Adam and Eve's Posterity

by John P. Pratt (Current version, not the 1968 version)

                       |     |
                 Enoch_|     |_Mehujael_
                |                      |
                |                      |_Methusael_
                |                                  |
          _Cain_|                                  |_Lamech_
         | d.~ 600                                          |
         |                                                  |
         |__Abel___                             __Mahalaleel__
         | d. < 129                            | b.  395      |
         |                                     | d. 1290    | |_Jared->
_Adam__  |                                     |            |   b.  460
b. 0   | |__(f)__                              |__Enan___   |   d. 1422
d. 930 |_|                                     |            |
       | |                        ___Cainan____|__Mered__   |  __Jabal__
Eve(f)_| |__(f)__                | b.  325     |            |_|
         |                       | d. 1235     |__Adah_(f)__| |__Jubal__
         |                       |             |            |
         |__(f)__    ____Enos____|             |            |  _Tubal-cain
         |          | b.  235                  |_Zillah_(f)_|_|
         |          | d. 1140                                 |_Naamah_(f)
           b.  130
           d. 1042
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Cain, Abel, Gen. 4:1-2
Adam and Eve had three daughters, Jash. 1:12
Adam, Seth - Jared, (dates), Gen. 5:3-20
Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalallel, Jared: Jash. 2:1,2,10,15, 37, respectively
Cain - Lamech, Gen. 4:17-18
Adah, Zillah, sons, Gen. 4:19-22
Cain's death when Tubal Cain was grown, and he was born when Zillah very old; Jash. 2:23-28
Cainan's family, Jash. 2:16