by John P. Pratt
2 Jan 2021, 1 Eagle (SR), Tabernacles (UE), Trumpets (US), 1 Birth (M)
©2021 by John P. Pratt. All rights Reserved.
1. Space Shuttle Destroyed 2. Canola Oil 3. Autism 4. Mitt Romney 5. BYU Submerged 6. Barack & FEMA 7. Mauricio Berger 8. Conclusion Notes |
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This boy grew up in an LDS home in Utah, so he was familiar with the Book of Mormon and knew that it had been translated from gold plates and that most of those plates remained sealed to come forth at a future date. One of the prophecies inspired him that he should be looking for the coming forth of those sealed plates. Later he was given some precise information about just who would bring forth the new translation of those plates, who would witness them, and where this would happen. He now feels it is important to testify of these prophecies of over forty years ago, because he has seen them be fulfilled in the claims of Mauricio Berger of Brazil of having translated the first few sealed plates.[2]
Before looking at his prophecies about the gold plates, let us consider some of the other prophecies, to see how through the years, as he has seen them fulfilled, he changed from thinking they were nonsense to realizing that they were inspired and now apparently are all being fulfilled. The order of the following prophecies from his website are in the order of being fulfilled. All of these prophecies were spoken to him by a spiritual voice when he was seven years old in 1979.
Johnny had a dream that he should tell people that the government would blow up the Space Shuttle. That really surprised him, as he already had heard much about the Space Shuttle. It was originally scheduled to launch in March 1979, about the time of the dream, so he did not question what those words meant.
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The launch was delayed for two years; the first Space Shuttle was launched on Sun 12 Apr 1981. The first launch occurred perfectly, so Johnny thought that maybe the prophecy was wrong. He prayed, saying that the shuttle did not blow up. Again he was told, "Tell the people the government is going to blow up the Space Shuttle." He then asked in his prayer, "What evidence is there?" The response came, "They will make the students watch it in school. This is the smoking gun."
As the years went by, the launches were often and became commonplace, only making the evening news, but no longer an event for all to watch. Then came the tenth flight of the Challenger, which came after some fifty space shuttle flights. It was highly advertised as taking the first ordinary citizen into space, who was a school teacher, so all school children were watching the launch live on Tue 28 Jan 1986, nearly seven years after Johnny had received the prophecy. It is estimated that 17% of the entire nation witnessed the launch on live television, and 85% of Americans heard the news within an hour of the event.[3] Thus, Johnny saw the sign of this prophecy fulfilled, and began to believe the other strange prophecies he had received during 1979.
Also in 1979, Johnny had what he describes as a "day dream".
He saw black oil spewing from Canada, as though it were on a map. It was followed by the distinct impression that it was the government trying to kill us!
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On his website, he states on the page about this prophecy, "Canola oil is poisonous. It is sponsored by the American government in an effort to kill citizens of the United States."
In order to see why he might believe this, let us look at the history of Canola Oil. First of all, originally the name was a name trademarked in 1978, being short for "Canada Oil, Low Acid." It is produced from a little seed in the turnip family. It has been used for a century or so to lubricate ships and steam engines. The industry in Canada grew during World War II when the oil was needed for the many U.S. ships. After the war, demand for it plummeted, so a program was started to breed a new variety edible by humans. The problem with humans consuming it was that it caused fibrotic lesions of the heart.
Here is how Canola oil got marketed as a healthy oil. In the 1970's the cooking industry had been promoting polyunsaturated oils as healthy alternative to "artery-clogging" saturated fats, but late in that decade it became clear that such corn oil and soybean oil caused heart disease and cancer. Thus, the market needed a new low-cost product, because both of the industrial saturated and unsaturated fat oils caused health problems!
The solution was monounsaturated fat oil, such as extra virgin olive oil. But that is too expensive and can only be produced in small amounts. Enter Canola on the scene! Even though it had never been proven safe, the Canadian government reportedly spent $50,000,000 to get it approved by the Food and Drug Administration. In 1995 a genetically engineered variety of Canola oil was introduced to be resistant to the herbicide RoundUp. Today about 90% of Canola oil is the genetically modified variety.[4]
Once during the day, Johnny saw in his mind the periodic table "Au" which he knew was the symbol for the metal gold. Then he saw "ism" and he was puzzled. What could "gold-ism" mean?
As he thought about that question he saw a man gloating that he had caused it. He worked at the University of Illinois. He could see on a map exactly where the man was, and that he was proud of what he had accomplished. He saw that it was something very ominous and threatening.
At the time, Johnny could not understand what it meant, but years later with his medical background, he realized that it must have referred to autism.
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I have read about research into the possible causes of autism. The rates of autistic children born is growing at a terrifying rate, but the cause remains unclear. Many have proposed that autism is caused by vaccines, especially those containing thimerosal, which contains the poison mercury. Autism was virtually unknown before the introduction of thimerosal into vaccines. While doing research for this article, it was found that thimerosal had a patent filed for it by a chemist at the University of Maryland, whereas no connection was found to the University of Illinois.[5]
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To me, the evidence that autism is indeed linked to childhood vaccines, but not necessarily to thimerosal, is that there is now mounting evidence that many toddlers who were not born with autism, but appeared to be perfectly normal, suddenly became autistic immediately after receiving a vaccination. There are statistical methods for determining whether or not such cases are simply due to random chance or whether a cause and effect is implied. For example, are there just as many infants who suddenly get autism just before getting the vaccination? For that matter, how many children develop autism who have never received any vaccination? I have seen videos about studies of unvaccinated children, which show negligible autism in them! Such research could be conclusive in determining if there is indeed a link of vaccinations to autism.
It is not clear to me at this time whether there is any connection of autism to the University of Illinois. It appears to be left for future research to discover if this day vision of a young lad does indeed explain the origin of autism. Until reading this prophecy, I had believed that autism was an unfortunate side effect of vaccinations, which, if so, would later cause the inventor to mourn having caused so much grief. Instead, Johnny saw that the inventor gloated over having caused autism, which introduces another level of maliciousness to be considered.
Now we come to one of Johnny's predictions which is most interesting and profound, as it apparently pertains to the judgment of God of the United States as a nation.
Johnny saw a baseball glove and a picture of Marion G. Romney, who was in the Presidency of the LDS Church and well-known to him. He knew he was supposed to put the two images together to form a name, as in a rebus puzzle (see illustration).
When he tried to solve the puzzle, all he could come up with was "Mit Romney". He concluded that must be wrong because no one would name their son after a baseball glove!
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If the people chose evil, Johnny saw that the consequence would be that a large black tidal wave that looked like tar started in the east coast of the United States and covered the entire continent, ending on the west coast. It covered people so they could not move. It seemed about 30 feet high. He remembers being terrified thinking, "I can't swim!"
It was easy to recognize the election when it came in 2012. One candidate was Barack Obama, who had already been president for four years. Everyone could see that he had done the opposite of what he had promised. He was a card-carrying socialist bent on destroying the Constitution. Moreover, he declared on Mon 6 Apr 2009 that the USA was no longer a Christian nation.
On the other hand (the right hand), Mitt Romney was publicly known to most as the squeaky-clean Mormon who had stepped in and saved the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City. The opposing presidential campaign against him did not try to smear him or portray him as evil because no one would have believed it, whereas Barack Obama clearly was evil. Never had an election in the United States presented such a clear-cut choice of candidates.
The majority of the people clearly chose evil! The Electoral College vote was 332 for Obama and 206 for Romney. There was no big dispute about voting fraud as is currently still underway in the 2020 presidential election. The voice of the people had spoken clearly.
So what is it that the black tidal wave consequence might represent, which makes everyone become immovable? Has not the entire nation been immovable for nearly a year, being quarantined at home and not allowed to congregate nor to travel? Did it not start in the eastern USA, with New York being the first state to report a substantial number of cases? To me, this curse of government executive orders to close down whole businesses because of fear of something similar to the usual annual flu, appears to be the most probable fulfillment of this prophecy! In other words, our current situation is being caused by the evil government which we have elected in the past.
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Johnny dreamed he was in a lake, and there was a man with him. The man asked him what he saw. He replied, "I see BYU under water." He saw some tan buildings protruding out of the water. Then the man commanded him to testify of what he saw! To me, that is one of the definitions of a "prophet" as opposed to someone who is simply getting an answer to his own prayers. Johnny was not praying about this at all; it came as a complete surprise to him. And then, he was indeed commanded to testify of this event. Hence, in order to testify, he posted this dream on a website, and I am helping him spread the word by relating the warning in this article.
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This is a prophetic dream which has not yet been fulfilled. Several other visionaries, however, have also seen great quantities of water flooding Salt Lake Valley and Utah Valley, where Provo is located. For example, one night I picked up a Native American who was walking all the way from a hospital visit in Salt Lake City, returning to his home in Ft. Duchesne, Utah. I told him I had recently moved from the valleys of the Wasatch Front (mountains on east side of both Salt Lake and Utah Valleys) to Duchesne. He simply said, "Good!" I asked him why it was good. He simply replied, "Deep water!"
It is known that there are huge underground aquifers in Utah which contain vast amounts of water, which span most of western Utah, including Salt Lake and Utah Valleys. Moreover, both valleys are in high earthquake danger areas. Provo could be seriously flooded by an earthquake damaging Deer Creek Dam, which would be much worse if the Jordanelle Dam higher up also gave way. Time will tell.
Later in that same year of 1979, Johnny decided to perform a test to see whether or not he truly had a gift. He asked the question, "Who are the enemies of the United States?" He thought he knew the answer, so he felt that this question would test the authenticity of the source. He expected to see a red flag, like that of a communist country, or see the word "Communism".
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Then he saw a second word: "FEMA", in all capital letters. That also was meaningless to him. He thought that perhaps his mother could shed light on the subject, because it sounded like some kind of women's organization. That is, "FEMA" sounds like "female". However, she had no idea what the letters meant.
Thus, especially since the earlier prophecy about Mitt Romney, there is no doubt that Barack Obama was the presidential candidate who represented evil. Now, as a grown man, Johnny has concluded that "FEMA and Barack are our enemies!"
Finally, we come to the prophecy referenced in the title of this article. At this point, it is necessary to give Johnny's full name: He is John Calvin Pratt, my son. Before continuing, I feel the need to state that, while I knew of the above prophecies because they were on his website, before Sun 20 Dec 2020 I had no knowledge of the prophecies contained in this section. In his entire life he had never shared them with me until that recent date!
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This incident caused him to reflect on the need to be watching for the coming forth of the sealed portion of the golden plates, for he had been taught that most of the plates were still sealed, with the translation only to come forth at a future date. He felt a strong need to be on the lookout for any sign of the sealed plates coming forth!
One day while he was pondering this, his inner voice asked him, "What if his name is Mauricio? What if he lives in Brazil?"
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Now, for those who have never heard of those names, nor of a recent translation of the initial part of the sealed Plates of Mormon, here is a brief summary. A Brazilian man named Mauricio Berger was given the gold plates by Angel Moroni to translate into both English and Portuguese. The English translation was published on Tue 26 Mar 2019. I read it during that May and wrote a positive book review about it. That led to me being invited to speak at a conference in Brazil on Sat 16 Nov 2019,[6] after which I was invited to become a witness of the gold plates![7] Thus, all four elements of my son's prophecies were fulfilled: the man's two names, Brazil, and my becoming a witness of the plates!
This led my son to conclude that "Mauricio Berger is a true prophet of God, called of God." I asked him to write a brief summary of his prophecies in an affidavit, swearing to their truth, which he did. That text is included here so that it can be easily translated, with the original digitally reproduced in the illustration below.
To whom it may concern:
As a young boy, I received several prophecies of the future, many of which were unbelievable. For example, I was told that the government would blow up the space shuttle. I remember one day seeing a picture of a baseball glove followed a picture of Marion G. Romney, and I was supposed to associate the two, and I thought, "that's ridiculous. No one names their child Mit!".
One day, my father and my mother were arguing. I turned to my father and almost said this: "Don't you know that you are supposed to be a witness to the gold plates?" I didn't actually say it because it was preposterous — that was impossible, and I knew it. Why would I say that?
Several other experiences also occurred, some of which I would like to share now. I remember thinking that we (me and all church members) should be looking diligently for the coming forth of the sealed Book of Mormon. And I remember this phrase: "and what if his name is Mauricio? What if he lives in Brazil?"
I thought, well, I would accept that for sure — I would be aware and looking for it. I was perhaps the age of 8. I also remember the name "Burger", and I thought that this was unacceptable — no one has that name. I look back on these experiences, and I must conclude that Mauricio Berger is a true prophet, called of God.
Sworn this day by affidavit:
[signed:] John C. Pratt
John C. Pratt, son of John P. Pratt
December 24, 2020
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The prophecies most relevant to the current times were that his father would someday become a witness of the Plates of Mormon, from which the Book of Mormon were translated. That caused him to decide to keep watching for some of the sealed plates to be translated and be published. As he contemplated that, his spiritual voice asked him if he would believe if they came forth from Brazil from a man named Mauricio? When he replied that he felt he would accept them anyway, then he was asked, "What if his last name were Burger?", which John felt might be too hard to believe.
Now a translation of some of the first of those unsealed plates has come forth as The Sealed Book, which was indeed translated by a seer named Mauricio Berger from Brazil. Moreover, I have become an eyewitness of the gold plates. This fulfills exactly what he was told at age seven, so he has now signed an affidavit, swearing that the above predictions were indeed given to him at age seven. A digital reproduction of that affidavit is included in this article.
He concludes that "Mauricio is a true prophet, called of God."