by John P. Pratt
5 Jan 2019, Trumpets (US), 1 Creation (M), 1 Chief (P), 1 Hes (UH), Tabernacles (UE)
©2019 by John P. Pratt. All rights Reserved.
1. Predictions 2. What is the Kingdom? 3. Covenant Conference 4. Star Witness 4.1 Fireside 4.2 New Witness 5. Conclusion Notes |
In 2017 there was hype among some Christian preachers that the great sign of the Woman, Infant Son, and Dragon prophesied in Rev. 12:1-6 would be fulfilled on that Sat 23 Sep.[1] When I attempted to write an article debunking that theory, it turned instead into one the strongest articles promoting the event as genuine.[2] Why? Because the evidence from sacred calendars was much stronger than what the other authors had been aware of. Figure 1, taken from my article, shows that the day was holy on nine sacred calendars and the holiest day of that year. The Star Calendars were not well enough understood at that time to include them, but it can now be added that the sign was also on two major holy star days: Tabernacles (Star) and Begin Summer (Uniform Star), so it was holy on eleven sacred calendars! Tabernacles (S) is especially significant because it represents birth and occurred on the star day named Damsel in Virgo (η Vir, 15 Vir).
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My article reviewed how John the Revelator described a large constellation of a woman he saw in the heavens. She was clothed with the sun with the moon at her feet. That is a clear indication that he was referring to the constellation of the Maiden (Virgo), which is one of the largest constellations. It is in the zodiac circle meaning that both sun and moon traverse her. She is roughly horizontal in their path, so that the sun is found in her clothing once per year as the sun makes its apparent annual journey through the circuit of the zodiac and the moon is found near her feet a few times per year. To have the sun and moon in those positions from the time of Jesus until our day indicates the Feast of Trumpets on the Hebrew Calendar. That feast on the first day of the seventh month symbolizes the seven angels blowing the seven trumpets at the beginning of the Millennium.
So what was it that made the 2017 event so special? It was that the prophecy was about the woman giving birth to a son who would rule the nations. During the 9 months before the 2017 event the planet Jupiter circled right in the womb of the woman, to emerge at the Feast of Trumpets. Jupiter represents God as King, so that was indeed a rare match for the prophesied event.
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The article reviewed two prior similar fulfillments on the Feast of Trumpets. The first was in the autumn preceding the birth of Jesus Christ at Passover of the following year. The second was during the early days of the LDS Church when the saints (church members) held their conference in the place where they believed they had already begun to build the city of Zion. The sign was given in the previous autumn, when the Feast of Trumpets always occurs. The "birth" seemed to be fulfilled at that conference, which was tentatively called the "Birth of the Kingdom of God" in that article.
The article went on to predict, based on those previous examples, that the sign in 2017 would herald (as with trumpets) a rebirth of the Kingdom of God. Joseph's first attempts to found the Kingdom of God failed. The prophecy did, however, say that her son was taken to heaven to protect it from the Dragon. If that was the real birth, then the infant kingdom was removed quickly before the Dragon could devour it.
The article ended predicting that nothing of note would occur on Sat 23 Sep 2017, the day of the sign, but that sometime in the following year, perhaps around Passover as in the other two occurrences, the Kingdom of God might again be officially born.
The sign came and went, the following Passover came and went, and the entire year came and went, and there was no evidence noticed by me of the coming of the kingdom! This author was glad he had not predicted anything more than he had.
Now new evidence suggests that the Kingdom of God was indeed born in the very month that the sign had been given and, although heralded, it went by largely unnoticed.
What is the Kingdom of God? When one is looking for the birth of the Kingdom of God, perhaps one should understand what it is in order to recognize its birth!
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What puzzled me was that the sign of the birth of the Kingdom of God at that time occurred in the autumn of 1832 and apparently heralded the first general conference held in the place they called Zion, near Independence, Missouri. To me it looked like the sign was more about the birth of Zion than it was the organization of the political Kingdom of God.
Recently, the answer to this puzzle seems to have crystalized. In one sense, Zion and the Kingdom of God are nearly synonymous. That is, during the Millennium the city of Zion, the New Jerusalem, will be the capital of the Kingdom of God. So which comes first, Zion or the Kingdom? Is not the first requirement to have a people who are of one heart and one mind (Moses 7:18) who can be called Zion? Is not the first step to have a people actively seeking to build Zion as a community of people who have made a personal covenant with God, who then wish to build the city of Zion, which can then become the capital of the political Kingdom of God?
In other words, the reason the sign of the birth of the Kingdom of God was given in 1832 was that it heralded the community of people who were gathering to the land of Zion in hopes of building the city of the New Jerusalem. That was a decade before an actual council was formed to head up the government of the Kingdom.
Now it seems clear that I had been looking for the wrong type of event to have been noticeable as the birth of the Kingdom of God. If one follows the example of 1832, the event should be to find a people who are covenanting with God to keep the laws of the celestial kingdom, to be of one heart and one mind, and to care for the poor. So what is the Kingdom of God? Clearly one requirement is that it must be formed by people to begin with.
Thus, there must first be a covenant people before any other step can be taken. Then, the most likely second step would be for them to found a city called Zion, as was done in 1831 by Joseph Smith, and then a future step would be to actually organize the political kingdom. That step might await the actual return of the Lord to rule the Kingdom. Apparently the events in the days of Joseph the Seer were only a preliminary attempt which now serves to indicate the pattern of events to be expected.
So now the question becomes, in the year of the great sign of 2017, were there a people somewhere making a covenant offered to them by God, who were looking forward for building a city called Zion?
On Sat 2 Sep 2017 a conference of about 800 was convened in Boise, Idaho, with the express hope for each to make an individual covenant which God had offered them to become a Zion people.[4] Most were looking forward to help build the city of Zion in preparation for the Second Coming. That was held in the very month that the sign was given! This is the only such conference of which this author is aware, so it becomes a candidate to be the fulfillment of the sign which is worth considering in some detail.
The leader of the group was Denver C. Snuffer, Jr., who has already been noted in my articles as a good candidate to be the prophesied "David the Servant" (Ezek. 34:23).[5] That observation was based on his message to bring the saints back more to the teachings of Joseph the Seer, but also because his message came right during the seven year FEAST OF TABERNACLES on the Hebrew Calendar and now continues in that same feast on the Enoch Calendar. That time was indicated because it was the same for Joseph the Seer, except that his Zion was during the week of years called PASSOVER, not TABERNACLES. In fact, the date indicated for the birth of his Zion was on Passover in the year PASSOVER (Enoch), being Sat 6 Apr 1833 at the conference in Zion. In other words, the sacred calendars indicate that David the Servant should have already shown up on the scene by now.
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The covenant was basically to accept the scriptures given by the Lord, including those as accepted by Joseph Smith, meaning not only the Book of Mormon and a version of the revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants as originally given to Joseph, as well has his Inspired Version of the Bible. It did not specify that all possessions be held in common, but only that covenanters should take of the poor among them, as in Enoch's city Zion (Moses 7:18).
Let us now turn to a possible witness of the stars that this conference did indeed represent the birth of the Kingdom of God, even as the conference of 1833, which was only attended by some eighty Church members (DHC 1:336).
On the evening of Sat 2 Sep 2017, a fireside was given at the Covenant Conference which was based on my research in sacred calendars. First, the sign of the woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, was discussed in detail because it would be given just three weeks after the conference. It was emphasized that it most likely heralded either the birth or rebirth of the Kingdom of God, which should be expected during that coming year, perhaps around Passover, just as discussed in my article on the subject.
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The speaker at the fireside had more insight than was in my original article which had identified the Infant as Jesus Christ. He identified the Infant Prince as the Kingdom of God, born of the Church just as Joseph the Seer had explained about Virgo! That makes perfect sense because that constellation is a decan of Virgo, meaning its purpose is to explain that zodiac constellation. In this case, it clarifies that the Maiden (Virgo) is really a queen and that the Seed she holds is really her Infant Prince.
It seems appropriate to quote his words exactly from the conference transcript because his insight surprised me as this article was being prepared. To me it was a new discovery just this week that the Kingdom would be born at that conference. I had awaited for a year for some event like the Council of Fifty to be announced. Referring to my calendar calculations as his source and to an illustration like Figure 5, he stated:
The star for today is this little star in [the infant's] hand.... It represents the beginning of the kingdom of God. This one here [points to the bright star at the heart of the infant] is what represents the heart of the Kingdom of God.... This is not about the birth of Jesus; this is the birth of the Kingdom of God.
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Thus, it now appears that my search for the event which was the actual birth of the Kingdom of God as heralded by the great sign in the heavens prophesied by John the Revelator was not correctly targeted. The required first event for the birth of the Kingdom of God was the creation of a covenant people who could then build Zion and the Kingdom. Thus, it is here proposed that the birth of the Kingdom of God occurred at the Covenant Conference held on the very day of the birth star of the Infant Prince!
On Sat 23 Sep 2017 a sign in the heavens occurred which was apparently the one predicted by John the Revelator. Joseph the Seer said it would herald the birth of the Kingdom of God which would rule the nations during the Millennium. Two similar signs in the past, both on the Hebrew Feast of Trumpets, announced similar events which occurred at Passover in the following year. The first was the birth of Jesus Christ and the second was the birth of Zion at Passover of 1833. My article of Nov 2016 hinted that the actual birth of the Kingdom of God would probably occur during the year following the sign, perhaps again at Passover.
Now that it is more than a full year after the sign was given, in retrospect it appears that the sign heralded the official birth of the Kingdom some three weeks before. The Lord had offered to anyone interested a covenant to become His people, to live His celestial laws, and hopefully to build the city of Zion and the Kingdom of God. This article suggests that for the Kingdom to be born, there must first be a covenant people and that covenant has now been offered and accepted by about a thousand saints at a conference held in Boise, Idaho, on Sun 3 Sep 2017. One witness from the stars that it indeed was the bona fide fulfillment of the prophecy was that it occurred on the holy star day of the Holy Son in the Infant Prince constellation, which represents the newborn Kingdom of God. Thus, it appears that the prophecy in the Book of Revelation has been fulfilled when the covenant from God was accepted, resulting in the birth of the Kingdom of God.