My Child Star Television Career

by John P. Pratt

My brief television career ended abruptly when I didn't say my lines as expected!

When my Mother returned from Los Angeles to Salt Lake City about 1947, she was hailed as the returning famed Hollywood poetess. Television was just becoming affordable when I was about five years old. Mother made frequent appearances on the Margaret Masters show, an early local morning talk show for women to discuss cooking and news items of interest.

One day Mother invited me to go on the program with her. I'm not sure why; perhaps she could not find a babysitter that day! In any case, I remember that she told me that she would ask me to briefly tell the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We rehearsed it once and she seemed satisfied that my performance would be acceptable. Little did she know!

When the time came, I began to tell the story of a little girl who as going through a big field of daisies and was exploring what she found in the meadow. Mother interrupted me and asked about the cottage and the three bears. I replied, "Do you want to hear that old story they've been telling for years, or do you want to hear the true story the way that Heavenly Father told me?" I was surprised that she didn't allow me to continue expounding on my revelation, but quickly changed the subject.

And that was the end of my brief television career!