by John P. Pratt
3 Aug 2021
©2021 by John P. Pratt. All rights reserved.
1. Branch Founded 2. Presiding Bishop Ordained 3. Revelation Published 4. Conclusion Notes |
On Wed 3 Aug 1831 the Prophet Joseph Smith dedicated the site for a future temple to be built in Zion, that is, Jackson County, Missouri.[1] Today is the 190th anniversary of that event, and this article announces that recently progress is again being made toward the building that city, the New Jerusalem, the capital city from which the law shall go forth in the Millennium (Isa. 2:3). Indeed, that had already begun to happen when the new law contained in The Sealed Book was published there.[2]
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On Sat 10 Jul 2021, the Center Place Branch was founded in Independence, Missouri, by Elder Samuel Gould, an apostle in this Church. Rex Hayden was elected to preside over the branch, with Fred Pement as his assistant, and Renee Whitefield as branch secretary. The branch consists of eleven local founding members,[4], but several visitors were also present, and many church members participated via video conferencing. An official document which had been prepare by Elder Gould was signed by the founding members present, which stated:
"We the undersigned, with the earnest desires of our hearts, have voluntarily committed to faithfully execute our duties as members and officers as directed in the accepted revelations of God and accept as the General Authorities of this Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for spiritual directions as they walk in all righteousness before God."
One interesting point to note is that there were present those who had been members of the three principal branches which split off from the church founded by Joseph Smith. For example, Elder Gould is from the Church of Christ (Temple Lot), Bishop Robert Cackler and his wife Melva, who is the president of the Fountain of Living Waters (Relief Society), are from the Zarahemla Branch of what was formerly the Reorganized LDS Church, and Lynn Lefgren, who was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church on that day, is from the LDS Church based in Utah. It has been revealed that these three churches are represented by the three trees which symbolicly adorn the temple lot as prophesied in Isaiah 60:13. Now members from each of these churches have joined together to found the new branch in the same city as temple lot!
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A revelation received some months ago by President Berger was fulfilled on that same day, shortly after the official founding of the new branch of the Church. It explicitly called Robert Cackler to be ordained to be the Presiding Bishop of the Church, and that he should be ordained by Samuel Gould. Brother Gould is an apostle of the Lord who was ordained by Joseph Fredrick Smith on Sat 6 Apr 2019, which appears to be the official date of the rebirth of this Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Two of the other apostles, who had been ordained with Samuel, now also assisted in the ordination on this momentous occasion. They were his brother Peter Gould and Tyler Crowell who also laid their hands on Robert's head and each gave him a blessing. Both Samuel and Tyler are two of the original eight witnesses from Missouri who were allowed to view the sacred Plates of Mormon, with their testimony recorded in the beginning of The Sealed Book. Kelvin Henson, another of the original eight witnesses and a founding member of this branch, was also called in the revelation of the Lord to be the Assistant Presiding Bishop, but he was unable to attend to be ordained on this occasion.
These three apostles also each gave a blessing to Sister Melva Cackler to be a support to her husband in his new calling. It was a joyous occasion and an important milestone in the founding of Zion. Another recent revelation explained that even though the United Order had been started in April 2020, that the official version needed to be administered in Independence, Missouri by the new Presiding Bishop. That beginning of the Order last year followed immediately after a revelation which was published during the general conference that month,[5] which announced that the time had come to officially found the Order.
On Tue 29 Jun 2021, my recent article was published[6] about how the definition of the basis on which tithing is calculated has changed in the LDS Church from being "interest" to "income". It also noted that when a new member first joins the Church, they are supposed to give all their surplus property to the Church (D&C 119:1-3), which has not been followed by any of the branches of the restoration.
That same evening, the subject came up in a meeting of the general authorities of this Church, concerning both that payment of all surplus properties as well as what each of us thought the basis should be on which the tithing is calculated. We come from various branches of the restoration, with the LDS, Temple Lot, and Zarahemla branches all represented. It was clear that none of us knew with certainty exactly what the Lord expected, so the meeting closed with a resolution being unanimously approved to have President Berger pray for a revelation to clarify this subject.
To our delight, Brother Mauricio received the requested revelation using the interpreter stones, which was so lengthy that it took three consecutive nights to receive, from Wed 30 June to 2 July. The revelation comprises about seven pages and discusses in detail the tithing which was required in the days of Moses, showing the similarity to what He requires tithing to be used for in our day (D&C 119:2).
The revelation also provides much detail about the law of consecration as implemented in the United Order. The revelation quotes several verses on the subject from the Acts of the Three Nephites in The Sealed Book, and then explains in more detail exactly what He requires today. One important point is that tithing, which is an eternal law in the Church as a minimum donation, is calculated on one's "interest", also called "surplus" or "excess". That is how the law was initially interpreted as discussed in my article already noted. All members have the option to join the United Order at the 10% level, but it is not the same 10% as tithing. For the law of consecration, the 10% is calculated on all property owned, including cars and homes. One can then begin to increase the percentage, as long as one is giving freely out of love for others and the desire to ease their burdens, until one is at the 100% level. At that point, one has arrived at the point to join the Order of Enoch, prepared to have all things in common, as will be required in the city of Zion, the New Jerusalem (D&C 105:3-5).
One important point concerns an important difference between our day and earlier times, such as the times of the Nephites. The revelation points out that when they lived the full law of consecration, having no poor among them, they did not actually give up all of their profits, but had it ready to give relief to others in the case of a major disaster. In our day, it is known that calamities, pestilences, and huge destructions are coming in the near future, so there is now a need to prepare cities of refuge now to give relief when the tribulations come. The comparison is made to Noah building the ark. The Lord did not build it for him, but instead he was required to make huge sacrifices of time and money to build the ark. Similarly, we are being called upon now to build cities of refuge while there is still time.
An introductory article to the revelation, as well as the full text of the revelation have just been published on the Church's official website on Sun 1 Aug 2021. Both are now being published today on this website along with this article[7] It is highly recommended to study them carefully.
In conclusion, the work of the Second Invitation is progressing well. A new branch of the Reborn LDS Church has been opened in Independence, Missouri, a Presiding Bishop has been ordained there, and an important new revelation has been received which explains details about both tithing and the law of consecration which are now clear. Glory be to God!