by John P. Pratt
28 Oct 2020, 13 Water (SR), Pounce (US)
©2020 by John P. Pratt. All rights Reserved.
1. Making Earth Like Heaven 2. Vote for God's Laws 2.1 Vote For Life 2.2 Vote For Honesty 2.3 Vote For Constitution 2.4 Vote For Justice 2.5 Vote For Equality 2.6 Vote For Good Records 2.7 Vote for Freedom 3. Vote for Trump 4. Conclusion Notes |
The Lord's Prayer (Mat. 6:9-13) is the example the Savior provided us of the type of requests for which we should pray. After directing the prayer to our Heavenly Father, the first petition is that the Kingdom of God might come. The second is that "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Just exactly what does that request mean? Does it mean that we should wait for the Kingdom of God to arrive before we consider actually making the earth be like heaven? This article considers that question.
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Now let us turn to the Lord's prayer to see what we should be praying for. If it is what we should be praying for, perhaps it is what we should be voting for!
It is proposed here that the second request in the Lord's Prayer is totally separate from the first. If the second request that the Lord's will be done on earth as it is in heaven were suggesting that we await the arrival of the Kingdom of God on earth, then it would be superfluous. That is, of course the Lord's will shall done on earth after the proud and the wicked are burned (Mal. 4:1), and the Lord rules as King of Kings.
So how are we supposed to know what Heavenly Father's will is? Well, for starters, he has given us the Ten Commandments (Exo. 20:3-17), the last few of which prohibit killing, stealing, adultery, and lying have long been part of the laws of the land. After all, Moses holding the Ten Commandments is carved into the face of the Supreme Court building! Should not at least those still be part of our civil system?
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Let's look as some of "God's will" that can be done on earth, for which we can vote in this election, to show that we as a people are not voting against God, and hence worthy of being swept off the land (Ether 2:8)!
Let's consider several laws which are scripturally based as representing the will of Heavenly Father, for which we can vote.
Voting for the rights of the innocent to live used to be supported by nearly every nation. Perhaps the most innocent of all are not only the children, but also the unborn children. To my knowledge, the greatest crime against life of which the USA is guilty is the legalization of abortion by the 1972 Supreme Court case of Roe vs. Wade. Of course, if US citizens were righteous and aware, they would know that this abominable, heinous practice is ungodly. If that had been the case, then there would still be practically no abortions even though the practice was legalized. But now over sixty million legal abortions have been performed, which are about to bring down the wrath of God unless the practice is stopped, or at least again made illegal.
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One can easily check on the honesty of candidates by looking at their past record. Do they keep their campaign promises? The practice of many politicians to break their campaign promises is now so common that it is no longer shocking. When Pres. Obama did the opposite of what he had promised, one commentator excused him by stating that during the elections "he had just been jockeying for position!" Pres. Trump has really been surprisingly successful at keeping his campaign promises despite huge opposition from the so-called "deep state". He is known for being outspoken, even harshly honest, about what he believes, so people know where he stands. Many find that refreshing!
Consider the honesty not only of the presidential candidates, but also of all of your local candidates. Do they keep their promises? And just what are they promising? Are they promising you benefits in order to buy your vote, or are the actually promising to uphold the Constitution, which brings us to the next point.
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Keep in mind that most elected officials need to swear to uphold the Constitution. This has become a joke because so many Democrats are avowed socialists. Neither socialists nor communists should even be allowed to be on the ballot because they are all dedicated to the overthrow of the Constitution, desiring to replace it with socialism or communism. Both of those systems are totally opposed to the concept of a constitutional republic. Hopefully, the reader knows that the USA is designed to be republic, not a democracy. A republic is where people elect their smartest and most righteous people to represent them and let them vote for them on the big issues. The House of Representatives is the nearest thing we have to that now. Our Founding Fathers knew that a democracy can only last about 200 years, at which time they figure out that they can vote themselves the public treasury. As Ben Franklin quipped, "A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what is for lunch!"
The Constitution is almost totally ignored by most candidates at all levels now. That flies in the face of how God help guide the founding in this nation by choosing very wise men, who had studied the governments of Europe in detail, and pinpointed where the problems were. They have been criticized as being farmers who could not undertand today's problems. Not so, they were highly educated in laws throughout history!
Vote to preserve the Constitution!
There are now many propositions and amendments being voted on in this election. When choosing whether to vote affirmative or negative for each, ask yourself whether or not what is being proposed is fair. Does it favor justice or does it favor your special interests. Would Jesus vote for it? If so, why? If not, why?
There are also several local court justices whom we can either vote to keep or reject. Find out the records of each. Many judges are now legislating laws which is completely against the principles of the Constitution. Many now also get paid bonuses for the number of youths they give unusually harsh sentences to. There is much corruption in the system and it is up to the voters to help expose it to the light to remove them from office.
It is also important to vote for the equality of all people in their worth as a person and their rights under the law. "Hate crimes", which make the penality for a crime of one person against another depend on their races or beliefs, do not make them equal under the law. Any law which favors one race or cultural group over another is not equitable and should be avoided. We know that God is no respecter of persons, so we should be likewise and treat all people alike in regards to their lawful rights.
If your congressman is bragging about how much money he brought to your state, having taken it from others, then beware, because that is bad whether true or false. If false it is a lie, which is not a desired trait in your representative. If true, then he is proud of taking from others and buying votes with the proceeds. None of that is fair!
It is fairly easy to check on the voting record of legislators. That is not only a way to determine whether or not they were honest about their preceding campaign promises, but also whether they are voting for Godlike laws. This works for all three branches of government and is so important to know. You can also check on the records of actions of judges, governors, attorney generals, and treasurers, as well as local school board and commissioners.
In our times, it is especially important to vote for those who promote individual freedom. Some governors mandated that people could not peacefully assemble this year because of some over-hyped version of the flu, which violates the First Amendment of the US Constitution. In Phoenix one could be fined for driving alone in his own car without wearing a mask. Think about that!
A standard ploy of socialists and others attempting to overthrow freedom is to cause an emergency and then get citizens to voluntarily give up their rights in exchange for promised security. Once the rights are given up and freedom is lost, then it turns out it was a lie and instead of security one has voluntarily chosen slavery. The Lord has said that it is not right that any man should be in bondage to another (D&C 101:79).
There are many forms of slavery, and in a free country, most slavery is brought about by seducing the victim into to giving it up. Low interest loans in order to get into debt to buy what one cannot afford is perhaps the most common. Drug, tobacco, and video game addictions are similar. Once such a habit is ingrained, it can be very hard to escape from.
As far as elections are concerned, beware of candidates who attempt to seduce voters into choosing them because of promised benefits to the voters.
Another huge point here is that there is a large faction in our government who wants a one-world socialist government. They are often called globalists. If they succeed, they would take freedom away from the entire world! Watch for the buzz words "global citizen", introduced by President Obama. Beware of anyone, even your church, telling you to wear a mask in order to be a "good global citizen". That brings us to the next main point because Pres. Trump has fought the globalists from the beginning of his campaign. He chooses to put "America first!"
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Pres. Trump might appear to be a loose cannon but he has successfully baited the enemy with wild-appearing statements which they have attacked, only to find that he has tricked them into falling into a trap with their own words and actions. Even though the media have opposed the President from all sides, and viciously attacked him with lies and slander, he has been supported by the prayers of many of various faiths, who knows that he loves America and is fighting to save her from the destruction which has befallen so many other countries at the hands of socialists and communists.
President Trump is clearly God's choice to help restore America to its former Christian duty of being a light to the world. If we are praying, as in the Lord's Prayer, to help God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven, then Trump is the man to reelect to be President.
The Lord's Prayer sets the example of praying that our Father in Heaven's will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We know what His will is in many cases because of the many commandments the Lord has given, both in the Ten Commandments as well as the teachings of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.
The United States began as a very religious Christian nation who voted for righteous men who created righteous laws. Moses and the Ten Commandments are enshrined on the Supreme Court building as the example to follow. During the last century the Satanic forces of socialism and communism have been systematically eroding the morals of Americans until Pres. Obama finally announced that the USA is no longer a Christian nation.
It is time to return America to its former position as a Christian light to the world, by electing men and women who will support the Constitution and return to supporting righteous laws such as forbidding abortion.
President Trump has done a remarkable job at thwarting the socialist efforts of the deep state from entirely overthrowing the Constitution and the entire nation. It is time for all God-fearing voters to rise up in support of God's laws and President Trump to help America be more like a heaven on earth, as taught by the Savior in His example prayer to Heavenly Father!