©John P. Pratt, all rights reserved
Icons drawn by David R. Pratt
16 September 1997
updated 2 Feb 2006 to show data better with mouse.
Each picture in this periodic table is designed to remind you of the element's name, atomic number, and abbreviation. Point to the element to see its name and number. Click on the element for more explanation and then "Back" to return to the table. There is also an explanation of how to use the pictures as memory pegs. You can also see the name and number of the element by pointing to it and reading the address in the status window at the bottom. At least memorize the first twenty! Each of those first 20 also has a unique color which can also be used for memorizing a list of twenty objects by associating a color with each. There is another chart with them shown in a new circular periodic table, but it doesn't have the feature of mousing over the elements.
Atomic Numbers
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