doesn't matter how it's done,
the soul for this new life now just commencing,
please, God, pick out a very special one!

40. The Ladder Was Meant for Thy Foot

On Sun 27 Oct 1985, John met Larry Walker, a man who offered to teach John his own translation of Egyptian. John felt very good about him and felt that Mother would get some specific guidance if she asked for it. The question John had was, "Is this man's work the chasm that would be crossed and how can John know if the ground is firm on the other side?" "And if so, should John learn Egyptian (and perhaps Hebrew) or should he just bring his astronomy to help strengthen Larry's case?"

Then they decided it would be too presumptuous to make such specific demands when they had already been told he would be given knowledge in due time. So Mother asked only for confirmation of John's decision to go learn from this man. At dawn on Tue 29 Oct 1985, she received the following message.

40:1 Fear not. He who asks in faith, believing, his prayer shall be answered. Ask and it shall be given.
40:2 I am here to counsel and guide thee.
40:3 The answer thou seekest lieth in thine own heart.
40:4 Bethink ye, and remember the words of my servant, even Heber J. Grant, when he spoke of thy work which was as his work and thy work has been known to me. [Mother received a letter from Pres. Heber J. Grant dated 6 Dec 1941 to Circle Publishing Co., Hollywood. Concerning her book which she had sent him for a birthday present, he wrote, ". . . I am sure I shall enjoy it. I feel that certainty because of your subscription to my own doctrine regarding work."
40:5 Have I not said thou art blessed among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb?
40:6 Have I not said, to all things there is a time and the time is now if John continueth in righteousness and obeys my commandments, being a whole man and no less.
40:7 Sufficient unto his need is his learning thereof.
40:8 Much will be made clear to thee in this, mine own time , for the time is now.
40:9 [Here I saw the face of Horst Scharffs, a man who had given me a copy of Joseph Smith as a Translator about twenty years ago.] That which was past is now the firm ground under his foot.
40:10 Bethink ye and remember also thine astonishment at Joseph Smith as a Translator which shall now open the eyes of John for the time is now and fear not. (7-4-45-40 also 198.) [I knew these numbers refer to the book, although I also recognized them as John's birthday and age. Apparently 7,4 are chapters and the others are pages.]
40:11 There is much to know and much to be revealed at this time but also much which is not to be revealed at this time.

40:12 John, bethink ye also, that which I have said.
40:13 Let not thy diligence be overweighed by haste nor use thy time filling both hands to overflowing lest they runneth over and retaineth nothing.
40:14 Thou art thine own stumbling block and bethink ye, haste and fulfillment are made in slow order .
40:15 There is much demanded of thee to whom much is given and thou must learn patience to go not in haste.
40:16 Bethink ye, mine is a house of order and all things will happen in mine own time.
40:17 The sky is thy pathway and glorious is thy journey thereon.
40:18 Go forward with prudence as thy byword and discerning judgment as thy guide.

40:19 Wisdom dwells with prudence and hates pride and arrogance so be thou humble and seek not to be over-wise.
40:20 Fear not to step on the ladder of another's making .
40:21 It was meant for thine own foot and will hold thee in steadiness.
40:22 Have I not said instructions given to a wise man will make him yet wiser .
40:23 If thou be wise, thou shalt be wise for thyself.
40:24 Knowledge of the holy is understanding.
40:25 My wisdom is tempered with prudence and my wisdom excelleth over all intelligences so be thou therefore prudent and walk with caution letting not thy desire overcome thy prudence.
40:26 The false step is made in haste.
40:27 Bethink ye also, the faithful and wise servant who is ruler of his own household, is thoughtful and caring of others, who controls self and ruleth with a gentle hand, speaking in a quiet voice, provideth well.
40:28 Blessed is this servant and righteous in my sight.
40:29 The whole man is he who is made up of many parts, both strength and frailties, knowledge and ignorance, who gaineth much by learning all in its own time and season, rushing not to destruction but attaining eventual peace, even mine own peace which is beyond understanding.
40:30 Go not forth hastily to strive lest thou know not of what to do in the end thereof.

40:31 It is given unto thee as to Abraham to know the set time of all the stars that give light, even the greater light and the lesser light, but thou must bethink that all moveth in order more slow for mine is a house of order.
40:32 And as there is a greater and a lesser star and two spirits with one of which is more intelligent than the other, both shall excel, as intelligence hath no beginning or end but is eternal and I am more intelligent than all.

40:33 Thou knowest the greatest star is nearest unto me and I am the way and I am the light, even lighter than all light.
40:34 I am the light of intelligence which is given liberally and which sparks in all men.
40:35 The light which thou bringest to darkness now is as a flicker that can illumine a small place but the light has of my power and if thou art righteous and proceed with caution, tending the flame, thy light will be as the light of day differs from the darkness of night, all shall see thy light and call it good.
40:36 Did not I put the stars in the night to shine in darkness?
40:37 The darkness must prevail for the stars to be seen even as the miner in the dark cavern can see the stars though the light of day be above him.
40:38 There is a time for silence and a time to speak.
40:39 Have I not said it is the glory of God to conceal a thing and for man to search out the matter?.

40:40 Yet there must be a time for the sleeping, a time for the slumber, and a time for the folding of hands.
40:41 Follow my guidance and I shall not desert thee. Be thou content.

Verse 4 refers to a letter dated Sat 6 Dec 1941, to Mother from Pres. Grant in which he praises her work and says they have the same views on work. Verse 13 probably refers to John's recent copying over 500 pages about the origin of the constellations from the U. of Utah and then another 400 pages from BYU. Verse 31 is in response to John's prayer in the temple on the foregoing Fri 25 Oct 1985, to know the meaning of the "set times" in Abr. 3:6.

41. Thy Pathway is the Sky

On Sun 3 Nov 1985, Mother had some feelings that she told John to act on immediately. They were 1) to read Ecclesiastes and Proverbs, 2) to contact Horst Scharffs whom she saw in the last message and ask him more about R. C. Webb's identity, 3) to have John speed read Webb's book that day and wait to study the details and 4) that the reason that the "time is right" now is because of the Ramses II exhibit that just opened in Provo and that John should contact Bro. Griggs of B.Y.U. so that John can make a thorough study of it during the next five months.

John skimmed through the book but was very tired and got little from it. When he stopped to take a nap, he felt inspired that the last item that Mother mentioned made no sense because he did not read Egyptian and a rushed course now did not seem consistent with the advice to make haste slowly.

After praying about the matter he told his Mother to pray for more enlightenment. Although she protested that they had wearied the Lord enough, he insisted that she would receive another message that night and told her to say that unless she got a clear message to the contrary, that John did not plan to make a five-month study of the Ramses exhibit. The next morning, Mon 4 Nov 1985, from 2-4 a.m. Mother received the following message.

41:1 Thy confusion is of thine own making.
41:2 Thou art over-eager and thy eagerness can cause consternation in thine understanding, even as the over-anxious mother bird forces more food in the open mouths of her nestlings than they can swallow.
41:3 For that thine heart is pure, thee I do not chastise but mildly rebuke.
41:4 Thou art not mindful of my words for thy guidance.
41:5 Remember he whom the Lord loveth he correcteth.
41:6 My words to make haste in slow order were not spoken lightly.
41:7 Do not decline my words in thy desire for haste and add not thy meaning to my words lest I reprove thee.

41:8 John hath of mine own understanding and it is good.
41:9 Who knoweth the interpretation of a thing with certainty?
41:10 The time is now because many things are being brought together at this time, even the treasures of old and the flashing of fire from the skies but all these things are not for thy confusion but for thine enlightenment as thou feeleth the need for thine own learning.
41:11 Be ye mindful of my words and forget them not but let thine heart keep my commandments.
41:12 Trust my words and lean not to thine own understanding but follow wherein I guide thee.
41:13 Thy way is in my light.
41:14 Ponder the path of thy feet and let all thy ways be established.
41:15 Turn not to the right nor to the left.
41:16 All my words are in righteousness and plain to him that understandeth and right to them that find knowledge.
41:17 I have made for thee both the hearing ear and the seeing eye and that which is for ye to understand will be made clear unto thee insofar as it fills thy need and in mine own time.
41:18 Thou canst walk with confidence if thou goeth not in haste.
41:19 Thy path is clear, and shall be cleared of obstacles, before thee and thou shalt not go thou therefrom and follow a bypath of another's making to thy destruction but thy path being sure before thee, thy foot is sure and thou wilt turn neither to the right nor to the left.
41:20 These many things are for thy learning only as they throw light upon thy chosen path.
41:21 Thy pathway is the sky and thou shalt not depart therefrom but there must be moderation in all things.
41:22 It needs must be I admonish thee that much study is a weariness to the flesh and in this matter lean to thine own judgment for thine own good that thy sleep be not troubled and thy strength be not weakened .
41:23 He that heareth reproof getteth understanding.
41:24 Have I not said a just weight and balance are mine and are necessary in all things and at all times.
41:25 A prudent man foreseeth evil and protecteth himself therefrom.
41:26 Bow down thine ear and hear my words of wisdom and apply thine heart to my knowledge.
41:27 My words are fitted for thee and thou shalt keep them within thee.
41:28 That thy trust may be in me, I have made known to thee this day, even to thee .
41:29 Have I not told thee excellent things in counsels and in knowledge, that I might make thee know the certainty of the words of truth?
41:30 Light, even the light of understanding, will be given thee in mine own time and for mine own purpose.
41:31 Go thou with confidence and be thou content.

42. Clarity Will Emerge From a Swamp

The following message was discovered in Mar 1986 when Mother gave John the original transcriptions of the messages. She believes it was to her and came shortly after Message 41.

42:1 Thou art over-eager and thine eagerness can cause good judgment to go astray.
42:2 Do not decline my words.
42:3 Keep sound wisdom and use discretion and thou shalt walk in thy way softly and not stumble.
42:4 Much study is a weariness of the flesh.
42:5 Use moderation in all things.
42:6 Clarity will emerge from a swamp as John bringeth truth out of that which is murky.

43. Thou Hast My Promise, My Covenant

On Sun 15 Dec 1985, John again met with Larry Walker and learned more about ancient constellations. He returned excited about what lies ahead, and had decided that there was no other way but for him to learn at least the rudiments of ancient Egyptian and Hebrew. Because he was afraid that he might be spreading himself too thin to do so, he asked Mother to pray about it. She did so, and also asked for more confirmation that John was supposed to rely so heavily on Larry Walker for information. The following message was received during the early morning of Tue 17 Dec 1985.

43:1 Fear not to ask of me that which ye ask in righteousness, seek me for I am here.
43:2 Incline thine ear and come unto me: hear and I shall make an everlasting covenant with you.
43:3 Blessed is the man who doeth my will and keepeth my commandments.
43:4 In righteousness shalt thou be established and thou shalt walk with a firm step on thy chosen path.
43:5 Thou shalt be strengthened and thy stride lengthened to achieve thy goal.
43:6 Be thou humble as the whole man is humble and be thou prudent and learn patience.
43:7 In thy desire for haste thy foot may still falter and all may be destroyed .
43:8 Caution is required at all times.

43:9 Have I not said two are better than one and they shall have a good reward for their labor, even the husband and his wife or why does man need woman to be whole, to be one in the child, the son, the daughter, and support one to the other?
43:10 When two work together, if one fall, the other will lift up his partner and woe be to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.

43:11 Knowledge cometh not easily but its flower is wisdom for all and can be shared by all in its full bloom.
43:12 But as the flower unfolds petal by petal so is knowledge revealed bit by bit struggling through the darkness to the light.
43:13 Both require patience and diligence.
43:14 The flower is buried deep in the seed, deep in the root and through struggle and desire breaks from the darkness in its search for light and blossom, through the soil, the tight stem, the confinement of the bud to finally emerge into the flower whose bloom is to be shared by all, its fragrance and its beauty,
43:15 Just as wisdom is held in awe when each step is accomplished through acquired knowledge, but to acquire knowledge, tools are required, even as the flower and wisdom, to accomplish their goals.
43:16 They all need pruning and fertilizing for growth.
43:17 To acquire knowledge the tools of language, books, wise words from those who have gone before, as well as study, diligence, patience and determination are all necessary to use constantly to bring forth the light of wisdom from the darkness of ignorance.

43:18 Bethink thee of my words; the answer thou seekest lieth in thine own heart where lieth all wisdom.
43:19 Instructions given to a wise man will make him wiser still ; life itself is a learning process.
43:20 All is accomplished inexorably and in mine own time .
43:21 Bethink thee, remind thyself of my words, make haste slowly and do not break more ground than can be cultivated; over-extension is the mother of frustration and failure.
43:22 Be thou at all times the whole man full of balance in all thine endeavors.
43:23 Thy guidance hath been given thee in mine own words and thine inner eyes shall discern the wisdom therein as thou groweth in understanding.
43:24 A wise man's heart discerneth both time and judgment.
43:25 Continue in righteousness, never failing, and thou hast my promise, my covenant.
43:26 Keep thy step sure and thy vision clear.
43:27 I shall not fail thee.

44. Light Cometh Out of Darkness

On Sun 29 Dec 1985, John was pondering the covenant that had been extended to him and he realized that he had not officially accepted. As he contemplated the correct manner to do so, he remembered that all everlasting covenants have a token associated with them. The token is generally something that will be seen often to be a constant reminder, such as the rainbow for Noah. That night he asked Mother to pray, to specifically state that John accepts the conditions of the covenant and to ask, "What is the token of the covenant?" Early the next morning, on Mon 30 Dec 1985, she received the following message.

44:1 It is fitting thou knowest the token of the covenant I have established with you if thou continueth in righteousness never failing, and doeth my will according to thine understanding.
44:2 And this is the token of the covenant I make between me and you, a token which will serve as remembrance of my promise, a token which, like your effort, will be never failing and constant,
44:3 And the token is light that cometh out of darkness as each day emerges from night and this light of day which is a token gets brighter with the sun which, though obscured at times, is constant and the token of light continueth after nightfall in the pole star, which guideth in the darkness.
44:4 Thou shalt never be without my light.
44:5 The token is of my making and did I not say it was good?
44:6 Each day will bring its light as token of our covenant one to another.
44:7 If thine eye be single to my glory, thy whole body shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and thy body, which is filled with my light, comprehendeth all things.
44:8 Be thou of good cheer.

45. Is Water Lazy?

Message received early in the morning of Sun 5 Jan 1986. Mother had been praying for guidance after having been regretting that she had not given better domestic training to her two sons.

45:1 Judge not thyself and grieve not that thou canst be fallible.
45:2 Thou art not at fault.
45:3 Many things are that they must be.
45:4 Be not confused about right or wrong nor place moral values on truths or the invincible laws of nature.
45:5 Is it wrong for water to choose the easy way down a hill on its journey to the sea?
45:6 Is it lazy, slothful, cunning or wise?
45:7 Is it wrong to be the meadow, the serene valley quiet in the sun?
45:8 Is it wrong for the cliff to leap with abandon against the sky, or the thunder to be full of noise?
45:9 Look not to scorn one and approve the other.
45:10 Be thou cautious in attributing rightness or wrongness to the conduct, the appearance, the actions of that which is universal, even human nature.
45:11 Reason for the act is father to its result.
45:12 Let not attitude nor state of mind determine the quality of that which is beyond thy control.
45:13 Is dawn at fault for tardiness?
45:14 Can the sky be criticized for that it is untidy with clouds scattered all about?
45:15 Does one applaud the sunrise and condemn the sunset?
45:16 Does one glory in the setting sun, welcoming the comforting darkness to sooth and bring respite from weariness, or does one despise the sunset because of dreading the terror and loneliness of oncoming, relentless night?
45:17 Is one phenomenon right, another wrong?
45:18 Is the apple immoral because it falls to the ground, or the wind wicked because it blows away the leaves and torments the clouds, or is death evil because it is a constant part of the life cycle?
45:19 Thou art accountable for thine own actions according to thine understanding.
45:20 Seek not to make judgment from thy limited knowledge and experience nor place moral values when they do not apply.
45:21 It is neither honest nor dishonest that two and two make four, not a matter of good or evil, not a spiritual belief to prove faith but an existing mathematical fact.
45:22 Figures are not smug, nor proud nor ashamed.
45:23 They are that they might be, simply an undeniable basis to be used as a tool.
45:24 Be comforted in thine own knowledge nor grieve that thou hast a need for guidance.
45:25 It shall be given thee.
45:26 Thou art blessed among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
45:27 John shall be thy staff to lean upon.

46. Let Them Live in Harmony

Message received on the morning of Wed 29 Jan 1986. Mother had been praying for guidance for her sons, especially for ways that their marriages could be more harmonious.

46:1 Be not afraid. Thou hast the strength of ten thousand and it shall not fail thee.
46:2 Thou hast been through the fire and hast proven thyself worthy.
46:3 Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
46:4 Thou art elect and also thy children whom I love in the truth which dwelleth in them .
46:5 Grace be with you to bless and comfort you, giving you peace and serenity of spirit.
46:6 I rejoice greatly that I find thy children walking in truth, for whosoever is born of me hath an inner light, even as thee, and walketh in the light of truth.
46:7 Whosoever is of me dwelleth in me and I dwell in him.
46:8 John hath told thee whosoever is born of me doth not commit sin for my seed remaineth in him, he cannot sin for he is of me.
46:9 Thou knowest mine is understanding beyond understanding , a love beyond love.
46:10 I judge not as the world judgeth for I know thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart , thou canst have no secret from me as the hairs on thy head are numbered unto me.

46:11 Thou seekest my help and I hear thee.
46:12 Have I not said man shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be of one flesh and these commandments I give unto them.
46:13 Let them live in harmony allowing no discord.
46:14 Let them reason one with another with no angry words.
46:15 Let them confess their faults one to another and seek to understand and pray one for another, holding no grudge but working with patience, striving to please one another in love.
46:16 Let them forgive one another as I forgive, remembering sin no more when there is repentance which blotteth out sin forever.
46:17 Have I not said though thy sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow?
46:18 So let it be with anger and recriminations.
46:19 Fear not, thy strength is my strength and thy John is with thee. Be thou content.
46:20 All is not as is seen on the surface but only with the inner eye.
46:21 Thou art as one with thy children and are not James and John brothers?
46:22 The love of one brother for another brother will not be denied.
46:23 Be thou at peace.
46:24 Thou hast eyes which have seen not but now will see and thy understanding will be deep and abiding.
46:25 All things are for thine experience and growth.
46:26 Judge not thyself nor berate thyself.
46:27 Have I not said everyone sins in some degree and there are none without faults.
46:28 There are always clouds which hideth the sunlight for a time before they are dispersed but he who doeth acts in righteousness according to his own understanding , he is righteous unto me.
46:29 Thou shalt be guided to know my words and recognize their meaning as thine eyes will be opened to see.
46:30 Thy children stand upright before me and the bond of brotherhood shall sustain them in knowledge that all walk in darkness toward light and all things shall be done in mine own time and for mine own reasons and be made known to thee in mine own time as thine understanding grows.
46:31 Thou and thy children are chosen and all walk upright before me.
46:32 Listen to naught but thine own heart and the urgings therein.
46:33 Thy faith shall sustain thee and thy way shall be made clear before thee (Timothy, Cor 7).
46:34 Ask of me and knoweth thy prayers are heard.
46:35 Have I not said thou and thy children are blessed?
46:36 Be thou content and know peace of mind, even my peace , which is beyond understanding.

47. Be Both Falcon and Dove

As John studied Egyptian astronomy with a keen interest, he became confused about exactly what he should be learning. He asked Mother to pray for more guidance, though with no specific question. He was also somewhat discouraged that progress is so slow. Mother did so, adding a prayer for James, and the next morning, Mon 24 Feb 1986, she received the following.

After receiving this message and never having heard the word "cadge" before, Mother went to her encyclopedia and read the following about falcons: "The falcons proper, for strength, symmetry and power of flight are the most perfectly developed of the feathered race.... They are trained by being hooded, ... and gradually are accustomed, at first in complete darkness, to being fed and handled, and later to feeding in the light and among spectators... Others were kept hooded until the falconer himself started or perceived the game when they were unhooded and sent after it.... Good falcons show a keen interest and great intelligence in their work." (Encyclopedia Americana, v 10, p. 726, 1954)... It defined "cadge" as a frame on which hawks are carried, and "to ring" as to rise spiraling in the air.

47:1 Have I not said grieve not that thou hast a need for guidance .
47:2 Thy step is sure and the ground is firm beneath thy foot on thy chosen path which hath been made clear before thee.
47:3 Go not in haste nor be over-anxious at delays not of thy making.
47:4 A firm step is more to be desired that a fleet foot.
47:5 Thou hast been guided to hear my words and know their meaning according to thine understanding.
47:6 Seek not to have a perfect knowledge else why is there need for faith?
47:7 Thy faith is thy strength and it shall not fail thee.
47:8 In knowledge and the acquiring of knowledge there is much to confound the wise and the learned.
47:9 As faith is not a perfect knowledge even so it is with my words, they cannot be known of a surety at first nor until thine understanding and gift of discernment grow,
47:10 But as ye awaken and arouse your faculties with faith and have the desire to learn, this desire will work in thy bosom and the meaning of my words shall be made clear unto thee.
47:11 Have I not said thou hast my word and that my word is as a seed which swelleth and sprouteth in thy breast and being a good seed it enlighteneth thine understanding.
47:12 And my word which is placed in thy breast is light and whatsoever is light is good, even as the seed which sprouteth in light, but thou who hath seen the light and tasted of it.
47:13 If ye neglect the tree with no thought of its nourishment it will not take root but wither, not because the seed was not good but that it lacked nourishment by thy neglect.
47:14 My word must be nourished as it beginneth to grow by thy faith, thy diligence and thy patience, allowing no confusion as to what the fruit shall be.
47:15 Confusion is the start of chaos.
47:16 Because of thy faith, thy diligence and thy patience with my word in nourishment, it shall take root in thee and thou shalt pluck the fruit thereof that is sweet above all that is sweet, white above all that is white, and pure above all that is pure; and ye shall feast upon the fruit even until ye hunger not and neither shall ye thirst.
47:17 Faith, prudence, patience and diligence shall be thy tools to nourish and cultivate the good seed — it groweth slowly to be strong and endure.

47:18 In thy learning be both falcon and dove.
47:19 Know that a falcon must be keen for his work, but he must be tamed and while being trained he must be hooded at first and work in complete darkness until adjusted to work in light.
47:20 Thou art now and be thou always a good falcon which showeth keen interest in its work and hath a great intelligence.
47:21 As a falcon ye canst ring in a wide spiral, high into the air, but always to return to the cadge of mine arm.
47:22 But mind thee, temper the fierceness of the falcon with the gentleness of the dove which rests in peace on my shoulder.
47:23 Each feathered bird is covered, feather by feather, each dovetailing into one completed whole, just as knowledge is not isolated but developed as one fragile feather at a time, relating to and lying upon the feather beneath it.
47:24 Both the falcon and the dove can be trained through patience.
47:25 The dove carries its message and returneth to the home from which it came.
47:26 Be thou the falcon and the dove returning after flight to the master for further guidance.
47:27 Obey and ask not what is the message — it shall be given thee.

47:28 And to thee who speaketh this prayer. Thy faith shall sustain thee.
47:29 The mystery of iniquity is difficult to understand but in mine own time the wicked shall be revealed, those who have been deceived in unrighteousness shall not prevail.
47:30 They have been sent strong delusions and have believed a lie who should have known the truth.
47:31 But they believed not the truth even as the Thessalonians.
47:32 Be ye not shaken in mind nor troubled in spirit by words that can deceive.
47:33 Thou and thine offspring walk in truth and righteousness but all great must know persecution at some time to be proven the power of truth in their own hearts.
47:34 Keep steadfast in thy faith and those who let unrighteousness abide in them will be taken out of the way and thou shalt be delivered from those who are unreasonable and are deceived,
47:35 For all men do not have faith and recognize not the truth but I am faithful and will keep thee from evil, directing thy heart in righteousness.
47:36 Count the unrighteous not as an enemy but admonish him as a brother.
47:37 Be thou not afraid.

48. Be Thou As a Straight Arrow

On Sun 15 Mar 1986, John asked Mother to pray again. He was still confused about things he had been studying and impatient at having been kept in the dark concerning them. Although it was clear that he should study ancient astronomy, he did not feel he knew with certainty what direction to go.

Since the last message, he had been to the Ramses II exhibit twice and felt that the purpose of his visit was to study an Egyptian water clock that measured the twelve hours of the night. On it were hieroglyphics of the constellations, the day and month signs. John did a literature search and felt it was clear that he should study that clock, especially considering Message 41:10 which mentions treasures of old. The week before he had arisen in the dark at 5 a.m. every morning to do his work, thinking it a fine idea.

John did not feel to ask any specific questions because he had been repeatedly told he would be given all answers in due time. So he had Mother say, "The falcon is returning for further instructions." The next morning, Sun 16 Mar 1986, she received the following.

48:1 Fear not. Have I not said that if ye shall ask anything in my name I will give it but in mine own time?
48:2 Seek not for instructions thou hast already received but be mindful of my words to John even in 40 [here Mother saw 40:8 and understood it to be the beginning verse intended] and 41 which are the now years of John in whom I am well pleased. [Since this message was received, messages 40 & 41 have been renumbered 41 & 43 respectively, due to finding the messages now numbered 13 and 42.]
48:3 Continueth in thy way as a whole man with balance in all things 39:11, 51:3, 52:17, 54:25] and walk with confidence in the path that is made clear before thee.
48:4 If there be setbacks they shall be for thine enlightenment and for mine own reasons so be thou not afraid but walk in righteousness not faltering.
48:5 Thou hast the eye and strength of an eagle and can soar to great heights but thou art the falcon in thy heart.
48:6 The eagle is fiercely wild and the ferocity leans not to instruction and can rarely be tamed and receive training.
48:7 But the falcon responds to the master's voice and is tamed, returning even as thee to the master's arm to be guided by command to ring in ever widening spirals. [At this point Mother remembered the everwidening spirals she saw when given message 37:8.]
48:8 There is that in an eagle which remains forever wild.

48:9 Bethink thee of the arrow.
48:10 The arrow knows not its direction and cares not where it is aimed.
48:11 It questions not nor does it judge the skill or accuracy of the hand which speeds it on its way.
48:12 But the straight arrow is directed by the hand which bends the bow, which is mine own hand, and the target is of mine own choosing so be thou as a straight arrow.
48:13 John hath of mine own understanding and it is good .
48:14 But John, knoweth as thou groweth in understanding so will thine eye grow in discernment and thine enlightenment will increase as the sun increaseth and brighteneth the light of day which is a token of my covenant .
48:15 But be thou patient and walk with prudence going not in haste.
48:16 Be thou content in knowledge I am the light which thou seekest and which shall fill thee.
48:17 And he who is filled with my light walketh in truth even as the man who walketh the twelve hours of the day and stumbleth not because he seeth the light of the world which light I am, even the way and the light.
48:18 Be mindful also the night was made for sleeping and respite and if a man walketh in the twelve hours of night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him.
48:19 Have I not said thou hast my guidance if thou continueth in righteousness?
48:20 Be not dismayed when the falcon is hooded on the arm of the master and returneth for his command.
48:21 In darkness the docile heart learns faith and in this manner is the falcon tamed to do the will of the master.
48:22 Be thou at all times the whole man who walketh in and toward light on the path which hath been made clear before him
48:23 And thou shalt walk with confidence as thy stride lengthens and thine understanding discerneth truth upon truth.
48:24 John, the ground is firm beneath thy foot but thy pathway is the sky and thou shalt not depart therefrom.
48:25 Thou hast my guidance as thou continueth in righteousness. Be thou content.

49. The Fallacy of Shallow Thinking

John had noticed similarities between the Planisphere of Denderah and the Book of Abraham. This coincidence seemed worth pursuing, and the path was clear. He had three doors opened to him within the last week: to Napoleon's survey of Egypt, to a company who wants to publish a wall chart of the planisphere, and to hear Hugh Nibley speak, after the tickets had been sold out for a month. John felt the need to pray and asked Mother to do so on Easter Sunday. She also asked for advice to help John with problems he had at work. The next morning, Mon 31 Mar 1986, she received the following.

49:1 Be thou content.
49:2 My light is thy light and as thou continue in righteousness it shall not fail thee.
49:3 Light is constant.
49:4 Doors shall be opened before thee and light shall lead to light and thou shalt not walk in darkness as the way is cleared before thee.
49:5 But be thou not over-eager and neglect thy duty to maintain thy health, thy family, and thy work to attain thy goal. [Pres. Harold B. Lee set our priorities as 1) health, 2) family 3) church and 4) work.]
49:6 Though thou goeth in light thou canst cause thine own stumbling.
49:7 And teach thyself the patience of Job.
49:8 Remember there is no absolute time and each day and each night cometh to an end.
49:9 Remind thyself even as Job there is a path which no fowl knoweth and which the vulture's eye hath not seen, the lion's whelps have not trodden it nor the fierce lion passed by it.
49:10 Thou seeketh wisdom but where shall it be found?
49:11 And where is the place of understanding?
49:12 Thou knowest not the price thereof and neither are they found in the land of the living as they are hid from the eyes of all living and kept close from the fowls of the air,
49:13 But I understandeth the way thereof, and also knoweth the place thereof, for I looketh to the ends of the earth and seeth under the whole heaven.
49:14 Why is light given to a man whose way is hid?

49:15 Beware the fallacy and temptation of shallow thinking, of shallow short term solutions to problems.
49:16 Avoid the quick answer, the seemingly obvious and the patently easy solution but ponder the long term advantage.
49:17 Remember thy servant performs not so much according to how he is trained to perform his duty as much as to how he is treated while performing that for which he was trained.
49:18 Base not thy thinking on a faulty premise but distinguish that which is of the greater importance, keeping thine eyes on the ultimate goal.
49:19 Practice discernment in recognizing reality, of distinguishing fact from desire, being ever mindful that how things work in performance prevails over how one thinks they should work.
49:20 Base thy judgment on fact only and act according to thy sound judgment.
49:21 Demand not more of thyself nor of thy servant than can be accomplished , remembering all is accomplished in mine own time.
49:22 A granite mountain is reduced to dust by daily moments of wind and rain whose aggregate in time can cleave a canyon.

49:23 Continue in righteousness being a whole man and thy glory shall be fresh in thee and thy bow renewed in thy hand even as Job.
49:24 Be thou content.

50. Attain Strength to Know Serenity

John felt the need for more guidance. A man would soon visit John to discuss producing a Planisphere of Denderah poster and brochure. It would entail a few months of research, but it is research he would do anyway. Although John felt good about it, he did not want to be tempted by a "beckoning bypath" so he felt to pray for guidance. He had Mother pray, "If the time be right, John hopes to receive more light, if not, he will practice patience." The next morning, Mon 19 May 1986, she received this message.

50:1 What ye ask in faith never wavering, praying with a sincere heart, that prayer shall be heard.
50:2 The time is at hand but is not yet.

50:3 I am the light and I shall not fail thee.
50:4 Each day brings thee new light and is sufficient unto the hour.
50:5 Thou shalt not walk in darkness as thou continueth on the path of righteousness, with prudence and patience, being the whole man.
50:6 I know thy patience, thy service and faith.
50:7 I know thy works and the last to be more than the first as thine understanding grows.
50:8 I will give unto thee according to thy works and thine understanding,
50:9 But that which ye have already hold fast, hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take your crown, for to him that overcometh and keepeth my works to the end, will I give the morning star .

50:10 A door is opened before thee, why should thou therefore close it?
50:11 Receive and embrace that which comes to thee in righteousness according to thy discernment.

50:12 Is not the whole made up of many parts and is not each part necessary to the whole?
50:13 Each experience enriches the character in its own way and becomes a part of the whole man as he journeys to perfection even as the river to the sea.
50:14 The mighty river is made up of all the brooks and rivulets which flow into it, which become a part of it and mingle one with the other so there is no beginning nor end as they become one on their way to the sea.
50:15 The river, made up of its many parts, can fall on its inexorable way to the sea, but in its fall it makes beauty and clefts mountains apart.
50:16 Man, in his desire, with his creativity and ingenuity, builds a bridge to cross the divide and each has its part in the whole.
50:17 So let it be with thee.
50:18 Each runnel, however small, contributes its part to the whole and nothing is lost.

50:19 Serenity of spirit is thy sea and serenity is not achieved in haste.
50:20 Turmoil of temper, frustration of agonized and untiring effort and the despair of disappointment all must be reconciled and disciplined to vanquish anxiety.
50:21 Each contributes its value to the conquering of chaos in order to attain the calm of tranquility and quiet power.
50:22 Serenity is accomplished not through ease, happiness and pleasure but through diligence, working with prudence and patience, through the growth of self to control anger, irritation, fear and doubt, overcoming the frailties and temptations which plague all in turn, in separate ways, at separate times.
50:23 Through this growth shalt thou attain the strength to know serenity and thy strength shall be the strength of ten thousand.

50:24 Continue in righteousness and be thou content.

51. In Calm is Imperturbable Equanimity

John felt the need to pray for more counsel on Sun 16 Jun 1986. Both he and Mother felt it was time to receive more, but neither knew exactly why. He was concerned about his employment because there was pressure to keep ERI from receiving any government contracts. The prayer John suggested was simply, "If Thou hast more counsel at this time, I pray to receive it." He had tried hard to obey the previous counsel, especially in becoming more patient and in finding long-term solutions. The message came on the morning of Mon 17 Jun 1986.

51:1 Did I not say be thou content?
51:2 The joy of striving to attain a goal is thine and now thou hast earned the fruit of thy labor and the taste thereof is sweet.
51:3 Seek not to know beyond the effort of each day but continue in righteousness being the whole man full of balance.
51:4 Stand fast and be steadfast.

51:5 In all thy dealings be thou as a mountain among mountains, a mountain whose crest is in the clouds, granite-strong, secure in its own strength, unmoved by the turmoil of the wind and rain of passing storms.
51:6 Be not as pebbles or gravel which are scattered having no strength of their own.
51:7 A mountain does not need to say, "I am a mountain."
51:8 A mountain is content.
51:9 All look up to it.

51:10 It shall be unto every man according to his work.
51:11 Have I not said thou art a man whose labor is in wisdom and knowledge and in these is quiet strength.
51:12 Like the mountain they need no heraldry nor trumpets.
51:13 They speak for themselves.
51:14 Bethink thee and remember, wise judgment gives control.
51:15 Tame thy tongue to speak slowly and be not rash of mouth so thy words are not lost in confusion.
51:16 Bethink thee, the words of wise men are heard in quiet and are gracious.
51:17 Be prudent and cautious but not over-cautious and be eager but not over-eager.
51:18 Be thou calm and thy strength will be felt by all.
51:19 In calm is imperturbable equanimity which gives thee peace beyond understanding and the spiritual strength to bear all things and acquire understanding.

51:20 Fear not. Change is constant and must come to all things for to all things there is a season.
51:21 The ground is firm beneath thy foot but be certain thy foot is firm upon the ground for a wayward foot can stumble.
51:22 Have I not told thee to beware the false step which bringeth a fall, keeping thine eyes upward to see only the stars can cause a foot to stumble.
51:23 Keep thy balance steady and thy way shall be made clear before thee.
51:24 There are many roads to the same desired destination.
51:25 All things work for good because thou art righteous, being mindful not to be over-righteous or extreme in thine eagerness, nor overzealous in thine endeavors.
51:26 It is right that a man enjoyeth the fruit of his labor knowing moderation in all things.
51:27 Remember when thou art in doubt thine answer lies in my word and thine eyes will be opened to new understanding and enlightenment.
51:28 Continue in righteousness and thy way shall be made clear before thee.
51:29 Fear not and be not troubled but be thou at all times content nor place thy desires before mine.

52. Happiness is Attained Through Pain

After having permission from James to pray for him, Mother received the following message early on Sun 29 Jun 1986.

52:1 Thy supplication hath been heard and thy concern for thy son James is before me.

52:2 James, thou art choice among choice spirits and as a chosen one thou must know the throes of adversity in the full knowledge only in knowing contrasts in all things can one learn to overcome opposition.
52:3 Thou needest both confirmation and affirmation in all thou knowest in thy heart to be right and true.
52:4 These I place upon thy head.

52:5 Thou hast gone through the fire and emerged unscorched.
52:6 Thou hast known sorrow and not become bitter.
52:7 Thou hast known doubt and not given in to despair.
52:8 Thou hast known treachery and been wrongly accused but remained steadfast in righteousness knowing the truth that directed thine actions.
52:9 And all these hath worked for thine own good, and thy confidence and strength of character hath been enforced a thousandfold.
52:10 One must know suffering to know growth .

52:11 I know the beginning and the end and all that is in between.

52:12 Errors in judgment made in all righteousness have been acknowledged, as must be, but thou hast overcome the thrust of the adversary and thou canst not fail if thou continueth in righteousness.
52:13 But be thou the whole man nor neglecting any of thy parts.
52:14 Be not over-zealous in thy work, nor service to thy church to the neglecting of thy family but give of thyself, a share, all in all and one on one, remembering charity beginning in the home.

52:15 Much must be done to mend the broken fences and restore the bridges of understanding and trust one with another.
52:16 Thou hast learned the value of patience and tolerance but thy lesson also extends to sharing and teaching thy children which require of thy time and thyself.
52:17 Let there be balance in thy daily living so that one part doth not overweigh another but maketh the whole man and thy faith shall emerge triumphant after all thy trials.
52:18 Thy road is not an easy one but thou hast the knowledge that thou art loved by me and thine effort is as the sparrow's feather that goes not unnoticed, as even the hairs of thy head are numbered unto me, as I know the workings of thy heart and nothing is lost unto me.

52:19 Man's happiness is attained through pain and all things shall give thee experience and be for thine own good.
52:20 The choicest spirits must undergo afflictions in like degree on the way to perfection and each man's adversity shall differ in degree and manner for many are the forms of adversity.
52:21 Strength and joy are attained in the struggle to overcome and remain steadfast with faith vanquishing doubt as one learns the meaning of enduring all things unto the end.

52:22 Fear not thy struggle has gone unnoticed.
52:23 Thou hast shown thy strength in adversity and the trials thou hast endured.
52:24 I know the conflict which hath torn thee , I have searched thy heart and known thine innermost thoughts.
52:25 Have I not said nothing is lost unto me and in that knowledge be thou content.
52:26 Hold on thy way and fear not what man can do but put thy faith in me.
52:27 Thou hast met thy challenge with courage and remain undefeated.
52:28 Be thou comforted in my love and understanding for I shall be with you forever and ever.

53. Trapped under the Tyranny of Trivia

John had been trying to follow all of the above counsel in these messages but he had been having two problems. First, in his attempt to be the whole, balanced man he had added several branches to his tree. Now he needed pruning more than ever because almost nothing had been accomplished in his work on ancient astronomy. Secondly, as a hooded falcon who knew not the message he would carry, he was having trouble distinguishing between a beckoning bypath of distraction and an open door on a cleared main path.

He had wanted to pray for help with these questions but was afraid that he would be told that he had the answers already; that the falcon was being trained to respond to the Master's voice which would instruct him in all things.

John read some books on polarity therapy, the ancient model of the body and the meaning of the caduceus. He hoped to improve his own health which had not been good. When he read that the "tree of life" refers to the body, he felt that he was on the correct path and that it was time to pray. He felt deluged with truth. As he prayed on Sun 24 Aug 1986, he asked Mother to say, "John's path in the forest has brought him to the tree of life and now he seeks further enlightenment." She did so, without asking him why, and on Mon 25 Aug 1986, she received the following message.

53:1 Inasmuch as ye ask in faith never wavering and ye pray with a sincere heart thy prayer is heard.
53:2 Thy efforts to live in righteousness are pleasing unto me but ye must realize the finest and most precise instruments are those which can most easily be thrown askew by the ten thousandth of an off-center alignment not visible to the naked eye.
53:3 Thy path hath brought ye through the forest but ye stand not before the tree of life, thou art the tree of life, receiving nourishment from the roots which reach back to their original source within me .
53:4 All roots, all life, all beginnings are created by me and through the roots runs the sustaining strength, the never-ending supply of nourishment for all to share.
53:5 Each is his own tree of life and by its fruits shall the tree be known.

53:6 Every man prays for enlightenment, every man desires to be shown the way.
53:7 Few are as blessed as ye who were born into the light and who hath the gift of discernment which is more precious than gold.
53:8 Thou hast learned to lean not to thine own understanding but to trust the Lord, in full knowledge, through thine acknowledgment, thy path will continue to be made clear before thee.
53:9 Bethink ye my words and remember my guidance where thine answers await thee .

53:10 In asking for more enlightenment thou hast temporarily been blinded by a meteoric shower, an abundance of overpowering opportunities all demanding thine attention, ability, time and strength.
53:11 The tree which is thy life requires pruning which ye will be guided to do with the help of the Master's hand using time as a gauge.
53:12 Will it stand the test of time?

53:13 It is man's mistake to be trapped under the tyranny of trivia.
53:14 Much strength and time are lost by succumbing to the temptation of beckoning attractions which should be pruned and discarded.
53:15 Thou hast been told the ground is firm beneath thy step.
53:16 Thou hast been told to walk upright and with prudence.
53:17 Never hast thou been told to run nor to run faster nor longer than thou hast strength only that thou canst run and not be weary.

53:18 John, thou must not be the hart nor the hare which bounds in exuberant arcs, never knowing the firmness of the ground it covers nor yet the tortoise crawling with its eyes glued only to the next step and missing all the wonders of the world about him.
53:19 There must be neither extreme but balance in all things.
53:20 In rearranging priorities, which is pruning, keep balance, set a reasonable pace, remembering all things must be done in order.
53:21 It demands good judgment, much wisdom and strict discipline to keep a steady pace and do things in order instead of flinging oneself thoughtlessly but enthusiastically into a task which is discontinued instead of completed.
53:22 Stand back to see thy growth and note thy progress.
53:23 Good pruning requires self-examination and begins with honest self-appraisal .
53:24 Do not confuse self questioning with self doubt.
53:25 Self esteem, self respect and self confidence are of the Lord and self doubt, self hatred and self contempt are of Satan.
53:26 One must be true, recognize truth, strengths and weaknesses, prune any weakness and nourish all strengths of which thou hast many.
53:27 Prune out impetuous, heedless thought, and mature, prudent judgment will have more room to grow.
53:28 Be thou not afraid of sudden fear for thou shalt walk thy way safely and thy foot shall not stumble, thou shalt have no anxiety and thy sleep shall be sweet.
53:29 And in thy dealings withhold not good from them to whom it is due when it is in thy power to do so.
53:30 Be not sparing in thy praise of work well done.
53:31 Thine efforts of obedience and doing all things in righteousness have not gone unnoticed.
53:32 Fear not, I shall be thy confidence and shall keep thy foot from becoming wayward . Be content.

54. Excess is Folly

John has spent the last three months attempting to put his life in order and to have balance in all things. This effort has resulted in putting his entire library in order, about which he is excited because now he can find information which was previously lost in confusion. But in doing so, he began reading many books that he felt he should have read long ago but had forgotten. The problem again arose of new branches sprouting on his tree and few if any being pruned off.

He hesitated to pray for help because he had already received the answer, but was having real trouble implementing it. The problem fully ripened on Sat 6 Dec 1986, when John completed Dr. Cleon Skousen's three day seminar on the Constitution. John came home with four new books and planning to attend a meeting for captains-of-ten the following Tuesday.

That night Mother had a dream in which she remembered John's tendency as a child to go off in all directions at once. It had always been a family joke that he would explode before he grew up. She mentioned the dream to John that day and he immediately knew it was a warning and he asked Mother to pray that night for an interpretation of the dream and to ask for further guidance. On the next morning, Mon 8 Dec 1986, she received the following message. [The first verse Mother remembered after writing down the rest. She said that it came separately before the rest of the message.]

54:1 Dreams have their merit to alert one to unsuspected dangers.
54:2 Have I not said ask and ye shall be answered, seek and ye shall find?
54:3 What ye ask in faith, never wavering, that prayer shall be heard.

54:4 There need be no confusion.
54:5 Remember my words and do not break more ground than thou canst cultivate.
54:6 Too many good intentions, however worthy, shall fail despite thine effort.
54:7 Too many is too much.
54:8 Excess is folly.
54:9 There must be balance in all things and good judgment maintains the balance and counterbalance.
54:10 Consider thy limitations.
54:11 Every mountain has its precipice, each cliff has an end to its fall.
54:12 A hand holds no more than its fulness , each cup no more than its brim.
54:13 So let it be with thee.
54:14 In thy desire to aid and assist be not tempted to over-extend thyself.
54:15 Over-extension births defeat of purpose .
54:16 Over-reaching has its inherent dangers.
54:17 Strength is obtained through concentration of time and effort.

54:18 Good husbandry requires constant pruning can be costly.
54:19 Be wary in thy pruning that thy vineyard not bring forth wild grapes.
54:20 Thine actions are as a bunch of grapes, each grape attached by its own stem to the larger stem which holds it to the vine which is nourished by the root, deep in the soil .
54:21 Too many grapes, the bunch hangs heavy on the vine, sapping its strength.
54:22 Consider too bountiful a harvest, there is a waste of fruit.
54:23 No one benefits from the combined effort of the many hands and expense of vineyard space.
54:24 At harvest more grapes than there are needed result in waste.

54:25 Continue in thine efforts to be the whole man full of balance, being calm, patient, and strong.
54:26 Seek wisdom in the quiet of thy living.
54:27 Find peace in being prudent in all thy getting and giving and be thou content.

55. There is Danger in Extremes

On Tue 30 Dec 1986, Mother was watching John pin the Eagle Boy Scout Rank on his son when her happiness was interrupted by the strong negative impression that John looked thin and sickly next to Ruth. This foreboding increased until on Sat 3 Jan 1987 she woke up at 3 a.m. and wrote, "Too thin, too strict a regimen, too much to do, too little time, too many goals, too demanding of self, too demanding of others, too little resistance, too little rest." She told John that day that it was not like a formal message where she hears a voice, but it was a clear enough impression to merit real concern. He felt it was inspired because it seemed to describe him so well. He couldn't get it out of his mind but was unsure of how to proceed because he thought his new thin body was healthier because he was following the Essene diet. On Mon 5 Jan, John looked up the meaning of "regimen" and was surprised that one meaning is "a systematic course of diet and exercise to improve health." That fit so well that he felt the words were a warning. He asked Mother to pray for an explanation of the warning and further pruning instructions. He also had learned that week that the Essenes, who had seemed so close to the truth, were very typical of apostates who are extremists. That night John could not sleep and was so tense that when he relaxed his eyes it was painful. He was sick the next morning when Mother received the following message on Tue 6 Jan 1987.

55:1 Be content, what ye ask for ye shalt receive.
55:2 Be not high-minded but fear, for thy fear is well founded.
55:3 All thy learning will availeth not if thy health faileth.
55:4 Words of wisdom hath been given thee. Heed them well.
55:5 Eat of all things that are for the good of man, but sparingly, neglecting none.
55:6 Is it not written in one place to eat of honey because it is good; and the honeycomb which is sweet to thy taste, and written in another place it is not good to eat much honey?
55:7 There must be moderation in all things even in the care of thy body.
55:8 Food in moderation giveth nourishment and strength but too much food maketh the body ill.
55:9 Food maintaineth and restoreth the body; lack of food weakens and destroys as the body starves.
55:10 Too much exercise is as injurious as too little.
55:11 Extremes in all things must be avoided.
55:12 Eat that which shall be marrow in thy bone and iron in thy blood.
55:13 Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread and thy labour for that which satisfieth not?
55:14 Hearken unto me and eat ye that which is good and let your soul delight itself in fatness.
55:15 Did not the Lord make flesh his tabernacle?

55:16 Betimes it needs thou must be admonished for covering thy deeds with the cloak of righteousness and, being over-righteous, biasing judgment.
55:17 There need be no confusion if my commandments are obeyed.
55:18 Remember my words and be not over-zealous in thy desire for perfection, not over-eager in thy striving to accomplish worthy goals.
55:19 Be wary in thy pruning that wild grapes not destroy thy vineyard.
55:20 There is danger in extremes.
55:21 Safety is the fruit of moderation and balance.
55:22 The brash blow must be tempered by the timid stroke.
55:23 There is limitation in all things.
55:24 There is a limit to each thing, day, night, weeks, years, each thing being a limit to the other and all in time.
55:25 It is difficult for man to admit and accept his limitations but know the strongest rope, stretched to the greatest strain, and its tensile strength will break.
55:26 Severity must be tempered with mercy.
55:27 Remember the more intricate the machine the easier it is thrown out of balance.
55:28 Lack of balance causeth loss of surefootedness and leadeth to stumbling and destruction.

55:29 In thy husbandry be as the Father: every branch that beareth not fruit he taketh away and every branch that beareth fruit he purgeth of that which is injurious that it bringeth forth more fruit but in pruning, put the axe to the root of the branch which beareth no fruit.
55:30 A bad branch beareth but fruitless twigs and leaves which obfuscate light and sappeth the strength of the olive tree.
55:31 The branch cannot beareth fruit of itself.

55:32 Be thou not as a branch broken off for thou art as the wild olive tree to be graffed in with them that partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree.
55:33 The bad branches are broken off but thou standest by faith.
55:34 Behold the goodness and severity of God: on those who fall, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness; otherwise thou, too, shalt be cut off .
55:35 Being cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and graffed contrary to nature into a good olive tree thou hath greater strength to be used with wisdom.

55:36 Bethink thee my guiding words and thou shalt receive more enlightenment and understanding.
55:37 Be strong in thy new found wisdom and be not overproud lest thou be overbearing.
55:38 Temper all thy thinking with moderation in all things and thou shalt find peace and joy.

56. Bring Forth Fruit in its Season

Since the last message was received John has felt relieved of much of the stress he had put himself under to do more than was possible. He found the principle of moderation in all things exciting because it meant that one produces his maximum output when balanced between stress and relaxation, whereas before he had thought that increased pressure would always increase production. The peace found in such knowledge gives joy because one can enjoy life when doing his best. Knowing this truth made him more free.

He drew a sketch of the tree of his life's work, pruned off some branches, and indicated proposed cuts. He identified the paper on the Essene health code that he had intended to write as "wild fruit," but when he reviewed his physics work, he found it appeared both ripe and sweet. He was confused because he had been instructed that his path is the sky, and it was not clear to him that the physics branch is included in the "sky". It occurred to him that the physics fruit could also be "wild" if it diverted him down a beckoning bypath. So on the night of Sat 17 Jan 1987, he asked Mother to ask, "How can one recognize wild fruit? Can it appear to be sweet? What is untimely pruning?" She received the following message on Sun 18 Jan 1987.

56:1 Thou hast been chosen that ye bring forth fruit and that thy fruit should remain : that whatever ye shall ask in my name shall be given.
56:2 Have I not said everyone who asketh receiveth?
56:3 So let it be with thee.

56:4 Be not disturbed.
56:5 Thou art a good tree and a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit.
56:6 By thy fruit shall ye be known.
56:7 Trees bring forth fruit at different times.

56:8 Have I not said to everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven?
56:9 There is a time to plant, and a time to pluck that which is planted, a time to keep; a time to cast away?
56:10 It is also true there is a wrong time.
56:11 To pluck the fruit before its time for ripeness is the wrong time as is untimely pruning.
56:12 Too early or too late is untimely for there is a right time for every purpose.
56:13 The time of pruning lieth not at the time after fruit hath formed but in the branch before it bears fruit.
56:14 But be as he who planted a fig tree in his vineyard and found no fruit.
56:15 Do not destroy a branch which might bear good fruit.
56:16 Be thou patient and continue in righteousness.
56:17 Thou hast been prudent in thy husbandry being wise and careful in thy pruning.

56:18 Remember all fruit ripeneth not at the same time and must be plucked separately.
56:19 Wild fruit can appear on a well-nourished branch and is known not, even as the tares appear where good seed is sown.
56:20 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life even as thou art.
56:21 There is a tree of life which bare twelve manner of fruits and yielded her fruit every month.
56:22 Ye bringeth forth fruit in its season and even thy leaf shall not wither.
56:23 To pluck fruit when it is hard and green is as fruitless and wasteful as to wait to pluck it when the fruit is overripe and falls to the ground to decay or withers and shrivels on the branch, both conditions being extreme, too green, too ripe, too soon, too late.
56:24 Roots may lie dormant and awaken to bloom again in time.

56:25 Know ye the sky covereth all .
56:26 It is above and below and in thine innermost parts.
56:27 It is in thy breath and through it thou knoweth life.
56:28 It is reflected in the lake even as the moon is seen in the smooth pond and it is hurled about by angry waves in the sea.
56:29 The sky encompasseth thy work even as thy work encompasseth the sky and all is in the same circle.
56:30 All thy work is in the sky and the fruit of thy life's work is ripe for the plucking but be not over-anxious, all is not to be plucked at once but separately.

56:31 Consider thy ways and sow not much to bring forth little.
56:32 Tend thee the blossom that it may become the fruit.
56:33 Fruit is desired which abounds to thine account.
56:34 The earth shall be satisfied with the fruit of thy works.
56:35 The word of truth bringeth forth fruit in thee.
56:36 Wisdom that is from above is full of good fruits and he who is righteous beareth good fruit.

56:37 These things I have spoken unto you that my joy remain in you and that thy joy may be full.
56:38 Thine is the fruit of the spirit and ye are that ye may know this fruit.

57. Faith Will Open Thine Eyes

Message received in the early morning of Mon 16 Feb 1987, after James asked Mother to pray for him.

57:1 What thou asketh in faith unwavering shall be given thee.
57:2 Is not thy son my son also?
57:3 Thou knowest I am God and I have told thee James is choice among choice spirits.
57:4 If he is troubled he shall be comforted.

57:5 James, thou hast been told I knoweth all things and there is not anything save I know it.
57:6 In knowing the beginning and the end I knoweth all that is in between.

57:7 Fear not what man can do for I shall be with you forever and ever.

57:8 I searcheth all hearts and understandeth all.
57:9 I knoweth all things that hath been and all things that are to come.
57:10 All things are present with me for I know them all.

57:11 Know ye that thou hast not been abandoned and know ye I shall not abandon thee but will be with thee always.
57:12 Now thou canst see through the glass darkly but thy faith will open thine eyes and thine understanding will give thee vision to see all things in clarity in mine own time.

57:13 Thy faith is deeper than thy doubt and shall avail thee at all times.
57:14 Thy faith hath been with thee from the first for thy faith is of me and shall prevail through all thy travail, all manner of trouble which may besiege thee.
57:15 The veil which clouds thy understanding is fixed by my wisdom for thy good.

57:16 It is not for thee to understand all things at all times or there would be no growth but be thou content that all things work together in balance for thy good because thou hast been called for my purpose.

57:17 Thou art a good and faithful servant who hath been tried and not found wanting .
57:18 Let not thy soul be troubled that thou canst not always understand my purpose but be content that I knoweth the turmoil and torment of thine inner heart and knoweth thy faith will sustain thee.
57:19 Bethink thee, those whom I loveth I chaseneth but knowest thou, thou art in me, and I in thee, and I lovedst thee before the foundation of the world.
57:20 It is not meet thou knowest all my purposes but thou shalt receive enlightenment in mine own time.
57:21 Continue in righteousness and be thou content.

58. Even Wild Fruit Has its Uses

John met a man who claimed to receive much revelation. On Sun 1 Mar 1987, he met with John to explain deep doctrines, including a revelation he had received on astronomy just for John. Many of his words seemed to be true, but many were clearly false. During the week, John prayed about it and felt to straighten the man out on the false points. On Sun 8 Mar 1987, John met with him again and tried to carefully expose the falsehoods. The man prayed about it and the next morning phoned and said that it had been revealed to him that he was right but that he should stop meeting with John.

During that day, John had the strong impression that it was time for Mother to pray for confirmation. John had her ask, "Have I correctly discerned wild fruit, or have I closed an open door?" He also added, "How can ripe fruit be recognized?" because it still was not totally clear that a paper on Pythagorean Relativity using Gaussian integers was the ripe fruit. The next morning, Tue 10 Mar 1987, she received the following.

58:1 John, thy prayers are heard and all things are known unto me, even thine innermost heart.
58:2 Thou art mindful of my words and remain faithful to my guidance and thou art learning to distinguish wild fruit.
58:3 Know that even wild fruit has its uses.
58:4 Remember Jacob's words of the tame olive tree whose top began to decay and branches of the wild fruit were broken off and grafted onto the old tree for renewed strength and vigor and the fruit thereof became of the natural fruit.
58:5 The wild branches brought forth tame fruit.
58:6 Care must be taken to pluck off the branches that bring not good fruit remembering some natural branches where wild branches have been grafted in can bear all sorts of fruit to cumber the tree , and the tree might bring forth much fruit but there is none of it which is good;
58:7 And there are all kinds of bad fruit which profiteth thee nothing, notwithstanding all thy labor and nourishing and grafting nor how it grieveth thee to lose the tree .
58:8 Some trees must be lost in spite of all thy nurturing and effort.

58:9 Know ye also the roots of the tree profiteth nothing if it bring forth evil fruit but know ye, too, the roots are strong and have been preserved for mine own purpose because of their much strength which has hitherto brought forth from the wild branches, good fruit.
58:10 When the wild branches that brought strength overrun the roots thereof and overcome the natural branches thereof and bringeth forth not good but much evil fruit, the tree that bringeth forth the bitter fruit must be hewn down and cast into the fire to clear room for the good tree to grow, that the root and the top be equal in strength and the good shall overcome the bad.
58:11 The bad shall be hewn down and cast into the fire to not cumber the ground.
58:12 The natural branches will then be grafted to the natural tree whose roots have been strengthened and, together again, they shall bring forth natural fruit that is good.

58:13 Keep the root and the top thereof equal according to the strength thereof, even as Jacob's words of the tame olive tree.

58:14 Know ye fruit receives not a fulness at first but ripens in season even the fruit sweet above all fruit, the fruit of exceeding whiteness which filleth the soul with exceeding great joy when one partaketh of it; fruit desirable above all other fruit.

58:15 Be thou as the river becoming mighty with all the brooks and runnels and tributaries which make it broad and deep on its way to the sea.
58:16 Each little rivulet contributes to the whole which is made up of many parts .
58:17 All tributaries come from different sources giving fulness to the powerful river.

58:18 Fear not a door is closed.
58:19 No door is closed that cannot be opened again; for every lock has a key.
58:20 Keep the door ever open for learning but embrace the new learning as a stranger, with caution, with good judgment, with great prudence, using thy growing power of discernment.
58:21 Discard that which is false and retain that which is true.
58:22 Be not over-eager in thy acquisition of new learning and accept it not as it first seems.
58:23 Surface knowledge, easily come by, must be distinguished from deep wisdom which must be mined with labor and effort, diligently over a long period of time and not in haste.
58:24 Deceit wears many faces, some of which are innocence and purity, even righteousness.
58:25 Great care must be taken to discern the real from the seeming.
58:26 Thou art learning this art. Be content.
58:27 Any fruit ripe for picking falls easily into the hand when plucked, is not hard, nor bitter and distasteful, but succulent and sweet.
58:28 All fruit ripens at its own time and can be wisely and safely stored for future use .
58:29 Fear not.

59. The Parable is Discerned Privately

John had been told to keep the root and top equal. He felt it meant to keep facts supporting conclusions, but Mother felt the root of the tree of life is intelligence. So John listed all the references to resolve it. He discovered two allegories: the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life. He identified items for each and wondered which applied. On 22 Mar 1987 he had Mother ask: "Are the roots intelligence? What other interpretations should I know? Would you like me to share the Tree of Life allegory with the Church as an article? It seems nearly ripe for plucking." On Mon 23 Mar 1987, she received the following.

(Note of Sat 30 Jul 2016 as I add the scripture references: I apparently totally missed the answer to my prayer in v. 19, "Seek not to read thy meaning to thy neighbor," because I submitted an article to the Ensign which explained my meaning after combining several of the Savior's parables into one mega-parable. The article was violently rejected as pedantic! Notwithstanding, the Lord was apparently pleased with the article.)

59:1 John, thou art faithful and thy diligence is pleasing unto me.
59:2 What I saith I saith in spirit but let us reason together as a man reasoneth so that you may understand.

59:3 Roots have many names and allegories and parables, many meanings, as the root of evil, but the tree of life has its roots in light, in truth, which is intelligence.
59:4 All life has roots in some form, each generation springing from the generation before it, each in its own sphere, created by mine own hand and sharing in mine own glory which is intelligence.
59:5 Remember intelligence is the light of truth and was not created or made, neither indeed can be, but is independent in that sphere in which it was placed, to act for itself, as all intelligence and otherwise there is no existence.
59:6 Intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence, as wisdom to wisdom, as truth to truth and light to light.
59:7 In this way the world was made, and the life and light of man, for man was also in the beginning with God, each in his own sphere, rooted in intelligence which was not created, having no beginning or end.
59:8 For man is spirit.
59:9 The elements are eternal and when the spirit is inseparably connected with the element which is eternal, he shall receive a fulness of joy.
59:10 For man is that he might have joy .
59:11 The elements are my tabernacle, man is my tabernacle, even temple, and whatever temple is defiled, that temple shall be destroyed , even as the ax is laid to the root of the tree.

59:12 The allegory of the roots, wild fruit and many branches has many interpretations which thou shalt discern in thy growing wisdom.
59:13 The interpretation comparing Israel to the tame olive tree was for Jacob as yours is for you.

59:14 The power of the allegory and the parable is the meaning thereof which is discerned privately for no man knoweth another man's needs.
59:15 Only I knoweth the innermost heart.
59:16 The parable and allegory need only to be based on truth which is fundamental and is discerned by each separately as wisdom grows and he discerns more and is enlightened anew according to his need and changing circumstance.
59:17 Only the truth remains and does not change.
59:18 A parable maketh the truth have meaning.

59:19 Therefore, seek not to read thy meaning to thy neighbor for it needs be he must apply the parable to his own needs and discern his own meaning.
59:20 An allegory, being based on truth, has meaning for all but must be discerned separately.

59:21 Let not the fruit, which is at the top of thy tree, which fruit is plucked or falls in season thereof, to make room for another cycle of its kind and is gone, overpower what intelligence directs lest there be a lack of balance and all is destroyed.
59:22 Topheavy, lofty thoughts, can overbalance what intelligence dictates and so it needs be the root and the top thereof be equal according to the strength thereof.
59:23 Thou discerneth also the root can be thy foot firmly on the ground, but being intelligence it feeds the top to bear the fruit of thoughts.
59:24 But, seest thou too many lofty ideas bring forth much fruit that profiteth thee not , and causing overbalance can cause thy foot to stumble and fall from firm ground.
59:25 The well-balanced tree is the whole man taking care of its many parts .
59:26 More meanings will come to thee anon.

59:27 Have I not said there is a time for silence and a time to speak, and that clarity shall emerge from a swamp as truth is brought out of that which is murky?
59:28 Thou knowest when the fruit is ripe and when the field is white and already to harvest, the ripe fruit should be plucked and the sickle should be thrust into the white field so the fruit and harvest of thy labor may be shared with all.
59:29 The time is now so proceed with confidence using thy judgment.
59:30 Thou hast proved through thy diligence to have magnified thy gifts of discernment and good judgment and thou knowest that which is to be kept to thine own bosom.
59:31 Take care only that thou dost not get caught up in the vortex of thine own thinking and be overcome.

59:32 Thou art proving thyself worthy of the nurturing and guidance thou hast received.
59:33 Continue in righteousness, having patience, and endurance, to accomplish, as precession of the equinoxes, for all is not done in a hurry.
59:34 Tread softly, go slowly, be prudent.
59:35 And now, be thou content and fear not.

60. The Secret of All Life

After John began to write the allegory of the Tree of Life he realized he did not know the meaning of the leaf. He also wished to confirm that "olive tree" referred to the tree of life. Although he felt he had pruned off fruitless branches, he still had trouble knowing which fruitful branches to remove. On Sat 28 Mar 1987, he had Mother ask the following. "What is the olive leaf? What causes it to wither? If the falcon is hooded and the dove is not to ask what is the message, and if the sky covereth all, how can I select for pruning the branches whose wild fruit is known not and the branches whose good fruit would result in too bountiful a harvest? I would like to learn more of the heavens if I am ready." On Sun 29 Mar 1987, she received the following. (This introduction was written that morning before John contacted Mother.)

60:1 John, have I not told thee thy free agency gives thee the right to make thine own priorities?
60:2 There is no need for confusion. It is of thine own making, but thy prayers are understood for I comprehendeth all things.

60:3 Through thy diligence thy learning hath grown, having learned of things both in heaven and in the earth, and under the earth; things which hath been, things which are, and things which must shortly come to pass.
60:4 Thou hast walked with prudence, keeping thy foot firmly on thy path, even the path which hath been made clear to thee.
60:5 Thou hast heeded my guidance and art becoming the whole man full of balance .
60:6 Lean to thine own understanding for thou knowest when the fruit is ripe for plucking, when it falleth easily into thine hand, needing little of thine effort.

60:7 The leaf of the olive tree is as all leaves and in it lieth the secret of all life which secret hath been no secret for it shineth as the sun for all to see its truth which is of me, as are the seed and the root of me, who am the light and the way;
60:8 The way being the manner in which light and life are one, just as the Father and the son are one.
60:9 The elements, which are eternal, combine in set forms according to my plan and, being of my light which is life, reach up and through darkness into light as it should be.
60:10 Remember, light cleaveth unto light , which is no secret, but my truth.
60:11 From their beginning in darkness the spark of my light stirs and grows, seeking its kind.
60:12 The need for light to seek light is the secret of all life.
60:13 Elements combine, even man in the womb, to develop, being nurtured in darkness, in water from my well which quencheth all thirst, to emerge into the light of mortality, to again begin the search through the darkness of ignorance and forgetting, toward my light, having the seed of my light within the seed.

60:14 The leaves of the trees give breath to the fruit, carrying water through their veins and gathering light from the sun, transmitting to the strength of the root and the fruit.
60:15 A leaf may wither as a man may wither .
60:16 There is a set time when usefulness is through.

60:17 Remember, thou hast been told roots have many names and meanings so also has intelligence, having truth and light, both, as the wheels within wheels of Ezekiel , all having no beginning nor end.
60:18 The spirit of every living thing is in its own sphere, as in the wheels of Ezekiel, even a wheel within a wheel, going up and down on their four sides, being high, as needed for motility, as in rings , encircling, having no beginning and no end, as in life and death joining the final circumference, even into immortality, unto eternity.
60:19 And the rings are high even unto heaven and the living spirit is in the wheels.
60:20 As the living creatures go by they are lifted by the wheels from the earth, for the living spirit is in the wheels.

60:21 My joy cometh as I, being intelligence, saw the darkness upon the face of the deep when I created heaven and earth and I said let there be light, of my light, and there was light, and I saw the light and it was good,
60:22 And I said let their be division , and let there be combination of elements, and let there be man that he might have of my joy, that, being intelligence, he, also, may create and know the glory of creation, even as my glory, which is intelligence;
60:23 Knowing that all joy is bought with pain and all happiness with suffering and travail.

60:24 I knoweth what things thou hast need of, before ye ask me, and thy way shall be cleared of obstacles before thee as ye walketh in righteousness.

60:25 The hood of the falcon is removed during his flight.
60:26 The dove need not know the message he carries, it is meant for those to whom the message is sent, those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.
60:27 The dove is the messenger only.

60:28 Fret not as to which branches to prune and which shall break off.
60:29 Thou hast of my wisdom and thou, being in part the whole man, knoweth thy first priority is to tend to thine own vineyard and thine own fruit thereof, for this is the time and season for their ripening, their need for nourishment and nurturing.
60:30 Other trees will await their time of ripening as all trees ripen at their own set times.

60:31 For know ye, there is no time for God, but only the eternal now.
60:32 Reckoning of time is made by man and necessary for man, for his convenience, that he might keepeth his house in order.
60:33 For my purpose, time reaches from eternity to infinity, having no beginning nor end, and is balanced by the unseen elements dividing and redividing in constant mobility unto the thousandth of a second by man's reckoning,
60:34 There being balance in all things, that which goeth down forcing that which goeth up as in circles also going around.

60:35 Know ye, all rivers, even the river of life, flow into the great sea of truth and everything that liveth, that moveth, withersoever the river shall come, shall live, even as in baptism new life is given, even as the baby is delivered from the life-giving water in the womb into the light of mortality.
60:36 And by the river of life upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed:
60:37 But the river shall bring forth new fruit to the trees according to their months and seasons thereof, as waters are issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine.

60:38 Know ye all life is of my light which is the sun, from the elements combining water, which is of me, and necessary throughout all life, and air, which is of the elements and makes movement through respiration, and all according to mine own set plan, requiring time necessary for thine own understanding and reckoning.

60:39 What I tell thee in darkness, that ye speak in light, but being prudent and guarding thy tongue, knowing what to keep to thine own bosom.

60:40 Bethink ye, a ladder, even one made for thine own foot, hath a top step and when thy foot cometh to the last step the ladder loseth its usefulness, and thou hast no more need for it.
60:41 All things, as the leaves, hath their time of usefulness and, as the leaf and the tree withereth, so is the ladder put away until the need thereof is felt again.

60:42 I speak in parables to thee because it is given unto thee to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, blessed are thine eyes for they see; thine ears for they hear.
60:43 Go thy way in peace and fear not, being lowly and humble, as thy way continueth in righteousness, nor hurry thy step, but go slowly and sure of foot.
60:44 Be thou content.

61. Be Still and Feel Thyself Grow

On Sun 26 Apr 1987, John asked Mother to pray again 1) for health; he had been waking at night fretting over trivia, 2) for more ideas to be included in his article on the tree of life, 3) for confirmation of why the planets move in order more slow, and 4) to know if he should write on the Calendar of Enoch, which he felt to do after reading Nibley's Enoch the Prophet. On Mon 27 Apr 1987, the following message came.

61:1 John, thy prayers are heard.
61:2 Thy strivings and labors are known to me.
61:3 Be thou humble and I shall lead thee and give answer to thy prayers.
61:4 Thou shalt be told that which is for thine own good and in mine own time.
61:5 Thou art my fruit which I nurture.

61:6 Know there is a time appointed to every man according to how his works shall be.
61:7 In mine own time thou shalt be given knowledge which hath not been revealed since the world was until now.
61:8 The time will come when nothing shall be withheld; even if there be bounds set to the heavens, or to the seas, or to the dry land, or to the sun, moon or stars.
61:9 All the time of their revolutions, all the appointed days, months, and years, all their laws and set times shall be revealed in mine own time.

61:10 Thy powers are inseparably connected with the powers of heaven, but know the powers cannot be controlled nor handled except upon set principles of righteousness.
61:11 Thine eyes shall be opened.
61:12 Thou knowest, in being kept workways with the wind, a very large ship can be benefited by a very small helm in the time of storm.

61:13 I would not that ye be ignorant of the mystery which is no mystery lest ye should be wise in thine conceit.
61:14 Thou art as the tame olive tree but remember the olive tree is wild by nature and the natural branches were graffed into thine own olive tree.

61:15 Knowing it is thy nature to go to extremes in thy being over-zealous ye must strive anew to maintain balance and moderation and teach thyself to achieve patience, remembering to make haste slowly.
61:16 First there cometh the leaves being full of living water and the time of the fig is not yet.
61:17 It is not for thee to know the times nor the seasons until ye receive the power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon thee.
61:18 Remember, if the root be holy so are the branches and one of thy branches is a calendar (600 BC).
61:19 I know thy works and thy labor, also thy patience and I say unto thee do not leave thy first love.
61:20 Nothing shall be lost unto thee.
61:21 The sky covereth the earth and every thing thereon, the mountain to the smallest grain of sand on the ocean floor and all revolve and are bound by the set patterns of time.
61:22 The expansion of the mind is limited only to the set patterns governing thy body and thy body has its own set patterns of time.
61:23 The intensity with which the mind strives to achieve its potential takes equal toll of the body's strength and both must needs be regulated by the set, inexorable patterns of time.
61:24 Haste not to go against the set patterns binding each eternal element but proceed with caution knowing thy body and its care are paramount in the order of priorities .
61:25 Being a tree, let not clinging vines sap of thy strength.
61:26 Take care that crowding limits thy growth and expansion.
61:27 Know when to bend workways as the reed and the willow, knowing thy roots are strong as the oak.
61:28 There is always a time to cooperate with time and the elements.
61:29 That which bends in moments of stress will endure to stand straight again after the whirlwind has passed.

61:30 Be thou as a pond in stillness, unrippled by the falling stone's peripheries, smoothing thyself in tranquility and letting nothing disturb thy calm.
61:31 Thus shalt thou know serenity of mind and peace of spirit.
61:32 Thus shall thy body rest and restore itself.
61:33 Remember, growth cannot be seen but only felt.
61:34 Be still and feel thyself grow.
61:35 Only after it has been achieved can one see the results of growth.
61:36 Be patient.

61:37 All laws happen in their own set time and all are bound by the laws of mine own time.
61:38 Mine is the calendar of eternity and its laws will be known in their own set time.

61:39 The tree of life has many branches and its fruit ripens at different seasons.
61:40 Nurture its roots with the life-giving water, keep it supple to bend thy boughs to let the wind of adversity blow through and only the weak fruit shall be lost, the brittle twigs fall, thus making room for new and stronger growth.
61:41 And all is adapting and bowing to the set patterns binding all elements in time.

61:42 Keep thy mind clear of petty anxieties and strive for moderation in all things , avoiding the far edges of extremes which tear the body down.
61:43 Thou shalt have my guidance and shalt have the promptings of the Holy Spirit if thy mind and body are calm and receptive.
61:44 Fear not. Thou art wise beyond thine understanding.
61:45 Be thou calm and content.

62. Thy Heart Hath Never Known Guile

On 12 May 1987 James asked Mother to pray for further guidance. The next day, Wed 13 May 1987, she received the following.

62:1 James, bethink thee the words I have spoken unto thee and let not thy heart be troubled.
62:2 Have I not said thou hast gone through the fire and emerged unscorched?

62:3 Thou art choice among choice spirits to me.
62:4 Thou art loved for the integrity of thy heart and for that thou hast always loved that which is right before me.
62:5 I have seen the work thou hast done and which thou continuest to do and thy work is pleasing and acceptable to me as I know the innermost workings of thy heart and nothing is lost unto me.

62:6 Thou knowest thy heart hath never known guile and thou hast been faithful to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
62:7 He that is faithful shall be made ruler over many things and will be given a pattern in all things that he may not be deceived, for Satan is abroad and he goeth forth in many disguises, deceiving.

62:8 He that prayeth, whose spirit is contrite, whose language is meek and edifieth, if he obey mine ordinances, he that trembleth under my power shall bring forth wisdom according to the whisperings, the revelations and truth which I have given thee.

62:9 Ye continueth in faith, and he that is faithful, the same shall be kept and blessed with much fruit.
62:10 Be thou patient for all things ye desire to know shall be made known to thee in mine own time.
62:11 It shall be given thee by the Holy Ghost to know my will for I shall unveil the face of my covering and bring the light of truth for thine own good and in an hour when ye think not of .

62:12 Thou art blessed in my sight, being strong in adversity and as ye continueth in righteousness thou shalt be borne up as on eagles' wings to beget glory and honor to thyself and unto my name.
62:13 Be content there is no conflict that cannot be reconciled in mine own time.

62:14 Thy patience, thy tolerance, thy diligence all are known unto me, even the innermost yearnings of thy heart, and all are acceptable to me for thy growth and experience.

62:15 Thou art without guile, and can be trusted for the integrity of thy heart, and the love thou hast for me and for these same I love thee.
62:16 Thou art blessed in my sight.
62:17 Be thou content.

63. From Flicker to Flame

On 24 Jun 1987, John finished a draft of his article and reviewed it with his mother. He had been hesitant to ask for more knowledge until he had balanced his life and learned patience, but now he needed more guidance. He was not sure he had shared the right portions of these messages or if he was caught up in the vortex of his own thinking. So he asked, "Is the fruit of my labor desirable for consumption? What was my first love? (which he should not leave. The best they had thought of was numbers, cataloging or puzzles.) What further light or instruction am I ready for?" He added, "I do not intend to work on the 600 BC problem soon," so that he could be corrected if that was not right. On Thu 25 Jun 1987, Mother received the following.

63:1 Fear not, thy prayer is heard.
63:2 The door is open to thy knocking inasmuch as ye ask in faith.
63:3 Thine answers lie in thine own heart .

63:4 Thou hast magnified thine understanding and paid heed to my guidance, going in thine appointed way and in this I am well pleased.
63:5 Remember, nothing is lost unto me.
63:6 Why would light be given to a man whose way is hid?
63:7 Thou hast my guidance and if thou continueth in righteousness thy steps shall be guided, even every step, and the ground shall be firm beneath thy foot.

63:8 Again I say receive and embrace that which comes in righteousness according to thy discernment.
63:9 Be thou a wise man, using control , remembering a wise man's heart discerneth both time and judgment.

63:10 And the time is now.
63:11 I have told thee what no man knoweth save thee and me alone, for many times thou hast desired of me to know if the time is yet and I say blessed are thee for thy diligence in seeking enlightenment for words I have given thee according to thine understanding and growth.
63:12 Thou hast learned the power of patience which is its own reward.

63:13 And now I say unto you the field is white and already to harvest, the fruit ready for consumption, remembering all fruit does not ripen at the same time and that what I tell thee in darkness, that ye speak in light, but being prudent and guarding thy tongue, knowing what to keep to thine own bosom .
63:14 I speak in parables to thee because thine eyes can discern that which is hidden, that others may see and be enlightened according to their intelligence which is of greater or lesser degree, and clings as light to light, according to their desire to thrust in the sickle or garner the fruit.
63:15 Thy wisdom is of my wisdom, and thine intelligence cleaveth unto my light which is intelligence.
63:16 The light which thou bringeth to darkness flares from flicker to flame enlightening with my light, being intelligence, which is given all in certain degrees.
63:17 They shall see my light and call it good .

63:18 Thou art an instrument of mine own making, an instrument to be used for mine own purpose in mine own time, remembering there is a pattern in all things , and thus all fruit ripens not at the same time.
63:19 Fret not thy branch which is the calendar ripens not.
63:20 Mine is an eternal calendar and all happens in its set time.
63:21 Sufficient unto the day is the knowledge thereof.

63:22 Words that I have given thee are of my wisdom, which shall enlighten and guide thee through life as thine eyes are blessed to see hidden truths which lie unsuspected until the time of their need, and this is in the set pattern of all things according to my plan.
63:23 A pattern is a plan, even the plan of salvation, and the making of a world and all that is contained therein, both in heaven and on earth.
63:24 Time bends to the laws of set patterns according to its plan.

63:25 Thy love from the beginning has been for incontrovertible truth, for the rigid orderliness of a plan, for the discipline that governs mathematical laws, having faith in thine intelligence, which is of me, to prove or disprove the unprovable, to revel in the set plan of a calendar which designates the passage of time which is eternal and astronomy which governs the calendar.
63:26 Thy discerning eye sees figures where there are no figures and thus, truths which are hidden from others.
63:27 Thine eyes have the power to see without the light of the sun or moon as mine is the true light, even the inner light, by which thine eyes can see.
63:28 Arise, the time is now, thy light is come and my glory is risen upon thee. Go forward with prudence and be content.

64. A More Exceeding Weight of Glory

On Sunday, 16 Aug 1987, James fasted and asked Mother if she would pray for another message for him. The next morning she received the following.

64:1 James, let not thy heart be troubled for thou art choice among choice.
64:2 Remember my words, even those of my last message, for they are true and full of meaning.
64:3 I know the workings of thine innermost heart for nothing is lost unto me.

64:4 There is much to cause confusion.
64:5 In thy remembering, remember Job who was confused also.
64:6 All will be made clear to thee in mine own time.
64:7 He that remaineth faithful and endureth to the end shall overcome the world.

64:8 Bethink thee of the pattern, knowing there needs be opposition in all things and through overcoming trials thou art made strong.
64:9 Satan continueth to be abroad at all times and wears many disguises and faces of deceit but thou hast remained faithful and he that is faithful shall not be deceived for that is the pattern.

64:10 In thy fasting for a purpose thy joy is made full, for man, through fasting and prayer, is made full of joy, for man is that he might have joy.

64:11 Thou art taught through prayer by the spirit.
64:12 Trials remain to overcome with patience that thou may receive a more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, bethinking that my glory is intelligence and through added intelligence, which is thy reward, thine understanding will increase and answers to thy questions will be found.

64:13 Thou hast many gifts, even optimism, resilience and ready wit.
64:14 Thou hast the rare gift of being able to keep thy life in perspective and recognize and arrange priorities.
64:15 Also, thou hast the gifts of natural prudence and confidence to carry out well thought-out plans according to thy well prepared pattern, never sparing thy labor but achieving through effort and patience.

64:16 Thy confidence in self is confidence in me for thou art of me and thus is thy faith strengthened.
64:17 Thy sense of values is important in keeping balance in thy life.
64:18 Thy diligence hath not gone unnoticed.
64:19 Success crowneth the efforts of the worthy and thou art proving thyself worthy of the crown.

64:20 I tell thee again thou art blessed in my sight, thy bond with me remaineth strong and giveth thee strength in adversity.
64:21 Thy heart hath never known guile and thou hast been faithful to my promptings.

64:22 I shall not fail thee.
64:23 As thy wisdom increaseth thy way shall be made clear before thee and, in thinking clearly, wise decisions shall be made, so fear not in times of adversity.
64:24 Ye have of mine own strength.
64:25 Thou art my true servant and shall not be deceived.
64:26 Thou art blessed in my sight.
64:27 Keep to thy goals and continue in righteousness.
64:28 Be thou content.

65. Create Calm Within Thyself

John had just finished his Tree of Life article and he hoped it was good. He was now eager to return to work on the constellations and on the Mayan Calendar with Larry Walker. When he prayed to know what he should do he had a complete blank. He asked Mother to pray again and specifically ask: 1) "Are there not many steps on the ladder yet for me to climb? ; 2) Should my path now return to the sky to fulfill thy next purpose?; 3) To what should I hold fast? Have I overlooked some fruit ripe for picking? and 4) Is it wise to question oneself?"

John had wondered for over a year just what he had been instructed to hold fast to, thinking it must refer to some results of his studies that he should get ready to publish before he is thought negligent and the work given to another. The answer came the next morning on Sun 27 Sep 1987.

65:1 John, John, thy prayers are heard and thy work is known unto me and it is good.
65:2 Fret not and trouble not thy mind.
65:3 Thy heart speaks truth.
65:4 Hast thou not received enlightenment and felt the glow of reassurance?
65:5 When light is needed there shall be light but now is the time to cover thine eyes with darkness to see the light within, to accept the wisdom of sleep.

65:6 Know ye there are many ladders and each ladder has many steps which must be taken one at a time before the desired height is reached to accomplish the desired purpose.
65:7 Remind thyself that as each purpose is accomplished what has gone up also must come down and there must be time to rest, recuperate and reconsider before the ladder is ascended again, whether the same or like ladder, or a stronger or different one, as needed.
65:8 The ladder is but a tool.

65:9 Now is the time to create calm within thyself, calm in the midst of chaos and turmoil, knowing stillness, even my stillness.
65:10 Continue to practice control of thyself in the face of irritation.
65:11 Remain calm to be still and know strength that others shall be strengthened by thee.
65:12 It requires great strength and balance to climb the ladders of wisdom.
65:13 Thy highest ladder reaches to the sky .
65:14 Ladders are there whose steps are lessons learned in the past which will become thy present ladder steps.
65:15 But now is the time for calm and contemplation, for quiet and control.
65:16 Be not in haste but go slowly.

65:17 Hold fast to thy health and the closeness of thy family for without these the ladders of thy life avail thee not.
65:18 Build and restrengthen thy reserves and be not frustrated by inactivity.
65:19 There is a time for rest and the time is now.
65:20 Abide in me, and if thou art with me, lo, I am with thee even unto the end of thy days.
65:21 Have of my strength, secure in the knowledge all things happen in their own time and beware the stress of immediacy.
65:22 Breathe deeply of pure air and feel the whirlwind within, while ye remaineth calm as in the eye of the hurricane.

65:23 In all thy knowing remember fruit ripens at different times and seasons, neither can the ripening be hastened by concern.
65:24 No fruit is overlooked which should be picked, so be thou content.

65:25 Do not confuse questioning one's self with self doubt.
65:26 To learn of one's self by questioning in honest desire to know one's self is to know God in whose image man is made.
65:27 Thy self is the greatest source of knowledge man can have for to know thyself is to know all mankind and to know God.
65:28 By questioning, by trying to truly understand thy self, thy motives, strengths, weaknesses, inate desires and repulsions is to have eternal strength and confidence for, in questioning and knowing thyself ye learneth love, true love of God's handiwork.
65:29 In loving thyself ye learneth to love humankind, learneth to love thy neighbor as thyself which is my great commandment .

65:30 Give heed to my words, let them take root in thy heart, and let them become a pattern for thy living.
65:31 I know thy work ["pattern for living" is the definition of seed in my article] and in it, I am well pleased.
65:32 Be not dismayed but continue in righteousness and humility knowing thou art well loved.

66. Weaknesses Undermine Safety

On Wed 7 Oct 1987, John finished reading a book of wisdom which indicated the next step on his path to be meditation. He had read in haste taking time from work and family to do so, and had caught a cold. He felt it was true because it clarified many concepts, some of which he had only seen in these messages. He planned to recommend the book to a few friends but felt to pray for confirmation before doing so. That night he had Mother pray, "I am choosing a stronger and different ladder, which appears to be the way of wisdom, clear before me. Was it made by thy word and is it meant for mine own foot?" Beginning at 4:05 a.m. on Thu 8 Oct 1987, she received the following response.

66:1 Have I not said ask and ye shall be answered, seek me and ye shall find me, knock and it shall be opened unto thee?

66:2 Thou hast been given the gift of discernment and thine eyes have great acuity.
66:3 Confuse not perspecuity, with which that which is murky and unclear is made lucid and given clarity, with perspicacity , which is thy gift of being able to discern and make sound judgments based on inner reasoning.
66:4 Thy sharpness of vision hath become more keen and thou art able to see more clearly that which has been hidden.
66:5 Thy perspicacity enables thee to make wise judgments from that which is seen, even with the inner eye.
66:6 Where there is truth, there am I also.

66:7 The Spirit of truth is of God.
66:8 I am the Spirit of truth and he that keepeth my commandments receiveth truth and light until he is glorified in truth and knoweth all things.
66:9 The light of truth is intelligence which was not created or made, neither can be.
66:10 Intelligence, which is light and truth, is the glory of God.
66:11 If a thing is true, it is of me, and I will cause a burning in thy bosom by which ye shall know if it be true.

66:12 Thou hast a gift and believest in me with an honest heart, and in my power which speaketh unto thee;
66:13 For behold, it is I that speak; I am the light which shineth in darkness, which leadeth thee to do good and judge righteously.
66:14 I will impart unto you of my Spirit which shall enlighten your mind, which shall fill thy soul with joy but all must be done according to the set pattern in mine own time and for mine own purpose .

66:15 Bethink thee the purpose to which thy foot is placed on a ladder of thy choice.
66:16 Consider the ground upon which the ladder is placed.
66:17 Is it firm as the rock upon which the man built his house which withstood the ravages of storm, or of sand upon which another man built whose house was swept away?
66:18 Think also that, though a ladder be strong, a faltering foot may cause a downfall .
66:19 Though a ladder be made for thine own foot, thy foot must also be steady and sure.
66:20 There can be many unsuspected weaknesses undermining apparent safety and security, so be thou ever alert.
66:21 Thou knowest I speak to thee in spirit, privately, and, as the ladder is for thine own foot, so is the knowledge and the wisdom thine own to treasure in thine own heart to give thee fuller understanding and enlightenment as thine eyes acquire greater acuity.

66:22 Thou knowest my voice is Spirit; my Spirit is truth which abideth and hath no end , and, to draw near unto me and hear my voice and see with the inner eye, ye must ponder in silence and cast away disturbances that confuse.
66:23 Through the clarity of seeing with the inner eye ye can study and examine thine own self which is of me.
66:24 In learning to understand thine own self with honest appraisal, admitting weaknesses and strengths, ye will gain in wisdom and in truth.
66:25 Through deep concentration, foregoing distractions ye shall acquire a calm and know peace, even my peace.
66:26 Thine inner strength which is of me can be found only with an eye single to my glory .

66:27 But in all thy getting of wisdom , neglect not the whole man, the balance necessary to maintain thy health, the needs of thy family and thy daily labor .
66:28 Let not thy desire for learning overbalance the scales of thy living but use judgment and prudence in all things, going not in haste.

66:29 Continue in righteousness, being wary of unsuspected pitfalls which may cause a careless foot to stumble.

67. Steer Thy Craft Skillfully

John had begun self questioning but had overlooked some instructions, especially about casting away disturbances and distractions . He tried using a pendulum to communicate with his inner self. At first he got good answers, but then received some disquieting answers in haste which caused him to have Mother pray, "Am I learning truth?" The next morning, Fri 23 Oct 1987, she received the following.

67:1 John, thy prayers are heard and thy need for reassurance is known unto me.
67:2 Be not impatient in thy earnest desire for more enlightenment, but steer thy craft skillfully to avoid whirlpools which may catch thee up to delay thy keeping on thy steady course according to thy set pattern.
67:3 Thy way is clear before thee so be thou patient.
67:4 Thou knowest I am truth and the Spirit of truth will guide thee through troubled waters as thou keepest my commandments, being the whole man, remembering my words at all times and keeping thy priorities in mind constantly:
67:5 Rest and calmness for thy health, quiet strength with tenderness and gentle power to give comfort to the diverse needs of thy family, using thy special acuity and gift of perspicacity in thy labor, where new knowledge awaits thine understanding [At 10 a.m. on 14 Oct I told Mother the Mayan Galactic Center sent energy to the sun and then to us, just as described in the Book of Abraham. She got a blinding flash that said if I focus my energy on only one point of my work at ERI like a laser beam, it would be like all of the energy of the sun in a tiny tube focused on a dot and I will benefit all mankind. I had no idea what she could mean, but she said that I would know soon].
67:6 Study the words in my last message with great care and thoroughness as thine eye, even thine inner eye, will see with deeper acuity.
67:7 All is for thy greater understanding and clarity as ye meditate and continue to examine thyself and accept thy weaknesses and strengths to better understand all mankind.

67:8 Mine is a voice of the Spirit and only in thy being still is my voice heard.
67:9 But remember I am with thee at all times as ye keep my commandments, seeking out and working on thine imperfections at all times, for I give unto thee a testimony of the truth of these commandments which are lying before thee.
67:10 For ye know there is no unrighteousness in them (67), and that which is righteous cometh down from above, from the Father of lights.
67:11 Let not thy mind be troubled with doubt for when thou art worthy, in mine own due time, ye shall see and know that which was conferred upon thee.

67:12 Know thee, mine is a voice of the Spirit and the Holy Spirit which is in thee and through the power of the Priesthood which ye hold, ye will hear my voice and know it for truth in thine innermost heart.
67:13 Material methods to aid thy concentration, if used with sincere desire to know the voice of truth, are not harmful insofar as all matter is spiritual but thou hast acuity of the inner eye and can see the unseen and know that which is unknown without the need for material corroboration.
67:14 Thou art alert to hidden knowledge and thou hast the gift of discernment to distinguish that which is for thine own understanding and for thy private enlightenment.
67:15 Self-realization will come slowly with great perseverance in study, and also in blinding flashes of enlightenment as progression is made.
67:16 My last message is heavy with wisdom.
67:17 Reflect upon it and follow the wisdom of knowing thyself fully and using thine educated judgment acquired by developing thy gifts of acuity and perspicacity and thou shalt not be led astray.

67:18 My Spirit abideth in thee and I am with thee at all times in righteousness as ye keepeth my commandments.
67:19 Bethink thee, the pattern in all things set for thee to know that ye may not be deceived, for Satan is abroad in the land deceiving where he can.
67:20 Continue praying, obeying mine ordinances, and under my power ye shall remain strong and bring forth fruits of praise and wisdom, according to the revelations and truths which I have given thee.
67:21 But remember any who bringeth not forth fruits, even according to this pattern, is not of me.
67:22 Wherefore by this pattern ye shall know the spirits in all cases under the whole heavens.
67:23 Thy power is my power. Fear not and be thou content.

68. The Ground is Firm as Rock

On Mon 1 Feb 1988, John asked Mother to pray for further guidance. He had waited over three months to ask these questions, having almost prayed several times but always having found the answers in the messages. He felt that he should choose his questions well because he felt he is representing many people and should ponder carefully before asking. Finally he had Mother pray the following. "I believe that space and time are quantized, complex, and should appear symmetrically in the equations of physics. Is this firm ground upon which I should build? And where is the place of understanding?". The next morning at 2:45 a.m., Tue 2 Feb 1988, she received the following.

68:1 If ye ask of me ye shall receive and as ye ask I say unto thee, as ye keep my commandments and heed my words ye shall have my guidance, to feel the firm ground upon which to build.
68:2 Inasmuch as ye seek not for riches but for wisdom, behold all the hidden mysteries shall be unfolded unto thee.
68:3 As ye desire of me so it shall be done unto thee; and, if ye desire, ye shall be the means of doing much good in this generation.

68:4 Behold, thou hast a gift which thou hast desired of me in faith, with an honest heart, believing in my power which speaketh unto thee.
68:5 For behold, it is I that speak; I am the light which shineth in darkness, and by my power I give these words unto thee.
68:6 I will tell thee what no man knoweth save me and thee alone.
68:7 For many are the times ye have desired of me to know that which would be of the most worth unto thee and blessed art thou for this earnest desire and for thy perseverance and diligence.
68:8 Thou hast been given eyes, even inner eyes with which to see hidden truths, and ears, even inner ears, to hear unheard words and thou hast been given a light, even my light which cannot be hid in darkness.
68:9 Why is light given to a man whose way is hid?
68:10 Thy way hath been made clear before thee.
68:11 The ground is firm as rock to build upon, proven truth upon proven truth, not in haste but with certainty.
68:12 Remember, I setteth an end to darkness and searcheth out perfection and all in mine own time.
68:13 Bethink thee of words I have spoken in past messages and be yet wary of unsuspected pitfalls and deceitful appearances.

68:14 Like Job, ye ask where is the place of understanding, seeing it is hid from the eyes of all living but I knoweth the place thereof for I understandeth the way of all patterns of all things from the ends of the earth and the whole heavens,
68:15 But I say to man, to depart from evil is understanding, and also in length of days is understanding just as with the ancient is wisdom.

68:16 Use thy knowledge with wisdom and great care, making haste slowly, being sure every stone is secure as ye build, even though the foundation may seem granite strong.
68:17 Keep thy gift of discernment sharp with the double edge of judgment and let not desire nor eagerness cause a careless flaw in thy work.
68:18 Be constantly alert to hidden deception .

68:19 Thou hast of my power within thee and as ye continueth in righteousness ye shall know the strength this power brings.
68:20 Go thou in good faith and be thou content.

69. Self Deception is Evil Thinking

During the week of 4-9 Feb 1988, John received a series of insights so fast that he filled about fifty pages in a notebook writing them down. They began with the intense feeling of being entirely enveloped in a whirlwind of fire during which great spiritual truths were revealed. The one that made the strongest impression was that Passover was symbolic of the birth of Jesus Christ. The Passover Feast was the birthday feast of Christ and held at the same time. In retrospect years later, John came believe that this experience was when he was "born again of the spirit", when the Holy Ghost came upon him as had been promised earlier.

Immediately after that experience another vision opened which was unsettling rather than peaceful and emotionally charged rather than being fill with light and intelligence. (Later he concluded it was from the adversary.) It instructed him to immediately write an article on Passover and rush it to Jay Todd to be published in the Ensign in time for Passover this year. That would require the magazine to totally alter its rigid schedule. Even though such haste did not fit the instructions he had been given previously, he felt justified because Passover is to be celebrated in haste. He wrote the article in one day and hand delivered it to Jay Todd, the managing editor of The Ensign. He took Brother Todd home that night and told him several of the insights he had received, including that he had been called to do a great work in sacred calendars. When Bro. Todd questioned that, his reply was, "Time will tell. My works will testify of who I am and of my mission."

On 9 March 1988, John received a letter from Bro. Todd suggesting that John may have been deceived by the adversary and that he felt John should receive a special blessing from one of the twelve. Although John had not doubted the source of his insight, he agreed that it would be an excellent idea, to reassure Jay if nothing else. Before agreeing to the blessing, John felt to pray for guidance, and asked Mother to ask two questions: "Have I been deceived or have I discerned truth? Is it thy will for me to receive a blessing under thy servant's hand?" The next morning, she received the following.

69:1 John, be thou comforted for that prayers that are prayed in righteousness, with humble heart and humility, earnestly beseeching are heard.

69:2 The innermost thoughts of thy heart are known unto me.
69:3 Thou hast not been deceived by my words nor my guidance but by thine over zealousness and over-eagerness to see meanings of thine own making; thou didst not use thy judgment as thou had been instructed .
69:4 Did I not warn thee to be wary of unsuspected pitfalls and deceitful appearances and to be constantly alert to hidden deception?
69:5 Satan deceives with appearance of light which blinds one to the true light which is of mine own truth.
69:6 Thou hast the gifts of seeing and discernment but these gifts must be used with wisdom and judgment, carefully and with precision and prudence maintaining balance at all times.
69:7 In thy eagerness and haste thy balance was lost, thy thinking was thine own and not of my guidance.
69:8 It is easier to deceive oneself in all sincerity than it is to deceive another with guile.
69:9 Self-deception is a subtle tool of evil thinking.

69:10 My works, designs and purposes cannot be frustrated, neither can they come to naught.
69:11 For I walketh not in crooked paths, nor turneth to right hand nor left, nor vary from what I have said, therefore my paths are straight and my course is one eternal round .
69:12 Remember, remember it is not my work which is frustrated, but the work of man;
69:13 For although a man may have many revelations, and have the power to do many mighty works, yet if he boasts in his own strength and heeds not the counsels he has received but follows after the dictates of his own will, he will stumble and lose his way, continuing at his own peril.

69:14 It is meet that thou receive a blessing by one who hath been ordained by me, for his words shall be my words and are spoken through my power.
69:15 Heed his words which shall give thee understanding.

69:16 It pleaseth me that I have given thee gifts for the benefit and use of man for his good for unto this end were they given, to be used with judgment, not to excess.
69:17 In leaning to thine own thinking more than heeding my guidance thou hast overstepped the powers of thy gifts and needs must repair in contriteness to find thy way, remembering at all times thy gifts are for use in thy field, which is science, in which thou hast been prepared and hast knowledge.
69:18 Thou hast been told thy pathway is the sky and thou must not depart therefrom but there must be moderation in all things .
69:19 These words thou hast not heeded.
69:20 I have not forsaken thee for in my infinite understanding and patience I know thy straying was not for unrighteous purposes but from eager desire and in too great haste.
69:21 I am patient and forgiving and I understand all things even the innermost workings of thine own heart which is faithful and righteous.
69:22 Thou hast been told thou art over-eager and thine eagerness can cause thee to go astray but thou didst decline my words .
69:23 Thou didst not use good judgment, keeping sound wisdom.
69:24 In not using discretion thou lost thy gift of discernment for a time.
69:25 Thou didst stumble but didst not fall.

69:26 My commandments are strict and my promises are made only if my commandments are obeyed in righteousness with no transgression.
69:27 Behold, thou wast chosen to do certain works slowly and with great prudence but for that thou didst not keep alert to deceptive pitfalls of which thou hast been warned, thou didst fall into false beliefs and didst see not my truths but the seeming truths of thy limited understanding and thine own thinking which set at naught mine own wisdom.
69:28 In my mercy thy gifts shall not be taken from thee but thou art to pretend to none other gift until my purpose is fulfilled and the special work for which thou hast been prepared is finished.
69:29 And I now admonish thee to repent of rash decisions, of abusing thy gift of discernment, being firm in keeping my commandments and yielding not to the persuasions of thine own thinking, seeing meanings of thine own and not mine own making.
69:30 He that exhalted himself and humbleth not himself sufficiently is not worthy of the gifts which are bestowed upon him.
69:31 So let it be with thee.
69:32 There are those who lie in wait to destroy thee and for this cause I give thee my commandments.
69:33 Stop and stand still until the real meaning of my words is realized so that thou mayest regain the real purpose of thy work and again the means will be provided whereby thou mayest accomplish the things which I have commanded of thee.
69:34 Study with a contrite spirit, being humble, and then more shall be added to thy knowledge by my spirit.
69:35 Ye need not suppose thou art called to a position of more importance than I have ordained, but wait a little longer until thou knowest of a certainty the appointed time for thy knowledge to be proven through thine own efforts.
69:36 Then according to the sincerity of thy faith, honors shall come to thee through thine own efforts and not mine.

69:37 If thou art faithful in keeping my commandments, behold, thou hast a gift and blessed art thou because of this gift, which is intelligence to be used wisely.
69:38 Remember, it is sacred and cometh from above.
69:39 And if thou wilt inquire thou shalt know mysteries which are great and marvelous, and thou shalt exercise thy gift that thou mayest find out mysteries pertaining to thy work and purpose, that thou mayest bring knowledge of the truth, but make not thy gift known to any save in thine own field where the firm ground is found.
69:40 Trifle not with sacred things.
69:41 Thine inner eye and discernment are limited to the field of science where they excel.
69:42 Meanings of my sacred words are not to be translated by thee unless by special commandment.
69:43 Take not more authority than thou hast been given and go not astray from thy field.

69:44 For that thou hast acted in sincerity and good faith, believing in the righteousness of thine own thinking I say unto thee verily, thou hast been blessed for what thou hast done; for thou hast been inspired of me and behold, as often as thou hast inquired of me thou hast received instruction of my spirit .
69:45 If it had not been so, thou wouldst not have come to the place where thou art at this time.
69:46 I did enlighten thy mind, and now I tell thee these things that thou mayest know that thou hast been enlightened by the Spirit of Truth, and none other but only I knowest thy thoughts and the intents of thy mind.
69:47 But thou hast many great faults and need be admonished for thy grievous miscalculations for assuming more power than thy gifts allowed thee and thy mind became darkened by false brightness, coming swiftly which was not of my light, thy balance was lost, thy mind succumbed to false brilliance and altered thy interpretation of my words.
69:48 Again I admonish thee: Trifle not with sacred things.
69:49 The devil uses cunning devices to destroy good work and thou hast been warned to be alert to deception even thinking and the peril of leaning to thine own understanding.

69:50 This is thy work; to keep my commandments and seek not to declare my words but for now hold thy peace, cleave unto my Spirit with all thy heart that thou mayest assist in bringing to light those things of which I have spoken, being patient, working with diligence until thy work is accomplished.

69:51 Build upon my rock, deny not the spirit of revelation, nor prophecy , but treasure up knowledge in thy heart until the time which is in my wisdom that thou shalt go forth to speak of thy work which has been hidden.

69:52 For that thy mistakes were made in righteous intent thou hast learned a lesson in losing balance through rash leaping rather than maintaining steady progress through prudent planning of each single step.
69:53 Be thou ever alert to the dangers of false thinking.
69:54 Thou remainest in my favor as thou learnest the ways of righteousness more fully.

In response to the instructions in verse 14, John received a special blessing under the hand of Elder M. Russell Ballard, which is included here.

John's Special Blessing

On Thu 17 Mar 1988, John was thrilled to receive a special blessing under the hand of Elder M. Russell Ballard. John recorded the following in his journal.

"He was most gracious to me and I was really humbled that he would take his precious time to counsel me and to give me a priesthood blessing... I explained that I feel I have a mission in science that can be of worth to the church and that I have felt inspired in that area. I said that after a particularly enlightening inspiration last month that shortly after it came I received another series of thoughts that told me to go against what I had been told before and convinced me by appealing to my pride. What I had felt earlier was to go very slowly and carefully and this new instruction was to hurry and write an article and rush it to Jay and that it was so important as to stop the presses of The Ensign in order to publish it. I said I fell for it completely but when I delivered it to Jay that he discerned that I had all the signs of someone who had been deceived by Satan but wisely said nothing at the time.

"I explained that Jay later wrote me a letter telling me of his concern and suggested that he could arrange a special blessing for me. Until then it had not occurred to me that I had been deceived although I was confused because the day after giving him the article I knew it was not to be published and told him so. When I then prayed to know if I should receive such a blessing I was told yes and that the words would be inspired and that I should heed them well....

"He then offered the following counsel before giving the blessing. He first cautioned me to be humble and modest in relating any spiritual experiences that I might receive. He said that one of the apostles recently published in The Ensign that he knew that the Savior had a body as tangible as man's. (As he spoke, it struck me that although it appeared to be a quote of D&C 130:22, it really was a testimony of meeting the Savior and shaking his hand personally.) He said that later someone asked that man if he had a testimony of the Savior and he simply answered that he does. He cautioned that the brethren carefully avoid sensationalism.

"He said that as a general rule that the Lord does not tell anyone what to do. He said that perhaps I am a better man than he, but that he does not get answers to prayers immediately. After two or three days the answer usually comes in a very natural manner where it fits right in to the flow of events. He said the Lord will nudge and prompt, but rarely tell you exactly what to do. Afterwards, when Ruth and I discussed this truth, I realized that it was I who initiated the Return of Elijah article and the Tree of Life article and prayed for confirmation that they were acceptable, but this last time I was specifically 'told' to hastily write the article and rush it to Jay. That should have been a clue that the direction came from a false source.

"He said that there is an amazing balance in the Quorum of the Twelve. He explained that he could cite four recent instances where one member of the twelve felt strongly that some idea was the direction to go, but that after discussing it with the quorum and having it analyzed by fourteen different perspectives that the man who introduced it had his mind changed about it.

"He then told the story of when Orson Pratt wrote a paper on the Creation and asked the Prophet Joseph's opinion of it. After complimenting him on the style and literary quality he said, 'There is only one thing wrong with it: it's not true.' Bro. Ballard suggested that Bro. Orson tried to force the gospel and science together and that he did not recommend it. Instead he suggested that I follow the example of Henry Eyring, who never forced science and religion together. He said that when he had been in the presence of Bro. Eyring, that he felt he was in the presence of the majesty of God. He said that the man could make the principles of science so simple that even he could understand them and as he spoke I knew I should do likewise. Orson Pratt has always been a hero to me and it never occurred to me until now that he did indeed have the fault forcing religion and science.

"He then cautioned me to beware of being too early with my ideas. He said that although he did terribly in science in school that he had some talent in business. But he said that almost every failure he had in business was because he was ahead of the market. Ten years later he would see his ideas succeed.

"He noticed that I was listening very intensely as he spoke (perhaps too much so), and suggested that the time had come to give the blessing by saying, 'Now let's see if we can give you a blessing to slow down that jet-propelled brain.' He and Jay then laid their hands on my head and blessed me as follows.

"He blessed me to have the vision to see my role in relationship to the Priesthood. He said that I had a very gifted intellect before I was born and he blessed me to use wisdom and judgment to manage the gifts that I have brought with me from the pre-existence.

"I was admonished to slow down and to pace myself in my work and to know when to walk away from it, later to return having lost nothing, but having had the pondering period useful in evaluating. I should now put things down and rest for a season and attend to the everyday duties of life. I should balance my life by using good judgment in managing my activities. He blessed me to turn to the concerns and needs of my wife and children and to my church callings and to make them priorities. I was told to pray and ponder and contemplate. I was told to rest at night and to know peace.

"He promised me that if I would slow down and pace myself, I would never stop so long as to forget any principles or to lose any concepts. Rather, I would have the time required for pondering and evaluating. (This was comforting to me, because it is this fear of missing something that often drives me to be in such a rush. It was a welcome surprise because I had not expected any blessing of comfort today, but only to be chastised for being in haste.)

"He then rebuked Satan from having any power over me inasmuch as I pace myself and follow this counsel. He said that Satan often works the hardest on those who are most gifted. He then placed a priesthood shield around me to protect me from the adversary so long as I am faithful and use wisdom and pondering in my management of issues.

"With his hands still in place on my head, he then blessed my wife that she would be able to lead me by the hand away from my work when it is time for me to leave it. He then also blessed Jay for his love and friendship."

70. Avoid the Depths Where Peril Awaits

During the month after the last message John was shocked that he had been so deceived and he made a sincere attempt to humble himself and balance his life. He received a blessing under the hand of Elder M. Russell Ballard which was filled with wisdom. It is recorded in John's journal. Thus for a month John has stood still in his work on astronomy and attempted to follow all of the commandments he has been given. Then new light came on the subject of Moroni's trump and it seemed clear that he was supposed to write an article on it. Moreover, as he considered the magnitude of the work he was contemplating doing in astronomy, he realized it could only be done as a full-time job. He thought his "special work" might be to put the math into Dewey Larson's work and to write several highly controversial papers suggesting that the modern work on stellar evolution is incorrect. However, he had been told to "stand still" so he would not work on either paper until given permission. Thus, he had Mother ask for him, "Should I seek to work full time on strengthening the astronomical rungs of Dewey Larson's theory? Is it thy will for me to begin now to write an Ensign article on Moroni's trump and Rosh Hashana? What further instructions do I need?" On the next morning, Thur, 21 Apr 1988, she received the following.

70:1 John, thy prayers are heard and thine innermost thoughts are known to me.
70:2 Thou hast been contrite and learned thy lesson well.
70:3 Know thou art beloved of me and shall have my Spirit to guide thee.

70:4 Know the law of opposites obtains at all times, extremes are to be avoided, balance is needed in all things, all that is good can become harmful if abused.
70:5 Those who seek wisdom use the wise man's candle to light their way to find the candle within themselves, a candle of which they were unaware, so they find light and it is good.
70:6 But it is necessary to know that in like degree for a candle to be beneficial so must it be known that a candle holds the power of danger and destruction, peril and death.
70:7 Misused as in arson, it can start a fire which can destroy good, a forest, hospital, school, church, works of art or irreplaceable treasure and death.
70:8 Uncontrolled, or guided by evil, it can be a menace, bringing devastation to all mankind.

70:9 Behold, I have spoken and my commandments to thee are of me and were given unto thee in thy weakness, after the manner of thy language, that thou might come to understanding.
70:10 Inasmuch as thou sought wisdom thou shalt be instructed.

70:11 Inasmuch as thou art humble thou shalt be made strong, and blessed, and shalt receive knowledge from time to time for he that repents and doeth my commandments shall be forgiven, yet, thou shouldst have been faithful and obeyed more carefully words of guidance which were given thee.

70:12 Thine efforts to attain a balance in thy living and thinking as thou hast been instructed, and thine innermost thoughts are known unto me and I am well pleased with thine attempts to follow my guidance.
70:13 But in thine endeavors be not too strict, remembering all life requires the flexibility of the reed as well as the rigidity of the oak for needed stability and balance.

70:14 For now, let restraint be thy watchword, prudence thy byword.
70:15 Bethink thee of thy stumbling blocks which faults can be controlled for thy strength; impatience controlled becomes patience, quick temper which flares to destroy, controlled, becomes control of self, impulsiveness controlled gives impetus and power.
70:16 Unless these fine qualities are restrained they are like unbridled horses carrying thee to destruction.
70:17 Restrained, controlled, guided correctly with reins held tightly in strong, gentle hands in balance, the patience, righteous anger at injustice, confidence and ability to make wise decisions quickly instead of impulsive conjectures, will carry thee far and gain thee respect.
70:18 Go not in haste but continue in the path of righteousness practicing restraint and remaining calm in the face of frustration and disappointment, remembering impatience is thy weakness.
70:19 Know, too, mine is thine understanding to lean on until thine own understanding grows.
70:20 Thou hast been contrite and thou hast learned thy lesson well.
70:21 Thou hast shown thou art humble and can conduct thyself wisely before me.
70:22 Know for a surety thine efforts meet with my favor.

70:23 Cast thy net not in unknown waters lest thy net and all it holds be lost unto thee.
70:24 Strive not to catch more fish than thy net can safely hold.
70:25 Keep to the clear shallows where fish are abundant in the sunlit water, unmuddied by the roiling waves, undisturbed by conflicting winds, avoid the depths where control can be lost and peril awaits thee.

70:26 Fear not to step on the rungs of another's ladder but use great caution and know well the maker of the ladder.
70:27 Know, the rungs of another's ladder, not being thine own, might break under the weight of thy foot.
70:28 Thine own ladder built by thine own effort and careful construction, rung by rung, slowly, with precision will provide the security required for thee to ascend to the high places thou art capable of reaching through thine own efforts.

70:29 The time is not yet for thy work on Moroni's trump though thy desire is worthy.
70:30 Thou shalt be given a sign but until then be patient.
70:31 There is more knowledge to be given thee in mine own time.
70:32 Remember, thou art worthy, thou art chosen and thou hast thine own work to do .

70:33 Be thou humble in all things but know thy worth and be calm in thine own power, which is my power, given to thee by my Spirit to be used in righteousness, which will uphold thee in time of need, and give thee confidence.
70:34 Thou hast learned there is a time, a set time, for all things to unfold and all will be in mine own time, nor hastened, nor delayed.
70:35 Thou hast learned the strength of knowledge gained through thine own efforts and diligence, also when to apply thy knowledge with wisdom, and thus honor shall come to thee through thine own effort , with my guidance but not mine intervention.

70:36 For thy further instruction my word is: be thou meek in spirit, humble and patient, submissive under provocation.
70:37 Force not thy will on others but practice forebearance in all thy comings and goings even yielding in times of stress, and be thou ever gentle.
70:38 In acquiring true meekness in spirit great strength and much power shall be thine.

70:39 Continue cautiously, thou hast received my instructions and gained more understanding as thou ponder and remember them.
70:40 Gird thyself with newfound strength and judgment to use wisely.
70:41 All will unfold in mine own time.
70:42 Be meek, be humble, be patient and be thou content and free from anxiety.

71. Beware of Specious Sophistry

John had been planning how to proceed with his work. The first step seemed to be to visit with John Harmer to discuss working full time on it. But to do so he must know at least the subject. He had struggled with the question of whether to concentrate just on astronomy or to work on trying to reformulate all of the fundamentals of physics. The problem with the former is that it is deep and muddy water and roiling with the winds of controversy, but the latter could suffer from being too much ground for him to cultivate. But as John discussed it with Mother, it was clear that the problems with astronomy disqualify it because they directly oppose the instructions given to avoid controversy and to keep the work quiet until done. Moreover, John doubted he could publish much in astronomy without needing new fundamentals. Then he realized that the main use of astronomy is to look into the Lord's laboratory to make observations that lead to discovering the laws. Thus, if the astronomy step can be skipped, it would be like leaping over a chasm. Larson's work allows him to jump that chasm, if the ground is firm to land.

After it was clear that he must work on the fundamentals of physics, he outlined this plan for a meeting with John Harmer:

  1. Summarize the new theory for him.
  2. Explain what inventions it will lead to.
  3. Give a brief proposal of what is needed.
  4. Bear testimony that the time is right and John is the right one to do it (hence a private meeting).
  5. Note that all the work will be kept secret until completed.

So John had Mother pray:

  1. Have I discerned my commission? Is my plan good?
  2. Should I visit the maker of the ladder to better understand its construction?
  3. Have I been deceived by my Tibetan mentor? How can I detect false light?

She received the following message from about 1:30 to 3:30 a.m. the next morning, Sat 28 May 1988.

71:1 John, thy prayer, being asked in sincerity and seeking wisdom with purpose, is heard and ye shall be instructed and given the knowledge ye desire.

71:2 My works, designs and purposes cannot be frustrated nor come to naught.
71:3 Remember, thou hast been entrusted with certain knowledge under strict commandments but remember also the promises which were made to thee if thou didst not transgress them.
71:4 Thou art that my purpose shall be fulfilled.
71:5 Thou hast shown thou hast faith, hope, love and an eye single to my glory.
71:6 Thou hast shown together with faith, hope, love, also constancy.
71:7 Thou hast sought to overcome thy weaknesses and imperfections, maintaining thy virtues, acquiring temperance and patience and hast shown humility and diligence in thy earnest quest for knowledge.
71:8 Thou art acquiring strength in this endeavor as thou proceedeth slowly without precipitous leaping into that which is unstable and dangerous.
71:9 Thou didst heed my words to stop and stand still to consider carefully until I would command thee and provide the means whereby thou mayest accomplish the thing which I have commanded of thee.
71:10 But thou must be ever alert to the fine distinction which separates false thinking from true.
71:11 Train thyself to recognize and avoid the luring pitfalls which may cunningly contrive to lead thee from the plumb line which guides thy thought.
71:12 Thou art in the process of discerning thy gift which is also many gifts but behold, thy gift is not to be discerned easily, not at a glance nor in a moment.
71:13 Blessed art thou because of thy gift but make not thy gift known to any save it be to one of thy faith who will receive thy word with understanding and conviction, knowing thy gift is of me and cometh from above.

71:14 Use the measuring rod of thy well founded knowledge, discernment and wisdom to make valid judgment and thou shalt know if thy plan is good and can say with thine own conviction it is my plan and it is good.
71:15 This is the manner of having certainty in thine own thinking, calmly and carefully conceived and thought out, with my guidance but not mine intervention.

71:16 Remember, there are times to lean on thine own understanding, having learned the manner of thinking correctly from mine own guidance.
71:17 This guidance has been given thee and its precepts are now thine own and as ye follow these precepts thine own understanding and knowledge will grow, be trustworthy and serve thee well.

71:18 Knowing well the maker of the ladder requires not visitation as much a confirmation of the name of the maker for a surety.
71:19 A reputable name is the hallmark of the quality of the maker and guarantees the soundness of the product which can be depended upon to support when used carefully and correctly for its own purpose.

71:20 Much of the Tibetan teaching has merit but lacks balance withal.
71:21 An open mind is required to receive information from all quarters in order to exercise free agency in recognizing the appearance of truth in false doctrine and rejecting or adopting the message, recognizing its seeming merit has only the semblance of wisdom and truth and could be spurious when analyzed with wisdom.
71:22 Beware of specious sophistry but recognize goodness and truth when it can be found.
71:23 Follow thy precepts of sound thinking and thou shalt not be deceived.
71:24 There cometh a burning in the breast when truth is recognized and this truth acknowledged, will stand the test of time and be true now and throughout eternity.

71:25 False light has a glitter which sparkles and dazzles, a momentary flash, difficult to capture and use for more than its own brilliance, whereas light permeates everywhere with a clear, shining glow from a hidden force, a light which uncovers darkness and has purpose.
71:26 True light is of my making.
71:27 It shines with an inner force which can be controlled and used for many purposes.
71:28 It shines and glows with steady dependable brightness of varied beneficial degrees, making that which was hidden in darkness become visible and known.
71:29 Light has many degrees of power but never flickers nor wavers nor bursts, having not the explosive flash of dynamite.
71:30 My light quietly fades integrating its peace and serenity, its tranquility with darkness as twilight becomes one with night.

71:31 I say unto thee, even as ye desire of me so shall it be unto thee and if thou desirest thou shalt be the means of doing much good in this generation.
71:32 Continue in righteousness and keep the commandments I have given thee and thou shalt be given instructions and receive the confirmation thou dost desire in thy ceaseless quest for learning.
71:33 Proceed carefully, slowly, weighing each step, secure in the confidence of thy power which is my power and this power will give thee strength in time of need.
71:34 Be thou humble in knowing thy self worth.
71:35 True humility of spirit does not undermine self-confidence just as in great strength there is much gentleness so proceed with caution and go with my blessing.

72. Resist No More My Voice

James asked Mother to pray for him. She did so on Sun 3 Jul 1988, and received the following message the next morning on Mon 4 Jul 1988, about 3:45 a.m.

72:1 Mother of James, be not concerned though his path be rough at times .
72:2 He is choice to me and so I have told him in other messages when he has prayed in troubled times.

72:3 James, bethink thee and remember carefully my messages to thee for they continue to apply.
72:4 If thou hast need of reassurance from time to time I am always here to answer thy petition.

72:5 All thine actions are known to me, your comings and goings.
72:6 I see thee not as man sees thee but with the eyes of mine understanding, thine innermost thoughts as thy heart respondeth to my guiding.
72:7 Therefore let thy soul be at rest concerning you spiritual standing and resist no more my voice.
72:8 Arise and be more careful in observing the vows which thou hast made and do make, and thou shalt be blessed with exceeding great blessings.
72:9 Wait patiently as thou art patient, with tolerance, as thou art tolerant, and thou shalt be remembered with the first of mine elders, and receive rights by ordination with the first of mine elders whom I have chosen.
72:10 Behold, this is my promise if thou continueth faithful.

72:11 In mine eyes thou hast done no wrong but have been guided by my spirit .
72:12 Thou hast obeyed, never doubting.
72:13 Thou hast been contrite and humble and thy spirit has been acquiescent to the guidance of my spirit even though thou hast not known nor understood my reasoning nor my timing.
72:14 Yet thou didst not rebel nor doubt my wisdom and didst obey as far as thou didst understand and interpret my guidance.

72:15 Thou art a good servant through thy many trials and hast served me well even when being tested for thine own growth to find new depths in thyself, new strengths .
72:16 Many are they who misinterpret my messages of the spirit yet, in the unshaken faith in their hearts continue to do that which in their hearts they believe to be right.

72:17 I judge not as men judge but by the spirit.
72:18 Thy spirit hath been ever subservient and close to my guidance and thy work is pleasing in my sight as I know thine innermost thoughts, even thy misgivings about the perfidy of some of my servants.

72:19 Have faith in times of trouble and in mine own time all will be made clear to thee.
72:20 Thou art blessed in my sight and no harm shall come to thee or thine as thou remaineth steadfast.
72:21 I shall not fail thee.
72:22 Thy way may seem hard at times but thou art strong with my strength and thou shalt triumph over all adversity.
72:23 Mine is the voice thou hast heard, thou hast been guided by me for mine own reasons and thou hast proved thyself worthy.
72:24 Be thou comforted, count thy great blessings and know greater blessings are to come.
72:25 I shall not fail thee.
72:26 Thou hast of my strength.
72:27 Take heart and have courage.

73. Facticious Knowledge is Deceptive

John was about to finish rewriting the Meridian of Time article and felt he needed permission to "translate" the word "Egypt." He asked three questions: 1) Have and I understood and obeyed thy strict commandments? 2) Is it thy will for me to publish the meridian of time as I plan to, including the meaning of "Egypt"? 3) What further knowledge or guidance do I need? Mother received the following message the next morning, Thursday, 14 July 1988, at 4:45 a.m.

73:1 John, thy prayers, even thine unspoken, thy silent prayers are heard as I know thine innermost thoughts at all times.
73:2 I hear the prayers you pray through your mother's interception.
73:3 All have been answered or shall be answered in mine own time in mine own way.
73:4 Prayers are answered individually and are perceived individually.
73:5 Thy mother's messages are based on her own unfailing faith and are understood by her.
73:6 Her messages on your behalf have given her great comfort through the years thus fulfilling my promise to her from years ago.
73:7 Her messages on behalf of James have renewed her faith and given her reassurance concerning James' worthiness which is great and has never been questioned in mine eyes.

73:8 Thou hast understood and obeyed my commandments to the best of thine abilities.
73:9 Misinterpreting is always a treacherous possibility as thou art human with fallibility.
73:10 Your open mind and scientific approach, your curiosity about new developments in all areas make thee particularly vulnerable to factitious knowledge which is deceptive and treacherous.
73:11 Thy power is greater than thy mother's because thou hast been ordained and hold the Priesthood.
73:12 Thou hast spiritual gifts and powers and your prayers need no mediator.
73:13 Thou wilt know the answers to thy private prayers in thine own individual way and recognize that once as ye spake as a child, and understood as a child, now thou hast become a man and understand as a man, with full knowledge that we know in part, now, but when that which is perfect is come then we shall know in full.
73:14 Thy mother understands the fulness of time and and rejoices in thy power.
73:15 Insofar as thou hast understood my commandments thou hast endeavored to obey them and thy work is pleasing in mine eyes.

73:16 Reread and ponder deeply thy last messages and thine own understanding will help thee to discern that which is to be published.
73:17 Thou art a coordinator, bringing to mind associations others have neglected to recognize.
73:18 You bring forth facts and place them in juxtaposition which, until your discerning eye discovered them, have been unnoticed.
73:19 Your duty is not to translate, but to give additional meaning as perceived through thine intelligence and knowledge, humble in thy power.
73:20 Never forget thy field is not in religion, politics, volunteering in community works, even teaching which you do constantly in your daily comings and goings.
73:21 Thy field is and always has been ordained to be in the sciences, physics, chemistry, astronomy and all that makes up the earth, inventing and discovering new and great truths through thine own efforts.
73:22 Thou shalt never lack my guidance as thou continueth in righteousness.
73:23 Intellectual guidance and final decision on what is appropriate to publish at what designated time can be safely be left to the judgment and discretion of my trusted servant whose hands were laid upon thy head in blessing.

73:24 There is no end to the guidance and the knowledge thou shalt need to accomplish the work that thou hast been chosen to accomplish.
73:25 Keep thy priorities ever before thee, being the whole man whose health is paramount to every other need.
73:26 Family, work, church, research and ability to perform in any area depend upon the wisdom and judgment you use in taking care of your health.
73:27 Your natural eagerness, enthusiasm and unflagging zeal take a great toll on your physical being and can destroy the very health you now prize.
73:28 Remember the importance of self control, retain calm in the midst of chaos, and partake of the powerful remedial value of rest and sleep.
73:29 Meditate upon thy frailties and find thine answers in the stillness of thy mind.
73:30 Be the eye of thine own hurricane, tranquil in turmoil.
73:31 Practice prudence and patience in all things and know all things will be made clear to thee in mine own time.
73:32 Be thou content in thy newfound confidence.

74. None But Seeming Obstacles

On the night of Mon 30 Jan 1989, Mother prayed for James. The next morning, Tue 31 Jan 1989, she received the following message at her new residence at 450 E 100 South #1. John had also been praying for help, and usually receiving his own answers sufficiently well that he had not asked his mother to pray for him.

74:1 Mother of James and John, be not discouraged for discouragement is the sharpest tool of Satan.
74:2 Thy work hath been well done and thy sons are strong and worthy even choice in mine eyes.
74:3 Disappointment and defeat are constant and necessary for growth and understanding.
74:4 Thy sons have learned to cope which is the key to success.
74:5 Coping with frustration and confusion develop stability and courage.
74:6 Fear not for they shall not be overcome and shall triumph over any deterrence in their paths.
74:7 Thy faith sustaineth thee and thou needeth not my reassurance.

74:8 James, hast thou not been told to cast all thy cares upon me for I careth for you?
74:9 Thy burden is made lighter by such casting so doubt not.
74:10 Recall and ponder on thy last message when thou felt troubled.
74:11 Among thy many gifts is the ability to think clearly with a mind which knows no bias.
74:12 Thine approach to problems is with an open mind which thou hast skillfully trained to find solutions which elude others.
74:13 Thine attitude toward all seeming problems has been optimistic and confident and temporary confusion is no threat to your ability to rise above its fleeting intervention.
74:14 Seeming obstacles shall be removed by thine own efforts and thy satisfaction thereof shall be great.

74:15 Thy strength is of my strength and I shall not fail thee, nor shalt thou fail thyself.
74:16 Thy spirit is choice among the choice and shall overcome, and thy strength shall be made stronger as thou continueth in faith.
74:17 The struggle to overcome seeming adversity is the gift of life.
74:18 Acceptance of this truth brings ultimate tranquility to thy spirit.
74:19 Thou shalt remain calm in the chaos of storm.
74:20 Thy moment of indecision shall pass and thine answers shall be made clear to thee as thou alloweth distance to view thy problems with thy usual objectivity and approacheth them with thy mind which is open to receive my light.
74:21 There are none but seeming obstacles and thou hast the ability to distinguish the real from the seeming.
74:22 Take heart, feel my strength within thine innermost heart and be content.
74:23 All things are known unto me and no thing is lost unto me.
74:24 Be thou comforted in my love.

74:25 John, thou art also seeking answers but thou hast messages which answer thy questions and give thee the instruction thou art desiring.
74:26 Thy way is being made clear before thee, keep thine inner eyes open to discern it and be not led astray.
74:27 Walk in prudence with great care to avoid any misstep.
74:28 Be ever on the alert to recognize the false and distinguish it from the true.
74:29 Both can have the same appearance to the untrained eye.
74:30 Continue in faithfulness, knowing no guile, and new light shall come unto thee.
74:31 Thy needs are known unto me and my strength shall not fail thee.
74:32 Go in peace and be content.

75. Love is the Most Powerful Force

At 4:24 a.m. on Mon 12 Nov 1990, Mother received the following.

75:1 Fear not to approach me.
75:2 Have I not said that prayers asked in faith shall be heard?
75:3 Grieve not that thou hast need for guidance.
75:4 Thy supplication for James is deep and worthy.

75:5 James, bethink thee of my words to thee when the throes of adversity beset thee before, even as the confirmation and affirmation for all thou knew in thy heart to be right and true were placed on thy head.

75:6 Thy trials are known unto me and thine efforts are pleasing unto me.
75:7 Thy patience and tolerance make thee grow in nobility.
75:8 Continue in faith knowing thy strength is of my strength and it shall not fail thee.
75:9 Out of suffering cometh growth.
75:10 He who endureth to the end never wavering shall know my true purpose.
75:11 Thy faith hath been put to the test and thou hast proven thyself worthy.

75:12 Remember love is the most powerful force and through love are all things possible.
75:13 Love has the power to perform miracles.
75:14 Love overcomes all obstacles. Love is my message to the world.
75:15 To have love is to have all the answers, to know love is to know all the answers.

75:16 It takes courage to continue when the path is not clear before thee, but faith guideth the faltering step.
75:17 Keep thy faith ever strong in my guidance and know I shall not fail thee.
75:18 There are treasures in store for thee that thou knowest not of.

75:19 Again, bethink thee with deep deliberation the words that were given thee when thy need was great before.
75:20 Ponder upon their wisdom and feel a burning of confidence in thy worthiness and belief in thyself, for that belief shall never fail thee.
75:21 Thou art choice among choice unto me. Fear not and go in peace.

76. The Pattern of Order in All Things

On the night of Saturday, 9 Feb 1991, Mother prayed for guidance for James and John. She had been considering questions like, "Should James and John work together?" "Should John do physics and chemistry?" and "Should they work on pollution?" John acknowledged a great need to know what direction to go, having just committed to Ashton Research that he would invent something to help pay his salary next year, but he did not wish to make any particular inquiry because he felt the answers have already been given and was afraid he would be reprimanded for not having done all he had been told. James asked the specific question, "Do I have a calling and is it time to commence work in that direction?" They all fasted and prayed, and at 4:22 a.m. on Sunday, 10 Feb 1991, (the day of Michael's homecoming), Mother received the following.

76:1 Mother of James and John, know ye not that if ye ask in faith, knowing in your heart ye shall receive, it shall be granted thee.
76:2 All in good time, it shall be granted thee for all things done in wisdom are done in order.
76:3 Ye ask for direction and all is in order.
76:4 Some answers are clear unto thee but it is not meet thou knowest all the answers.

76:5 In life, did not James come before John?
76:6 Does not the sturdy tree come before the wild horse be tethered?
76:7 As Mother, thy calling has been to guide but not encroach upon free agency and this is of me.
76:8 All guidance precludes not, nor inhibits free agency, which prevails at all times.
76:9 Thou hast been told that thou art blessed among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
76:10 Thou hast taught them to walk in the ways of truth and soberness, to love one another, and I say, as they love one another so should they serve one another with patience and understanding.
76:11 The world hath need of both sun and moon alternating and sharing the same light.

76:12 James, thou hast long known thou hath a calling.
76:13 Knowing this thou hast been patient as thy faith hath been tried and the trying of thy faith worketh patience to make toward thy being perfect, wanting nothing.
76:14 Thou, being tried, shall, in time, receive the crown promised to them who love God,
76:15 the same for whom all things work together for good, to them who have been called, have been justified and who will, in time, be glorified.
76:16 Thou hast been a doer of works and not a hearer only and being a doer thou art blessed in thy deeds and by them art thou known.
76:17 Thou art blessed that thou mayest be prepared in all things when thou art sent to magnify the calling whereunto thou hast been commissioned.
76:18 Be mindful each man is to his own calling and let every man labor therein .
76:19 Thine hath been a life of service, helping those who stand in need of thy help, administering succor and wisdom to those who stand in need.
76:20 Hast thou not been told among thy many gifts is the ability to think clearly with a mind which knows no bias, approaching problems with an open mind which thou hast skillfully trained to find solutions which elude others.
76:21 This is the basis on which thy calling is based.
76:22 Thy free agency shall determine the name of thy calling and thy choice shall be blessed.
76:23 Thou asketh not for riches but for wisdom and direction and the one shall determine the other.
76:24 Thy priorities dictate peace, tranquility and serenity of spirit are important and thy decision will embody all and thou shalt be content.

76:25 John, seek to keep thy mind single to thy purpose, being mindful, a double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
76:26 Heed that which hath been written thee for thine answers lie therein.
76:27 Thou will not suffer thy children that they go hungry or naked, neither that they transgress the ways of God or quarrel with one another but thou will teach them to walk in the ways of truth, to love one another.
76:28 The needs of thy family are thy needs and shall dictate thy decisions.
76:29 Pay heed to the words of thy brother who loveth thee with a deep and abiding love, and know that each man must labor in his own calling.

76:30 James and John, it is expedient that ye be diligent, applying principles which must be adhered to, knowing that all things must be done in order, so that thy purpose be accomplished.
76:31 Principles evolve from the pattern of order in all things by which they were created, order which needs must be in all things, light into darkness into light again, all in established order.
76:32 Principles are the proven wisdom gleaned patiently from experience through years of diligence.
76:33 The direction of thy labor is toward the use of established principles, for therein lies truth, which application shall benefit all.
76:34 No man worketh alone but each serveth the other to accomplish a common purpose.
76:35 If God, who hath created ye, on whom ye are dependent, dependent for thy lives and for all ye hath and are, shall grant thee whatsoever ye ask that is right, in faith, believing that ye shall receive, then thou each should impart of the wisdom ye have one to another.
76:36 Love one another and go in peace for the time is now .

77. By the Spirit Eyes Are Opened

Mother asked, "Should I ask for some sign that Jim is on the right track? Is Jim's sense of urgency a sign in itself? Should Jim continue with the plans he is working on? On Wed 24 Jul 1991 3:45 a.m. she received the following.

77:1 Seek not for signs.
77:2 Faith cometh not by signs but signs follow those that believe.
77:3 Signs come by faith not by the will of men nor as they please.

77:4 Jim has wisdom and works with good judgment according to the directions of the Spirit.
77:5 By the power of the Spirit eyes are opened and understanding is enlightened so as to see and further understand.

77:6 Jim, be not weary in well-doing for ye are laying the foundation of a great work.
77:7 Out of small things proceedeth that which is great.
77:8 Listen always to the prompting of the Spirit.

78. By His Works is Man Justified

On Tue 12 Nov 1991 4:42 a.m. Mother received the following.

78:1 James, be not troubled in thy heart.
78:2 Thou art worthy of the trust thy fellowman hath in thee and thy judgment shall not falter nor shall thy special gifts of wisdom, patience and tranquility of spirit ever fail thee.
78:3 Thou art thy brother's keeper.
78:4 Thou hast proved thy worthiness.
78:5 Thou has gone through the fire and remained unscorched.
78:6 Have faith in thy power and confidence in thy judgment, continuing to be cautious as new ground is broken.

78:7 Many are they who desire to know when the earth is ripe for the harvest.
78:8 Thou shalt know when the time is come for thee to wield thy sickle but it shalt be in mine own time.
78:9 It is not mete thou needeth to know all the answers for all answers shall be given in mine own time.
78:10 Remember the words I have spoken unto thee and heed them.
78:11 Thou hast shown by his works is man justified and seest thou how faith wrought thy works and by thy works faith is justified and made perfect.

78:12 My words are meant for those who have the ears to hear and faith everlasting and long enduring.
78:13 Thou hast lived ever in obedience to the promptings of the Spirit and thy works are known unto me.
78:14 Continue to have faith never doubting and thy strength shall be my strength.

78:15 Be thou cautious, be thou wary and be thou content.

79. Evil Cannot Live in the Light

On Wed 18 Nov 1992 4:18 a.m. Mother received the following.

79:1 Thy prayers are spoken in faith never wavering and know they have been heard and it is decreed they shall be answered as they are expedient for thy good.
79:2 The Lord giveth this promise to thee with an immutable covenant that they shall be fulfilled; and all things wherewith James hath been afflicted shall work together for his good.

79:3 He hath been patient and must think not that he hath suffered so many things in vain.
79:4 As always he has been swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath, for the wrath of man worketh not righteousness.
79:5 He hath been a doer of the word and not a hearer only and thus shall be blessed in his deeds.

79:6 By his works his faith is made perfect and by his works he is justified.
79:7 He hath been a faithful servant working in righteousness, asking only for wisdom.
79:8 He must remember where there is envying and strife, there is confusion and every evil work.
79:9 The tongue can be an enemy working evil.
79:10 The tongue is a little member but how great a matter a little fire kindleth and the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity so is the tongue among our members that it defileth the whole body.

79:11 He must be aware the tongue can no man tame, that it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.
79:12 Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing and this should not be.
79:13 James hath prayed earnestly in faith for wisdom in the midst of the evil work caused by a fiery tongue.
79:14 The only way to deal with it is through wisdom that is from above, which wisdom is first pure, then peaceable and full of mercy, without partiality and without hypocrisy, which wisdom bears good fruits and the seed of righteousness is sown.
79:15 Evil flourishes in darkness and must be excised.
79:16 It is the way of wisdom to bring that which has been kept in darkness into the light of truth.
79:17 Evil cannot live in the light of truth.

79:18 Remember to each man a gift is given and unto James many gifts are given.
79:19 He must look to his gifts and neglect them not for what good is a gift if it is not received?
79:20 He must remember in the beginning I was with the Father, that which is Spirit, even the spirit of truth, and ye together with your sons were also in the beginning with the Father.
79:21 He that keepeth his commandments receiveth truth and light until he is glorified in truth and knoweth all things.
79:22 Facing things as they are is acceptance of truth.
79:23 There is a time to take action and put an end to evil which cannot flourish in the light of truth.

79:24 Be of good comfort in knowledge.
79:25 James walketh in the path of righteousness and doeth his work in righteousness.
79:26 His patience shall be rewarded.
79:27 Let thy heart know peace.

80. Who Can Be Against Him?

On Mon 8 Feb 1993 3:15 a.m. Mother received the following.

80:1 Be content and fear not. Let not thy heart be troubled for that Jim has questions.
80:2 The working of his mind and the secrets of his heart are known to me and his efforts are worthy and find favor in me.
80:3 His prayers are made in faith and their faith shall be answered.

80:4 The eyes of his understanding are being enlightened that he might know what is the hope of his calling.
80:5 He knoweth he hath power to accomplish any goal.
80:6 His power is my power for I am with him.
80:7 If God is with him who can be against him?
80:8 He knows every man must prove his own work and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone and not in another.

80:9 As his eyes see more clearly, the promptings of the spirit shall alert him to pitfalls.
80:10 His judgment is sound and will not fail him.

80:11 He must bethink him when one door closes another door will open.
80:12 None of his endeavors will be lost. Each is important.
80:13 He must remember the source of his power and his faith will overcome all obstacles.
80:14 In that his heart is pure and he knoweth to do good, his work is good.

80:15 He seeketh answers he knows, but must search to find.

80:16 Wisdom that comes from above is pure and he hath that wisdom.
80:17 Walking in faith his fears shall drop from him so be thou not troubled but rejoice in his strength for his step is sure.
80:18 He will plant vineyards and eat of the fruit thereof. Be content.

81. Oak Trees Do Not Mature Overnight

On Tue 2 Nov 1993 3:48 a.m. Mother received the following.

81:1 Be thou content. Let thy faith continue to uphold thee.
81:2 Bethink thee, the oak tree does not spring from the acorn in a single night.
81:3 Thy way is clear before thee.
81:4 What appears to be an obstacle can also be a stepping stone.

81:5 Be of good cheer. Have I not told thee thy strength is of my strength and it is good.
81:6 Let not thy heart be troubled.

82. Be Still and Trust Thy Inner Guidance

On Sun 6 Feb 1994 3:57 a.m. Mother received the following.

82:1 James, thy faithfulness is known unto me.
82:2 Thy strength and thy courage hath given thee the power to overcome obstacles and disappointments and this is pleasing unto me.

82:3 Thou hast learned to cope which is the key to success.
82:4 Have I not told thee among thy many gifts thou hast the ability to think clearly with a mind that is open to hear my voice.

82:5 Thou has skillfully trained thy mind to find solutions which elude others.
82:6 Seeming obstacles shall continue to be removed by thine own efforts and thy satisfaction shall be great.

82:7 Again bethink thee there are none but seeming obstacles and thou hast the ability to distinguish the real from the seeming.

82:8 Be still and trust thy inner guidance and thou shall be the eye of thine own hurricane, the island of calm in the midst of chaos.

82:9 Be still in thy pondering and feel the burning in thy breast.
82:10 Thus thou shalt know the truth from the false.
82:11 Thou has proved thou hast the ability to remain confident and rise above fleeting interventions and problems.
82:12 Thou art steadfast in thy faith and remain unwavering in thine efforts to reach thy goal.
82:13 Thy work is well done.
82:14 Bethink thee the words I have given thee.
82:15 Thou has no need for reassurance.
82:16 Be thou confident and content.

83. Fear Not in Times of Adversity

Jim had received no money for his business, ran out on 22 Jul and could not meet payroll next week. On Tue 26 Jul 1994 3:22 a.m. Mother received the following.

83:1 Heed the words you have received and ponder them well.
83:2 Thy worthiness is known unto me and I shall not fail thee.
83:3 Thou hast strength that is my strength so fear not in times of adversity.

83:4 Heed my words and ponder them well.
83:5 Use thy wisdom to make sound judgments, remembering adversity has many faces.
83:6 Continue in thy ways of righteousness and let not thy mind be troubled.

84. James Will Know Success

At 3:11 a.m. on Tuesday, 10 Jan 1995, Mother received the following.

84:1 Fear not, thou art not forsaken and thy faith will be rewarded.
84:2 James will not be defeated as he worketh in righteousness.
84:3 He will not surrender to disappointment for he is strong in his belief.
84:4 He is learning seeming obstacles are opportunities to let him find another way.
84:5 He hath the strength of ten thousand and each tribulation shall be overcome.
84:6 He knoweth discouragement is the tool of Satan who ever seeketh to blind man to truth, so he knoweth not what things are prepared for him and understands not my ways.

84:7 Remind James though a man fail ninety-nine times, if he tries again in faith using his wisdom and succeeds the hundredth time, yet he is a success.

84:8 Thou art as a little child and hath not yet understood what are the great blessings which are prepared for thee.
84:9 Thou can leaneth on the strength of James as ye cannot bear all things now, but be of good cheer for I will lead thee along.
84:10 Fear not. James will know success.

85. James is Founded on Rock

Jim was asking if he should send money to New York to try to proceed forward. Things felt pretty grim. At 3:12 a.m. on Easter Sunday, 16 Apr 1995, Mother received the following.

85:1 Fear not. Thou art blessed among women and thy needs are known unto me.
85:2 Thou art righteous and the righteous shall have their righteous reward.
85:3 Thy sons are righteous and righteous shall be their rewards.

85:4 Thy son James hath built his house not on sand.
85:5 His fasting and his prayers are known unto me and he is a worthy servant.
85:6 Let him ponder on the acorn.
85:7 Before the oak becomes strong it must undergo harsh winds to overcome and drought and storms to overcome and so gain strength.
85:8 For growth it requires not only time but hardships for full power which will endure.

85:9 The spirit in James is indomitable and he shall know success for his desires are righteous.
85:10 His light will so shine before men that they may see his good works.
85:11 James is thorough, patient and endureth all things.
85:12 He is trustworthy and will not fail thee.
85:13 Continue in faith, fear not and be content.
85:14 The house of James is founded on rock and will withstand storm.

86. Never Force Anything

On Tue 9 May 1995 4:05 a.m. Mother was awakened by a flash and knowing that Jim was not depressed. Feeling let down is a natural reaction to prolonged stress, but doesn't affect your belief in self or natural confidence. She then received the following.

86:1 Fear not. James is not depressed.
86:2 His is a natural reaction to the intense strain he has been under.
86:3 The stress of keeping high in confidence in spite of obstacles and disappointments takes its toll.
86:4 This is the natural law that follows as the stress is lightened.

86:5 He has great resilience and his innate faith in himself will spring forth again stronger than ever.

86:6 Bethink thee to remind him of his message on Feb. 6, 1994 and be content even as thou art content.

86:7 As thou hast turned to James for help let him learn to turn to his children for bethink thee, a child shall teach.
86:8 James can cope and emerge through trials triumphantly remembering thy own father's advice to never force anything.
86:9 Nature will take its course so be thou content.

87. Nothing Is By Chance

Mother prefaced this message thus: "My prayer is that I'm asking for help to understand why my son Jim is heavy with burdens which I cannot help. Show me some way I can help." At 4:46 a.m. on Mon 4 Dec 1995, Mother received the following.

87:1 Be thou not disturbed. There is much to comfort thee.
87:2 Be thou content. Thy son is worthy. Be thou content.

87:3 Bethink thee nothing is by chance but all is for a reason.
87:4 Seeming obstacles are for a purpose.
87:5 It is not meet for thee to know the answers.
87:6 Light will come in due time else why is there faith?

87:7 Many trials are needed to prove the invincible spirit of man.
87:8 The greater the trials, the greater the eventual joy, and this joy shall be thine and also thy son's.
87:9 He has sound judgment and will make wise decisions.

87:10 Learn to see beyond the moment and in time all will be made clear to thee.
87:11 Keep thine eye on the rainbow during the heavy rain.
87:12 Continue to be strong.
87:13 Thy strength, like the strength of James, is of my strength and it shall not fail thee.

87:14 Thou art blessed among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
87:15 Thou hast been given special gifts and unto whom much is given, much is required.
87:16 James must undergo much for greater glory and all will be well.
87:17 Know my peace and be thou content.

88. Trials Strengthen Resolve

Jim notes that his income had disappeared, relationships too, destruction in family, nothing was working. At 4:00 a.m. on Sat 27 Jan 1996, Mother received the following after being awakened by a voice saying, "Love is the greatest power."

88:1 Fear not. James will not falter.
88:2 There is no problem he cannot solve.
88:3 His judgment is sound and he will make the right decision.
88:4 Trials are given to strengthen resolve.
88:5 That which seems an unsurmountable rock is shown to be but a pebble.
88:6 Time is the answer.
88:7 He will look deep in his heart and directions will be made clear to him.
88:8 His faith does not falter and he knoweth his strength is of my strength and it shall not fail him.

88:9 He hath proved himself long suffering and patient and is found worthy.
88:10 He has untouched power to find and this power will sustain him.
88:11 What seems misty and hidden shall be made clear in time.
88:12 He will know great happiness.
88:13 Thou knowest wounds heal.
88:14 Fear not nor be dismayed.
88:15 Be thou content in that storms will pass and troubled waters will be serene.
88:16 Continue in faith and be thou content.

89. Be Wary But Fear Not

At 4:06 a.m. on Sat 9 Mar 1996, Mother received the following.

89:1 Be not troubled. Thou art a source of strength to all and thou shalt not fail thy sons.

89:2 James must not lose faith in his judgment.
89:3 His wisdom is solidly based in knowledge and experience acquired by his faith, humility and prayers.
89:4 Now he must be wary but fear not.
89:5 He is strong and the adversary shall have no power over him.
89:6 Just as trouble comes in many forms, so does good and sometimes one is mistaken for the other with tragic results.

89:7 Be not hasty to judge.
89:8 Like James do not lose faith in thy wisdom to discern.
89:9 Faith is the source and the rock of strength and thy faith shall not fail thee.

89:10 Be not afraid. James will not be given obstacles he cannot overcome.
89:11 He will know when it is right for him to make a decision and he will be sure which decision is right.
89:12 He knoweth not to make a decision before its time.
89:13 He knoweth I dwell in the hearts of the righteous and James is righteous.
89:14 He is a worthy servant.

89:15 James shall prevail over the adversary.
89:16 He must be patient and bear all manner of affliction but revile not those who would do him harm.
89:17 James shall continue in patience and bear the afflictions with a firm knowledge that he shall one day rest from all such afflictions.
89:18 He is stronger than he knows and he will be guided so his decisions will be made with strength and conviction.

89:19 Harm shall not befall him so be thou content and know my peace.

90. Make No Vital Decisions at This Time

At 5:33 a.m. MDT (began today) on Easter Sunday, 7 Apr, 1996, Mother received the following, unbidden.

90:1 Now is not the time.
90:2 The time is not now.
90:3 The time is not yet.

90:4 Make no vital decisions, no lasting decisions, at this time.
90:5 Be thou content at this time.
90:6 Know my peace and be thou comforted.
90:7 Continue on knowing all will be well.

91. Free Thyself of the Bonds

At 4:30 a.m. on Thu 25 Apr, 1996, Mother received the following.

91:1 Be thou not disturbed. The adversary shall have no power over thee and all will be well.

91:2 James, thou art a loyal servant.
91:3 Lose not thy light.
91:4 Dwell not on the whys of thy problems for thou hast the power to free thyself of the bonds that have held and still hold thee.
91:5 The time for action is now, but be thou wary lest thy haste cause thee to err.

91:6 Let not thy pride overcome thy need for immediate compensation, but apply thy principles for they shall not fail thee.
91:7 Thou hast many gifts and thy talents can adapt themselves to thy needs but before thou taketh action against thy troubles, bethink thee of the results which may follow precipitant decisions.
91:8 What appears to be gold is often only gilt.
91:9 What appears to bring happiness often brings sorrow.

91:10 Have confidence in thy ability to make the right decisions.
91:11 Have the courage of thy convictions.
91:12 Look deep within thy heart and follow its message and thou shalt not fail.
91:13 Thou hast an indomitable spirit which shall see thee through to the success which awaits thee.

91:14 Fear not, be thou sure the ground is firm beneath thy feet before giving them directions then goeth on the path that thou hast chosen and be content.
91:15 The way shall be made clear before thee.

91:16 Thy faith is thy strength and through thy faith all things are possible, even that which seemed impossible.
91:17 Continue in faith and all will be well.

92. He Knoweth the Direction

At 4:25 a.m. on Wed 10 July 1996, Mother received the following, after James told her he had just filed for divorce.

92:1 Be not afraid.
92:2 James will not lose his faith nor shall it weaken.
92:3 His patience and tolerance have strengthened his will and his strength, which is of my strength, shall not fail him.

92:4 Bethink ye of his last message and know that he is a worthy servant and obedient to my word.
92:5 He must continue to have faith in his ability to make wise decisions.
92:6 He has the courage to overcome his problems.
92:7 He knoweth the direction he must take and that the ground is firm beneath him.
92:8 In time he will understand the problems which now confound him.

92:9 Put thy trust in his judgment and be thou content.

93. No Sacrifice Is Too Great

At 4:27 a.m. on Mon 16 Sep 1996, Mother received the following.

93:1 Be thou not afraid.
93:2 Have I not told thee to call upon me in thy need.
93:3 As you draw near to me and seek me diligently, ye shall find me and whatsoever ye ask it shall be given thee if it is expedient for you.

93:4 The confoundment in which ye and James find thyselves is of thine own making.
93:5 There is no contradiction.
93:6 All confusion will be lost in time. In mine own time.

93:7 James is a true and faithful servant and is obedient.
93:8 His judgment will not fail him.
93:9 If his way seems unclear, it all will become clear at the right time.
93:10 He is wise to walk with caution and be wary of danger.
93:11 He will know when the ground is firm under his foot, nor will he take a false step.
93:12 He knoweth he hath the power to free himself from the bonds which hold him but he is wise in waiting until he has the strong conviction of time.

93:13 He hath not fully learned that nothing is impossible.
93:14 No sacrifice is too great to achieve final success.
93:15 He will know the right steps to take and when to take them, but first he must prepare the base for him to step on.
93:16 It must be strong and firm.
93:17 The time for action is now but only when the ground is firm and he is sure with no reservations.

93:18 His pride has been holding him back.
93:19 It will take time going back and swallowing his pride and attempting to do the seemingly impossible.

93:20 No lasting happiness can be built on unhappiness.
93:21 He will not be asked to step into the unknown or into darkness.
93:22 He will be guided right and will know when it is right to take the first steps.
93:23 A step forward is sometimes made by making two steps backward.

93:24 His unhappiness and frustration are known unto me, but he is given only what he can bear and all is for a reason.
93:25 He is given no problem he cannot solve.
93:26 All will be made clear to him in mine own due time.
93:27 Do not lose faith as his faith gains strength daily and the adversary will have no power over him.

93:28 He is wise to avoid taking the first step into danger.
93:29 Your trust in him is fully justified and be thou content.
93:30 Great happiness is in store for James so be thou content.
93:31 Ye also have of his strength which is of me so be thou content.

94. Man Cannot Serve Two Masters

At 4:03 a.m. on Wed 13 Nov 1996, Mother received the following.

94:1 Be not afraid to seek me when thou feelest the need for guidance.
94:2 Thy prayers are heard and thy concern for James is known to me.
94:3 James is a worthy servant and hath proved himself strong in overcoming adversity.

94:4 Remind him a man cannot serve two masters.
94:5 He must maintain singleness of purpose nor divide himself and thereby be weakened.
94:6 He cannot go two directions at once.

94:7 James proceedeth with caution and obeys with caution.
94:8 Let him look to the inner light within him and his decisions will be made with wisdom.
94:9 His judgment will not be found wanting.
94:10 Thou canst depend on his wisdom.

94:11 His prayers are known to me as also are his desires to heed my words.
94:12 He hath learned the wisdom of making haste slowly and hath had faith rewarded by having a new door open when an old one closeth.

94:13 New horizons await him.
94:14 He hath the knowledge, experience and ability to give him confidence to succeed in a new venture.
94:15 Support will come to him from unexpected sources.
94:16 Let him look to his inner light for guidance.

94:17 James hath of my strength and it will give him continued tranquility and a calm serenity of spirit so be thou content and know my peace.

95. Joy is Earned in Present Pain

At 3:58 a.m. on Tue 7 Jan 1997, Mother received the following.

95:1 Hast thou not been told thy prayers are heard as are the prayers of James so be thou not dismayed.
95:2 It is not meet thou knowest all the answers else why is there faith and the strength of thy belief.

95:3 His faith has guided James and given him inner light.
95:4 His strength in adversity is of my strength and it shall not fail him.
95:5 Ponder his messages and take heart.
95:6 All will be made clear to him in mine own time.
95:7 Let him see the words in Mosiah 7:33 and know that my promise is not made lightly.

95:8 James hath been a worthy servant and hath found favor in mine eyes.
95:9 His eventual joy is being earned in present pain.
95:10 James hath an inner light that shall guide him in the direction he seeketh so be thou content and fret not.

96. Joy Only the Pure in Heart Can Know

At 4:15-5:19 a.m. on Tue 8 Apr 1997, Mother received the following.

96:1 Be thou content. Thy prayers are heard and thy needs are known.
96:2 Thy faith though often tried hath never faltered.
96:3 Thy acceptance of my will though not understanding thy guidance hath been pleasing unto me.

96:4 Be not concerned about James.
96:5 He is bigger than any problems he might have.
96:6 His strength will not fail him.
96:7 He hath gone through the fire and his strength was of my strength and it shall never fail him.

96:8 James hath no need to make a new covenant for our covenant was made before he was born unto thee.
96:9 He hath kept his covenant and can feel peace in knowing that our covenant will not be broken for our covenant was sealed and shall be honored.

96:10 James hath had trials and tribulations and hardships even as thou hath had and his faith hath never faltered though it hath been sorely tried.
96:11 He hath heeded my guidance while not understanding my reasons and hath remained faithful, thus fulfilling the demands of his covenant.
96:12 His faith will be rewarded altho the path he hath chosen will be full of trials and heavy burdens.
96:13 His happiness will be greater than the pain it cost.
96:14 He in his wisdom hath taken the first step and his foot is on firm ground.
96:15 Let him continue on the path he hath chosen and feel his strength become stronger with each step.
96:16 He is a wise and faithful servant with many gifts and will yet serve me.
96:17 His heart is pure though heavy.
96:18 In time he will know the joy only the pure in heart can know.
96:19 He hath made his painful decision in blind faith thus fulfilling his covenant to me and freeing himself from the bonds that held him and letting him go boldly ahead so rest thou in peace and be content.

97. Help Will Come When Least Expected

At 4:22 a.m. on Thur 4 Sep 1997, Mother received the following.

97:1 Fear not to call upon me in thy time of need.
97:2 I know thy heart is pure.
97:3 Hast thou not been told to draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you?
97:4 Ask and you will receive?
97:5 That whatever ye ask in my name it shall be given thee, all that is expedient for thee.

97:6 Tarry in thine own vineyard and concern ye not with James.
97:7 He is a worthy and loyal servant and earneth his own reward.

97:8 It is not meet that he understand all he is called upon to do but continue in faith knowing all will be well and his efforts are not in vain.
97:9 The grapes in his vineyard are ripening for harvest but all in mine own time.
97:10 He must continue on his chosen path and all will be well.

97:11 His is a choice spirit unto me and he hath of my strength nor will I fail him.
97:12 As he laboreth help will come when least expected as he proveth his worthiness so be thou content and fear not.

98. Each Son Hath Been Tested

On the night of Tuesday, 17 Feb 1998, Mother prayed for guidance for James and John, saying that both had problems and were going through turmoil. Since the last message to John, he had bought the Expressline Dry Cleaners and had been tested thoroughly there. At 3:58 a.m. on Wed 18 Feb 1998, Mother received the following.

98:1 Be thou content. Thy mind need not be troubled.
98:2 Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb .
98:3 Thy sons are choice spirits.
98:4 Their prayers and their troubles are known unto me.
98:5 Each son hath been tested and hath been found worthy.
98:6 Each one is a problem solver.
98:7 James hath endured in faith and proven his loyalty and that he can endure to the end.
98:8 Each hath been a good servant and labored in his own field.
98:9 They are sons in whom I am well pleased. Fear not.

98:10 James must remember that it taketh a long time for an acorn to weather many storms and droughts before it becomes an oak tree.
98:11 James' wisdom is of my wisdom and his judgment is sound.
98:12 He will have my guidance and know if a change should be made.
98:13 He walketh on firm ground.

98:14 Thy son John must remember to avoid the roiling waters .
98:15 They are treacherous and constantly swirling to catch the unwary into whirlpools of destruction and disaster.
98:16 He must always be alert to such danger and not get caught up in the current.
98:17 His work requires smooth sailing over quiet waters.
98:18 He is capable of guiding his craft.
98:19 His work is known unto me.
98:20 His is the gift of discernment.
98:21 His field is in the patterns in the sky.
98:22 He is aware there must be opposition in all things but he will deal with each problem as it arises.

98:23 Do not fear for either of thy sons, but be thou content.
98:24 Be calm. Be at peace.

99. Speed Can Be Made Standing Still

At 4:03 a.m. on Tue 16 Jun 1998, Mother received the following.

99:1 Be thou comforted. Thy prayers are heard and thy needs are known.
99:2 Thou hast proved thy worthiness as James hath proven his.
99:3 James hath endured much and is strong.
99:4 He must not give in to discouragement but continue on in faith never wavering.

99:5 He hath proven himself to be a good servant and found favor in mine eyes.
99:6 He doth not understand great speed is sometimes made when standing still and progress can be made of which he is unaware.

99:7 Console thyself with the knowledge James hath my guidance but he must make his own way to decisions.
99:8 He hath overlooked one blessing he received in having the talent to teach with clarity so that those who look to him for learning are able to understand more clearly that which had been muddled and confused.
99:9 James hath garnered knowledge and experience and can help those in need of the teaching he can now give.
99:10 There is greater need for his compassion and understanding than ever before and the need increases daily.

99:11 His own understanding will deepen as his heart begins to feel the need and he enters into a field that is as yet unexplored.
99:12 Great satisfaction will be his.
99:13 He will know joy and a fulfillment of purpose.
99:14 His past unhappy experiences are a gold mine.
99:15 There are openings waiting for him to find them.

99:16 Let thyself rest in peace. Thy vineyard hath ripened to an abundance.

100. All Darkness Shall End in Light

Jim had listened to LDS Conference and attended temple. He became depressed feeling he could not provide for his family, did little church service, no friends, not able to start a business, little influence on his children. He felt condemned by the principle of much being required where much is given. He has felt he has been following the Lord but feels he may have been deceived at times. At 3:47 a.m. on Tue 6 Oct 1998, Mother received the following.

100:1 Be thou content and know thy prayers are heard and thy needs are known unto me.
100:2 Thy faith is strong even tho the frailties of age may assail thy body.
100:3 Whatever ye ask of the Father in my name shall be given unto thee that is expedient for thee.

100:4 Thou hast been given my light when thou wast born, as was James, as were all men.
100:5 I am the light of truth and by my light ye shall find guidance.
100:6 When James feels he walks in darkness he must keep his faith and know that all darkness shall end in light, that light that putteth an end to all darkness.
100:7 This faith shall guide him to the light he needs to see his way more clearly.
100:8 He hath proved himself worthy in mine eyes even through trials and tribulations.
100:9 He hath remained a choice and worthy spirit in mine eyes.
100:10 Be thou content to know great joy awaits him and help will come from an unexpected source.
100:11 Truth shall be made clear unto him as he looks to its light.

100:12 Be thou content as his needs are known unto me and I am mindful of him.
100:13 Be strong in his strength and fear not.
100:14 The present darkness which seems to obscure his path is of his own making.
100:15 The answer he is seeking is so close to him he can't see it.
100:16 He has started on it but doesn't realize it is where his treasure lies.
100:17 It will be the clear road ahead when his inner light shows him it has been there all along.

100:18 Be thou content. He is a faithful servant and his reward awaits him.
100:19 His harvest is ripe for the harvest if he overcomes his own darkness.
100:20 So be thou content and know my peace.

101. Calm Follows Chaos

This message was unrequested but after a weekend of turmoil and confusion for Jim. At 4:07 a.m. on Tue 16 Feb 1999, Mother received the following.

101:1 Fear not, thy troubles are known unto me.
101:2 Lose not thy faith in thy feelings.
101:3 They are the signposts which guide thee.

101:4 James is my worthy servant and knows how to avoid pitfalls.
101:5 He will not step on uncertain ground but will test before he takes a step.
101:6 He must go forward but go slowly and tread softly until the ground is firm.
101:7 His eyes are wide open, his judgment is sound and he is aware of any danger which may be ahead.

101:8 His strength is of my strength and shall not fail him so be not troubled, keep faith in thy feelings of rightness in all things and be at peace.
101:9 Calm follows chaos, rainbows follow rain.

102. Eagerness Can Blind Eyes

From 1-4 June 1999 John had been meeting with a man, talking about new and wonderful experiments in science. John was also planning several bold moves, including revealing something which had been secret, and he was not necessarily praying for wisdom and guidance at each step. He was actually more nearer to disaster than he had known, and this message came unbidden at 4:30 a.m. on Sat 5 Jun 1999.

102:1 Be at peace. Thou art needed.
102:2 John, proceed with great caution.
102:3 Be very sure the ground is solid before a step is taken.
102:4 The path is dangerous.
102:5 Be wary of snares and pitfalls, even those of thine own making.
102:6 Be alert.
102:7 Eagerness can blind eyes and self-deception can be a sponge to enthusiasm.
102:8 Unwise decisions made in haste can destroy.
102:9 Be sure in your heart, with no reservations.
102:10 Consult those whose trust you hold. They depend on your wisdom.
102:11 Your wisdom has been hard earned.
102:12 Use it to avoid the risks thou art taking.
102:13 Let caution be thy watchword.

103. Attend the Needs of the Hour

At 4:07 a.m. on Thu 21 Oct 1999, Mother received the following after Jim inquired as to where to go, what to do, before discovering Jeanne was becoming distraught.

103:1 The time is not now.
103:2 Attend the needs of the hour, the day.
103:3 Keep thou thy peace.

103:4 Now is the time for clarity in thinking.

104. The Balance of Time and Action

At 12:45 p.m. on Sun 24 Oct 1999, Mother wrote the following. Received unbidden in thought at night and then reconstructed during afternoon calm, when Jim was also centered. Afterwards Jim said, "Also seems to say to make no decisions, but leave things alone, which would mean staying in Jeremy Ranch."

104:1 Tread softly, the ground is not firm beneath thy step.
104:2 Make no life altering decisions until fluctuating conditions settle.
104:3 Think clearly gaining strength and rising above disappointments.
104:4 There is a rightness to the balance of time and action.
104:5 Opportunities will appear now.
104:6 Divest thyself of doubt.

105. The Light is There Deep in You

Jim explains: "I felt at the end of my rope. Starting a 12 month lease I couldn't pay for, my new wife Jeanne was miserable and planning to leave, and a multi-year history of not connecting with society and providing an income. I feel I'm on a knife's edge of a turning point to disaster. My life seems to be causing difficulty for everyone. I asked Mother for a message to help me survive and get through. Have I been misled in thinking I was guided into all this?" At 3:45 a.m. on Mon 1 Nov 1999, Mother received the following.

105:1 My child, lose not thy faith in James.
105:2 He is a worthy servant and thou art safe in believing in his judgment.

105:3 James, thou hast gone through these tribulations before, even a year ago this time and even during stress turned to thy inner light which will guide thee.
105:4 Bethink thee of that inner light and it will give you the assurance thou seekest.
105:5 It is there to guide thee.
105:6 It can bring thee happiness again.
105:7 Do not let the darkness take over.
105:8 Darkness and inability to see thy own way clearly is of thine own making.
105:9 The light is there deep in you. It is the torch to light thy way.

105:10 Thou hast not been led astray but action of a different kind may see thee through these troubled times.
105:11 Thy prayers are heard.
105:12 Trials are a challenge and thou wast born with the ability to overcome.
105:13 Return to discover the light thou hast forgotten to find.
105:14 It awaits thee and thou will once again be a source of comfort and security to thy mother.

105:15 Have faith, even faith stronger than thou knowest thou hast and thy tribulations and trials shall be overcome and thy mother shall again know peace.

106. World Full of Disappointments

Jim explained, "Just lost the lease on our home, forced to move and my business is not working (again) to provide an income, so we don't know where to go or how to make decisions." At 4:02 a.m. on Fri 17 Aug 2001, Mother received the following.

106:1 Fear not. I am aware of thy problems.
106:2 Remember thou art not alone.
106:3 I shall not forsake thee.
106:4 Fear not even tho you walk with trepidation and uncertainty.
106:5 Thou hast not made a mistake in trusting James.
106:6 His judgment can still be trusted.
106:7 The world is full of disappointments through which we grow strong.
106:8 If some plans don't work out, others must be found.
106:9 James is a choice spirit and a faithful servant.
106:10 He will still know great happiness.
106:11 You made wise and prudent plans providing for you aging which can still be used.

107. Faith Justifieth its Own

Jim had a big investing loss and it was his job to produce income. He felt hammered and did not want to live off savings. Mother prayed for him. At 5:10 a.m. on Wed 24 Jul 2002, Mother received the following which she dictated to Jim the next morning as she was unable to write anything at night.

107:1 Have faith. Faith justifieth its own.
107:2 Continue on in faith.
107:3 Don't give in. Don't give up and your strength will not give out.
107:4 Jim should not be churlish when overwrought.
107:5 Thy strength and thy courage shall not fail thee.
107:6 Be content.

108. You Will Know Joy

Mother and Jim had been concerned about Sheralyn's health. She had been sick for a year. At 4:25 a.m. on Fri 5 Sep 2003, Mother received the following which she dictated to Jim the next morning as she was unable to write anything at night. Later that day Jim felt to fast and give her a full priesthood blessing with Paul Innis. She since reported feeling great.

108:1 Be not afraid.
108:2 Thy prayers are heard.
108:3 Continue in faith and you will know joy.

That was the last recorded message Kathryn received. She passed away on Tue 22 Feb 2005 after having lived in 100 years. She was born on Sun 21 Oct 1906. What an amazing life she had!