by John P. Pratt
19 Jul 2019, 1 Wind 9 TEMPLE 7 REED (SR)
©2019 by John P. Pratt. All rights Reserved.
1. Adam to Joseph 2. Moses to Dark Ages 3. King Alfred to Final Judgment 4. Conclusion Notes |
The "Great Sacred Round" (GSR) has now been discovered and was described in detail in a recent article.[1] It is a set of 260 Sacred Rounds, with each named the same as are days in one Sacred Round (see Figure 1). The series of GSRs is named such that the GSR during which Jesus resurrected in AD 33 was named 1 REED. All capitals means the name refers to a GSR rather than a day and boldface italics refers to a major holy GSR (just italics refers to minor holy).
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The second set of 13 GSRs go from Moses to the Dark Ages of Europe, being the 2400 years from about 1601 BC (also called -1600 AD in astronomical notation) to AD 800, where much of scattered Israel resided. Those GSRs are also numbered 1 to 13 (see Table 1).
The final set of 2400 years from AD 800 to 3200 which comprise the final 2400 years of history are also divided into 13 GSRs, conveniently numbered sequentially from 1 to 13 (see Table 1).
In Table 1, the GSR names are in the left column, with those in red being major holy GSRs and those in blue minor, being the same as are those days in a single Sacred Round. The numbers are mostly to track progression through that historical great age, whereas the day signs describe the events. The day sign meanings are listed in the second column. Note that the 20 days signs are repeated twice in order going down the columns. In other words, all of the GSRs are in the same order as days on the Sacred Round, with the numbers and signs each progressing independently like the gears in Figure 1. That is important because they have not been rearranged in order to match the historical events of each GSR, which are listed in the third column. The meanings which seem like a perfect match to events are listed in brown, which is most of them. This is an amazing result! The year of the beginning each GSR is listed in the fourth column in astronomical notation which makes it easier to see that each GSR is about 185 years in length (such as from -5 to 180 near birth of Christ).
Most of the rest of this article is a discussion of the events of each of those three divisions of history, herein called "great ages", while the GSRs are also called "eras". If you choose to skip reading those details, please stop to ponder for a moment just how amazing the results in Table 1 truly are! Each great age already has eras named in order from 1-13 and also for two sets of day signs in order also. Remember that these names were all determined when it was decided to have the Resurrection in 1 REED! Do they not bear strong witness of both of the hand of the Creator in designing this calendar as well as His foreknowledge of all of history?
On the Sacred Round, the day 13 Flower is both the last day of the last round and the zeroth day of the next round (D&C 29:30), and it is the same with GSRs. The GSR named 13 FLOWER (4263-4078 BC) included the final preparation time of the Garden of Eden. It is the zeroth era in preparation for the forty eras which follow and which comprise one Divine Step.
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The next GSR (3893-3708 BC) which represents the coming of the Spirit included the births of the two antediluvian patriarchs Seth, the son of Adam, and Seth's son Enos. It was a time of Adam and Eve teaching the gospel to their growing posterity.
The next era (3708-3523 BC), which sign of the Temple represents birth, included the births of three patriarchs: Cainan, Mahalaleel, and Jared. Cainan, the son of Enos, became the first King of the earth[3] and he reigned with wisdom and righteousness. Jared was the father of Enoch and was born on 1 Eagle 1 EAGLE, which linked him to Adam and Enoch who were both also born on 1 Eagle.
The next GSR (3523-3338 BC) of the Dragon was a time when wickedness began to grow. Enoch was born in this era and became known as a great seer. He was respected and feared because of his great power in the priesthood.
This era (3338-3153 BC) of the Serpent, which represents rebirth, was the GSR in which Enoch founded his famous City of Zion which was a holy city of righteousness in the midst of a wicked world even as there will be a City of Zion in the last days which will also be a refuge from evil for the righteous. His son Methuselah was born shortly after the founding of Zion.
The next GSR (3153-2968 BC), represented by the Skull, included the death of Adam. It also brought the birth of Lamech, father of Noah and of Naamah, wife of Noah. This was time of increasing wickedness where the world was ripening for destruction.
Deer symbolizes entering the spirit world and this era was the GSR (2968-2783 BC) in which the City of Enoch was translated to heaven. Noah was born just five years after that. Being numbered 7, the era was holy, which fits well for both Enoch and Noah.
The wickedness of the world continued to increase during this era of the Rabbit (2783-2598 BC), which symbolizes materialism and sensuality. This was an era of advanced technology and pleasures, much like today.
Water, the sign of the next GSR (2598-2412 BC), symbolizes triumph over materialism, usually associated with a ritual washing like baptism. This was when Noah began preaching and when he married Naamah and their three sons were born, including Shem, who would become Melchizedek, the great king and high priest.
10 DOG.
This is the era of the Dog (2412-2227 BC), which symbolizes the greatest suffering and agony. This was the era in which the Great Deluge occurred destroying nearly all of mankind. The Biblical account states that the only ones saved were Noah and his family, so apparently very few triumphed over materialism in the preceding era.
Monkey symbolizes the first rung up the ladder of spirituality after having suffered during the time of the Dog. This was the era (2227-2042 BC) when Terah and his son Abraham were born. Abraham was indeed one who was accepted of God and began to show his family the way to God by ascending the ladder.
Grass symbolizes rising up the ladder and indeed this was the era (2042-1857 BC) in which Isaac and Jacob were born. It was the period of the dispersion from the Tower of Babel when the earth was divided into nations at the time of the death of Peleg. Thus, 70 new nations arose from the destruction of the Flood, perfectly represented by the emblem for this sign, being grass growing out of a skull!
13 REED.
This major holy GSR of 13 REED (1857-1672 BC) was the era in which Jacob had the vision of the ladder mankind is attempting to ascend to heaven. His wives Leah and Rachel were born as well as all of the twelve tribes of Israel during this epoch. It continues until the death of Joseph, even as does the Book of Genesis. It also includes the "Dark Ages" of Israel in bondage in Egypt after his death.
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The second GSR (1487-1302 BC) of this age included the Exodus of Israel from their bondage in Egypt and also their entering into their Promised Land of Canaan. The sign of this era was the Eagle, symbolic of a fulness of the Priesthood. Moses was indeed ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood during this time by his father-in-law Reuel (Jethro).
The sign for this third era was the Condor (1302-1117 BC) which represents awareness. This was the period during which the reign of the Judges occurred in Israel. A good judge needs to be aware of what is in the heart of those who are being judged in order to determine their intentions which are a large part of how serious the crime was.
The symbolism of Quake, the sign of the next era (1117-932 BC), refers to literal shaking as well as spiritual. This was the time of Kings David and Solomon, who were both strong moving forces who united Israel into one country, only to have it be torn in two after Solomon.
Flint is the symbol of sacrifice of such a magnitude to lead one to perfection. This GSR (932-747 BC) did indeed involve some sacrifice. Elijah offered sacrifice, having it consumed by fire from heaven, and then he sacrificed the 450 priests of Baal (1 Kings 18:40).
The next era (747-562 BC) has the sign Storm, which signifies destruction, often by lightning or fire from heaven. In this case, the era included both the end of the Northern Kingdom of Israel when they were taken captive into Assyria and also the destruction of city of Jerusalem by fire when they were taken captive to Babylon.
This holy GSR (562-377 BC) included the time during which Cyrus the Great of Persia allowed the captives of Judah to return home and rebuild their temple. The sign Flower of this era represents becoming one with God which occurred for that nation after having been chastised for having failed to keep the commandments.
The sign of this GSR (377-191 BC) was Light. It began the second half of history with the first of the twenty day signs repeating. That symbolized an era of new beginnings, dominated by Alexander the Great. He had the Old Testament translated into Greek (the Septuagint) which brought the light of the word of God in the language of his empire.
The sign of this era (191-6 BC) was Wind, when the Spirit would again begin to enliven people and bring new knowledge. It was the era of the Maccabees who freed Judea from their Seleucid Empire rulers and rededicated their temple, which had been desecrated.
Temple is the symbol of birth, ideal for this era (6 BC - AD 180) during which the life of Jesus Christ occurred and the spreading of gospel by his disciples, resulting in the birth of Christianity.
The symbol of Satan and evil is the Dragon and just as in the case of the Dragon appearing immediately after the birth of the Kingdom of God in Rev. 12:13, the Dragon appeared during this era (180-365) and persecuted the fledgling Mother Church. This was also the time when the Nephites were destroyed by wickedness.
This era (365-550), symbolized by the Serpent meaning Rebirth, includes the time after Constantine the Great was converted to Christianity by a miraculous vision and required the entire Empire to do likewise, thus providing a rebirth of Christianity. It was a time the Church could flourish and later also the time of the fall of the Empire to the pagan tribes of scattered Israel. It was also the time when the Nephite civilization was reborn when Huematzin (apparently Moroni) founded the Toltec nation.[4]
This era of the Skull (550-735) was the Dark Ages after the Fall of Rome. It is the last period of the second third of history can be compared to the Dark Ages at the end of the first period when Israel went into bondage in Egypt. In the case, the bondage was that of ignorance, barbarism and illiteracy.
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The next era of the Rabbit (920-1105) brought William the Conqueror who was a stalwart Christian, even though of Viking descent. He tried to keep the English laws intact but switched the country over to where the king owned the land and future kings come from the royal lineage rather than being chosen by the people.
The next GSR was that of Water (1105-1290) represented triumph over materialism and included the signing of the Magna Carta to force kings to respect the laws and also the Crusades to attempt to free Jerusalem from the Muslims. There were several triumphs in this era including trial by peers (Henry II), and movement toward a parliament and constitution (Simon de Montfort).
4 DOG.
The next age of the Dog (1290-1475) represents anguish and was the time of the first Christian Reformers who began to expose how corrupt the Catholic Church had become. Most of these were burned at stake. One of these forerunners, John Huss, prophesied in this last moments of one who would come in a hundred years (Martin Luther) whom they would not be able to silence.
The sign of the Monkey heralded an era (1475-1660) during which mankind would begin to climb the ladder out of suffering and agony toward God and salvation. It was the time of Martin Luther who was the most successful Protestant Reformer, managing not to be executed. Although there were many who contributed to the spread of the study of the Bible by the layman, possible because of the invention of the printing press and translation into common languages, Luther stands out as the head of this era, fulfilling the prophecy of Huss.
The sign of Grass symbolizes the rising up the ladder to new heights during this era (1660-1845). It included many nations breaking away from Catholic Church domination and culminated with the Prophet Joseph Smith restoring the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ in the Book of Mormon and the restoration of the Church of Christ. Note that the martyrdom of the Prophet was just a year before this period ended.
The next era (1845-2031) is holy and its sign of the Reed symbolizes resurrection. The Mayan priests explained that this symbol represent a fulness of what was begun in the last step Grass. The idea seems to be that resurrection is really a two-step process, beginning on Grass and culminating on Reed. That suggests that Joseph the Seer was able only to begin the restoration and that it would be completed by another (called David the Servant in prophecy) who will build the City of Zion. It is interesting that in earlier articles it has been been noted Joseph would come during the 7-year PASSOVER (Enoch Calendar) and David about 182 years later during TABERNACLES.[6] It turns out the GSRs of length 185 years fit that pattern perfectly, becoming a second witness to timing of the coming of David. Note also that we are within 12 years of the ending of this era, so it will be interesting to see if the City of Zion is indeed founded within this holy time.
Jaguar represents cleansing and sanctification, so this sounds like next era (2031-2216) includes the destruction of the wicked and the kingdom of the Antichrist and the end of the tribulation. It also includes the Second Coming of Jesus Christ probably within 2-3 decades of the beginning of this era. One reason for suggesting that Zion will be founded during the era preceding this one is that it is to be a city of refuge for saints from the tribulation and wars, so apparently it must be in place before the reign of the Antichrist and subsequent cleansing begin.
The sign of the Eagle represents a Fulness, which suggests that Zion and the Kingdom of God will continue to progress during the next era (2216-2401) to where there will be many attain to the level of kings and priests after the order of the Son of God, to rule throughout the earth.
The Condor seems to the symbol of the highest priesthood, being the Patriarchal Priesthood where the family of God is extended to include new saints being adopted into the line as occurred with Abrahm, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. That may be a theme for this age (2401-2586).
The sign of this era (2586-2771) represents life and family and shaking or struggling. This may be a time where family are connected together more fully and in a divine order.
Flint is the symbol of the last era of the Millennium (2771-2956), which is associated with a supreme type of divine sacrifice which leads to perfection. The meaning of this is not clear at this time but this whole sequence suggests that there are different activities during different periods of the Millennium, rather than one continuous peace. Each of these symbols may represent a step going up Jacob's ladder.[7]
This era corresponds to what scriptures call the "little season" (D&C 29:22) after the Millennium ends the 7,000 years since the Beginning of Mortality (4001 BC - AD 3000) (D&C 77:6). This era (2956-3141) is when men will again begin to deny their God, when Satan is loosed, and during which is the final war against Satan and his followers. It is also the time of the Last Resurrection and Final Judgment before the earth passes away (D&C 29:26-28).
Flower is both the last of the twenty signs in this Divine Step and also the first of the next step. It has perfect symbolism for this first era (3141-3326) of a new great age, because Flower represents being "one with God". This is the era when the earth passes away and will be transformed to become the Celestial Kingdom to be inherited by the valiant in the testimony of God (D&C 77:1-2, D&C 88:25-26).
Forty Great Sacred Rounds (GSRs), which were recently discovered, are shown to comprise what is called a "Divine Step" which covers the entire 7,000 history of Adam's family. It is named after the "step" of 40 days on the Sacred Round. The Divine Step is divided into three great ages because it includes three sets of thirteen GSRs numbered in order from 1 to 13. Those ages each begins with enlightenment and end in Dark Ages. The forty names also include the twenty day signs of the Sacred Round in order from Light to Flower repeated twice. The most arresting feature of this discovery is that the already-known meaning of the day sign for each GSR era of about 185 fits well with the salient events of that era. In about half of the eras, the meaning of the name fits exactly the main event of that period. It is concluded that such an amazing correspondence is far beyond chance and hence is a witness of the foreknowledge of God and of the creation of the Sacred Round and this entire grouping system by the Creator.